Tower of Fantasy – New Simulacrum Alyss and Icarus Skills and Abilities Revealed

Tower of Fantasy, the shared open-world RPG that has seen the attention of many players as a “Genshin-killer” is in news another time for their new Simulacrum additions. Tower of Fantasy is nearing it’s half-year anniversary and it’s expected to do a massive event that will offer lucrative rewards to the players. This update is expected to drop somewhere after Version 2.3. It is also confirmed that 2 new Simulacrums – Alyss and Icarus will be making their way to the global version of Tower of Fantasy. Alyss is confirmed to be launching on 2nd February 2023 while the release date for Icarus is still unknown. We have compiled a complete list of their skills and abilities in the sections below.
Alyss – New SSR Simulacrum
Alyss is an SSR Ice elemental Simulacrum who is listed as a DPS type in the game. She is the incarnation of the weapon “Immortal Wings”. In this section, we will enlist the various skills, passives, and awakening traits Alyss has while explaining each of them in real-time combat.
Alyss Skills and Passives
Alyss’s basic attacks like a majority of other Tower of Fantasy Simulacrum are divided into 8 types of attacks – Normal/ Basic Attack, Jump Attack, Double Attack, Jump Hold Attack, Normal Hold Attack, Dodge Attack, and Dodge Hold Attack, and Dodge. All of these attacks can further be used in combination to perfect their execution and deal more damage in a lesser amount of time. These moves can be combined as well to give rise to ultra-powerful combos that deal huge damage.
Swan Arch (Normal/Basic Attack)
While on the ground, attack 5 times with Immortal Wings.
- Deal damage equal to 101.3% of ATK + 5 and small knockback.
- Deal damage equal to 107.3% of ATK + 6 and big knockback
- Deal damage equal to 116.4% of ATK + 6 and small knockback.
- Deal damage equal to 141.8% of ATK + 7 and suspend the target.
- Deal damage equal to 241.5% of ATK + 13 and launch the target.
Aerial Attack (Jump Attack)
While in the air, attack 5 times, consuming stamina.
- Deal damage equal to 72.1% of ATK + 4.
- Deal damage equal to 65.6% of ATK + 3.
- Deal damage equal to 115.8% of ATK + 6.
- Deal damage equal to 131.1% of ATK + 7.
- Deal damage equal to 343.9% of ATK + 18 to the target and knock them down.
Flash Dance (Double Attack)
While using Swan Arc, press and hold the basic attack button to gather targets and deal 506.5% of ATK + 27 damage, with the last hit strongly suspending targets and deals 95% of ATK + 5 damage.
Passive: After successfully performing any weapon skill or entering Latent Configuration for 4 seconds, become immune to damage during the next Flash Dance
Flash Dance (Jump Hold Attack)
Hold attack while in the air (when there is a valid target), climbing, reverse jump attacking, or gliding to trigger a plunge attack that consumes stamina. During the descent, each hit deals 95% of ATK + 5 damage to targets.
Waltz (Normal Hold Attack)
Press and hold basic attack to spin, dealing 167.2% of ATK + 9 damage, gaining immunity to control effects while consuming stamina. The last hit will deal 190% of ATK + 10 damage
Dancer Form (Dodge Hold Attack)
After a backwards dodge, attack 3 times to deal up to 958% of ATK +50, with the first hit strongly suspending targets.
Latent Configuration (Dodge Attack)
Press and hold dodge to enter the Latent Configuration, continuously consuming stamina and increasing movement speed by 50%. While inside the Cold Field, increase movement speed by an additional 50%. When you leave the transformation, deal 492.1% of ATK + 26 damage and freeze enemies for 2 seconds.
Dodge right before getting hit to trigger a Phantasia, cooldown 15 seconds, reducing the speed of enemies within an area. Become immune to hitstun for 0.5 seconds while dodging.
