Pokemon Go Reveals Astral Eclipse Event Introducing Solgaleo and Lunala

Pokemon Go is a popular AR game based on the popular Pokemon franchise. Recently, they had their Greedy Gluttons event, through which they introduced Guzzlord. However, players should get excited now since the Ultra Beasts Arrival event is going live next week, bringing all the interdimensional Pokemon together.
Alongside the Ultra Beasts, Cosmic Pokemon are introduced to the popular AR title through the Astral Eclipse event. This event will start on November 23rd and continue till November 28th. Two powerful Pokemon will be introduced – Solgaleo, the Sunne Pokemon, and Lunala, the Moone Pokemon, both of which are popular from the presence of Pokemon Sun and Moon.
During their Season of Light event, Niantic had previously revealed that they would focus on Cosmog for an upcoming couple of months. Last month, players could evolve Cosmog into Cosmoem during the Evolving Stars event. Now, they can evolve Cosmoem into either Solgaleo or Lunala using 100 Candy during the current event.
There are many other rewards in store, which players can obtain through the Field Research tasks, where they will be rewarded with an encounter with Starmie. Collection Challengers, on the other hand, will reward players with a tonne of Stardust. The developers have also added event-specific items to the in-game shop, such as Solgaleo Mask and Shoes, Lunala Wings and Pants, and Galaxy Socks. If you are a Pokemon Go enthusiast, this event is not something you should miss!