Fully charged weapons will freeze the target for 2 seconds and leave it frostbitten for 6 seconds. Breaking the ice shell causes additional damage equal to 151.00% of ATK. While frostbitten, the target’s weapon charge rate is reduced by 50%.
Frost Reaction (WEAPON PASSIVE)
Increase frost ATK by 20% and frost resistance by 40%. Activate by equipping 2 or more frost weapons. This set effect also works with weapons in the off-hand slot. Effect does not stack with Frost Resonance.
Cold Field (1st Active Ability)
Pull in nearby enemies and deal 982.5% of ATK + 52 damage and strongly suspend enemies, cooldown 25 seconds. Enter a Cold Field for 30 seconds and gain immunity to control effects while casting the skill.
Passive: Using a Frost weapon’s discharge skill in the Cold Field deals 262.1% of ATK + 14 Frostbite damage and slow targets for 2 seconds (does not apply to bosses). In the field, Immortal Wings’ basic and charged attacks will create a Space Fracture every 12 hits, dealing 270% of ATK + 14 damage 1 time to targets in the area every 2 seconds, for 25 seconds (will stop when the Field disappears).
Night of the White Star (Weapon Discharge Skill)
When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, switch to this weapon to clear all debuffs from the user and deal 727.9% of ATK + 38 damage and strongly suspend the target. During the discharge animation, become immune to damage for 2.6 seconds (does not take effect in Apex League).
Alyss Awakening Traits
Awakening Traits are unlocked for all Simulacrums when you gift them their most valuable possessions. After gifting, the Simulacrum gets Recollection points as a form of reward. These Recollection points provide you with advancements after reaching a certain threshold. Here are the advancements for Alyss:
- Trait Number 1 (Unlocks at 1200 Awakening) – After successfully casting a weapon skill, gain 13% final damage boost for 12 seconds.
- Trait Number 2 (Unlocks at 4000 Awakening) – After successfully casting a weapon skill, gain 18% final damage boost for 18 seconds. If Immortal Wings is advanced to 1 star, receive Alyss’ support when using Physical/Flame/Volt weapon skill while inside the Cold Field. Alyss will cast her discharge skill and then the weapon skill that triggered Alyss’ support. This will be considered as using a discharge skill, triggering effects activated by discharge.
Alyss Advancements
To advance any weapon, players need to obtain fusion cores for the same weapon. The catch is that the fusion cores can only be accessed by summoning a duplicate of the weapon from the gacha recruitment banners. Players can also get 1 copy of the weapon from the Weapon Store after obtaining at least 1 copy of Alyss. Alyss’s advancements are as follows: –
1st Advancement (A1)
Using a frost weapon’s skill while inside Cold Field will activate Alyss’ support. Alyss will cast her discharge skill and then the weapon skill that triggered Alyss’ support. This will be considered as using a discharge skill, triggering effects activated by discharge.
2nd Advancement (A2)
Increase the current weapon’s base ATK growth by 16%.
3rd Advancement (A3)
Every time Night of the White Star is triggered, gain Alyss’ aid, increasing Night of the White Star’s and Frostbite damage by 30% for 12 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.
4th Advancement (A4)
Increase the current weapon’s base ATK growth by 32%.
5th Advancement (A5)
Increase Immortal Wing’s basic attack and Space Fracture damage by 50%. When taking fatal damage, receive Alyss’ protection one time, resisting the hit and becomming immune to damage for a short time, cooldown 60 seconds.
6th Advancement (A6)
When Alyss’ aid reaches 3 stacks, increase frost damage by 15%.
Alyss Matrice Recommendations
Let’s check out the Matrices that are recommended to be used for Alyss: –
Alyss (4-Set Matrice) – Unleashing a discharge skill with Immortal Wings grants a 12%/13.5%/15%/17% damage boost for 18 seconds, stacking up to 2 times. Lose 1 stack when the buff expires. This effect works in the background, and if multiple sets are used, the highest star set will take effect. Stamina consumption is reduced by 50% during Latent Configuration.
Shiro (4-Set Matrice) – Upon entering battle, gain a 20%/25%/30%/35% damage boost for 35 seconds. Reset 5 seconds after exiting battle.
Icarus – New SSR Simulacrum
Icarus is an SSR Ice elemental Simulacrum who is listed as a DPS type in the game. He is the incarnation of the weapon “Fractured Light”. In this section, we will enlist the various skills, passives, and awakening traits Icarus has while explaining each of them in real-time combat.
Icarus Skills and Passives
Icarus’s basic attacks like a majority of other Tower of Fantasy Simulacrum are divided into 7 types of attacks – Normal/ Basic Attack, Jump Attack, Double Attack, Jump Hold Attack, Dodge Attack, and Dodge Hold Attack, and Dodge. All these attacks can further be used in combination to perfect their execution and deal more damage in a lesser amount of time.
Cold Eclipse (Normal/Basic Attack)
While on the ground, tap the attack button to attack up to 5 times.
- Deal damage equal to 185.3% of ATK + 10 and knockback.
- Deal damage equal to 215.7% of ATK + 11 and knockback
- Deal damage equal to 352.3% of ATK + 19 and suspend the target.
- Deal damage equal to 543.4% of ATK + 29 and knockback.
- Deal damage equal to 367.7% of ATK + 19 and launch the target in air.
Vanish (Jump Hold Attack)
While in the air, attack 5 times, consuming stamina.
- Deal damage equal to 218.5% of ATK + 12.
- Deal damage equal to 262.2% of ATK + 14.
- Deal damage equal to 410.8% of ATK + 22.
- Deal damage equal to 568.1% of ATK + 30.
- Deal damage equal to 552.9% of ATK + 29 and launch the target.
Stab (Double Attack)
While on the ground, press and hold the attack button during a basic attack to trigger stab, dealing 570% of ATK + 30 damage.
Steep (Jump Attack)
Press and hold the attack button in the air, climbing, or gliding to trigger steep. Deal 95% of ATK + 5 damage per hit while falling and upon landing deal 570% of ATK + 30 and knock down targets.
Snow (Dodge Hold Attack)
Press the attack button while dodging and moving in a direction to trigger snow, dealing 269.2% of ATK + 14 damage to nearby targets.
Number 9 (Dodge Attack)
Press the attack button while dodging to trigger number 9 for a short time, dealing 269.2% of ATK + 14 damage to nearby targets.
Dodge right before getting hit to trigger a Phantasia, cooldown 15 seconds, reducing the speed of enemies within an area. Become immune to hitstun for 0.5 seconds while dodging.
Fully charged weapons will freeze the target for 2 seconds and leave it frostbitten for 6 seconds. Breaking the ice shell causes additional damage equal to 151.00% of ATK. While frostbitten, the target’s weapon charge rate is reduced by 50%.
Frost Resonance (PASSIVE)
Increase frost ATK by 20% and frost resistance by 40%. Activate by equipping 2 or more frost weapons. This set effect also works with weapons in the off-hand slot. Effect does not stack with Frost Reaction (Frost Resonance will take precendence).
Elemental Mastery
Increase final damage by 2.5% for every element equipped. This effect works in the background.
Deals up to 1,950% of ATK + 103 and spawns two superspeed yo-yos that move in fixed patterns within an area. Inside the skill area, enemies’ movement speed is reduced by 50% (does not affect bosses or players). Cooldown 60 seconds.
The superspeed yo-yos move in cycles; during each cycle (initially 4 seconds), the yo-yos move through the center of the skill area about 4 times. The yo-yos deal 100% of ATK + 5 damage to enemies in their paths and last 70 seconds. Using Desolate Day again will refresh the positions of the yo-yos and the skill duration (cooldown 4 seconds).
While casting Desolate Day, gain 50% damage reduction and recover 5% of your max HP (not affected by healing or healing received effects). The damage reduction and healing are disabled in Apex League.
Quiet (2nd Active Ability)
Using Language of Ice grants up to 2 uses of Quiet, which can only be used while Desolate Day is on cooldown. Deal 1,300% of ATK + 68 damage. While casting Quiet, gain 50% damage reduction and recover 5% of your max HP (not affected by healing or healing received effects); the damage reduction and healing are disabled in Apex League.
While under Fortitude Resonance, casting Quiet will taunt nearby enemies and grant 1 stack of a shield, up to 3 stacks, lasting 20 seconds. The shield durability equals the sum of your 5 resistance stats. When the shield is completely consumed or when shield stacks overflow, deal damage equal to the shield durability * 200% damage.
While under Benediction Resonance, casting Quiet against enemies with 95% or higher of its max HP deals 8% of its max HP as damage (does not affect players). This damage is not affected by damage boosting and reducing effects.
Language of Ice (Weapon Discharge Skill)
When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, switch to this weapon to clear all debuffs from the user and deal 1,662.5% of ATK + 88 damage to nearby targets and launch them. During the discharge animation, become immune to damage for 2.6 seconds (does not take effect in Apex League).
Icarus Awakening Traits
Awakening Traits are unlocked for all Simulacrums when you gift them their most valuable possessions. After gifting, the Simulacrum gets Recollection points as a form of reward. These Recollection points provide you with advancements after reaching a certain threshold. Here are the advancements for Icarus:
- 1st Awakening Trait (Unlocks at 1200 Awakening) – Increase final damage by 10% while Fractured Light is equipped, and increase shatter by 20% while using Fractured Light.
- 2nd Awakening Trait (Unlocks at 4000 Awakening) – Increase final damage by 15% while Fractured Light is equipped, and increase shatter by 45% while using Fractured Light.
Icarus Advancements
To advance any weapon, players need to obtain fusion cores for the same weapon. Players need to summon these fusion cores by obtaining a duplicate of the Simulacrum from the gacha system. Players can also get 1 copy of the weapon from the Weapon Store after obtaining at least 1 copy of Icarus. Icarus’s advancements are as follows: –
1st Advancement (A1)
Using any weapon’s skill will cause the speeding yo-yos to resonate, dealing 30% of your missing HP as damage to nearby targets (minimum 70% of max ATK, maximum 3,000% of max ATK) using the current weapon’s element.
Using any weapon’s discharge will cause the speeding yo-yos to modulate, dealing 20% of your max HP as damage to nearby targets (maximum 2,000% of max ATK) using the current weapon’s element.
2nd Advancement (A2)
Increase the current weapon’s base ATK growth by 16%.
3rd Advancement (A3)
When casting Desolate Day, speeding yo-yos can trigger 12 seconds of extreme speed: increase speeding yo-yos’ speed by 80%, damage by 60%, and its hits deal short-range AoE damage.
4th Advancement (A4)
Increase the current weapon’s base HP growth by 32%.
5th Advancement (A5)
Increase damage of speeding yo-yos and Quiet by 50%.
6th Advancement (A6)
Increase final damage by 10% while speeding yo-yos are active.
Icarus Matrice Recommendations
Let’s check out the Matrices that are recommended to be used for Icarus: –
Icarus (2-Set Matrice) – While equipped with Fractured Light/2 different elements/2 different weapon types, increase the damage of all elements by 12%/15%/18%/21%. This effect works in the background, and if multiple sets are used, the highest star set will take effect.
Icarus (4-Set Matrice) – When dealing frost damage, increase the damage of all elements by 27%/31%/35%/39% for 25 seconds. This effect works in the background, and if multiple sets are used, the highest star set will take effect.
That covers everything to know about the 2 new Simulacrum scheduled to be released in Tower of Fantasy global version. To read more such guides, check out Our Blog Section where we cover the latest happenings at Tower of Fantasy.
To Play Tower of Fantasy on PC, download it from BlueStacks for a smooth experience.