Alchemy Stars – Tohru, Kanna, Lucoa, Elma, and Fafnir Review

Alchemy Stars, the hottest release from Tencent Games in the Gacha/RPG genre for 2021 has just started its latest collaboration with Kobayashi Dragon Maid and the Dragon Maid’s Break event to go along with it. Players can see their favorite Dragon Maid characters in the form of Aurorians of Alchemy Stars. The characters include Tohru, Kanna, Lucoa, Elma, and Fafnir. Fafnir is the free Aurorian that is being given away in the log-in rewards of the collaboration event.
Dragon Maid’s Break, the latest event by Alchemy Stars bought with it a new storyline for the event which infuses the story of Kobayashi Dragon Maid and explains how they enter the Alchemy Stars universe. The event itself is different from the usual events which have more diversity in the content released alongside the event. For example, the current event does not have a main story stage or any new type of reward system like we had seen with previous events. This makes us feel this event is more to target new players and hence, the difficulty is lowered for the same. Players can easily farm their resources and still be able to complete the event as the event follows a “farm event currency and exchange system.”. Players will be able to get one of the new 5-Star Aurorians through a selector box through the event. Players also get the 4-Star Aurorian and his solambers to max him out for free. In this article, we will give a brief overview of the new Aurorians coming with the Dragon Maid’s Break event – Tohru, Kanna, Lucoa, Elma, and Fafnir. Tohru, Kanna, Lucoa, and Elma, out of the 5 mentioned Aurorians are available to be summoned through their special time-limited recruitment. Players can summon for them using the Special Star Flares.
Alchemy Stars gacha/summoning system is very straightforward and player-friendly. Banners are divided into event/time-limited banners and regular/rotating banners. Each banner uses up a different currency to summon – Special Star Flares and Star Flares, respectively for each type of banner. These Star Flares can be bought by using the premium currency Lumambers at an exchange rate of 300 Lumamber per Star Flare/Special Star Flare. They can also be earned via events, compensations, log-in rewards, and achievements in-game. As Bethel and Luke are event Aurorians, they are available through their own time-limited banners. Players can summon them with the base rate of 2% just like any other 6-Star Aurorian in the game till 50 summons. After 50 summons, the rates will increase by 2.5% per summon for summoning a 6-Star Aurorian. There exists no pity for a specific character but at least players who have saved up enough summons can be assured to summon a 6-Star Aurorian with the rate up.
Tohru is a 6-Star Fire elemental type hero which is classified as a Sniper type. She has a medium Attack of 3471 and a medium HP of 9526. Tohru’s active ability states that she deals 360% to 13 tiles from any selected tile in a diamond shape. Enemies hit with this skill will also get knocked back. This skill is on a high cooldown of 3 turns. Tohru’s passive ability is a damage boost effect where her chain combo damage and splash damage increase by 1% and 0.5% respectively per combo she does. Her chain skills deal damage to multiple enemies, increasing according to the number of tiles traveled. Her chain skills also deal 25% splash damage to 4 enemies and state if the same target gets hit twice, then the damage is halved. Here are her skills in detail: –
Active Ability: Deals 360% damage to 13 tiles in a diamond shape centered on 1 selected tile and knocks back enemies.
Passive Ability: Every Combo increases Chain Combo Damage by 1% and Splash Damage by 0.5%.
Chain Ability (4/8/13 tiles) – Deals 130% damage 2 times, assigned randomly to enemies within 3 surrounding clusters of this unit, and deals 25% Splash damage to 4 tiles in a cross shape. When a target takes damage more than once, the damage is halved the second time forth.
Deals 140% damage 3 times, assigned randomly to enemies within 3 surrounding clusters of this unit, and deals 25% Splash damage to 4 tiles in a cross shape. When a target takes damage more than once, the damage is halved the second time forth.
Deals 145% damage 4 times, assigned randomly to enemies within 3 surrounding clusters of this unit, and deals 25% Splash damage to 4 tiles in a cross shape. When a target takes damage more than once, the damage is halved the second time forth.
Kanna is a 6-Star Thunder elemental Aurorian which is classified as a Sniper type. She has a medium base Attack of 3259 and a medium HP of 9189. Kanna’s active ability states Kanna selects a tile and deals 280% of her attack damage to enemies along the way as well as to adjacent tiles. The enemies in the way will also get knocked back and take 1.3x more damage. This skill is on a 3 high turn cooldown. Her passive ability states that whenever Thunder Aurorians and/or Dragon Maid collaboration characters use their active abilities, Kanna will gain 1 charge, stacking up to a maximum of 10 charges. Each charge increases Kanna’s basic Attack by 3% and half the charges will be cleared after the current round ends.
Her chain skills hit multiple enemies in 3 surrounding clusters near him, dealing more damage and increasing the number of enemies damaged according to the number of tiles traveled. Here are her skills in detail: –
Active Ability: Selects a tile and deals 280% damage to enemies along the way and on adjacent tiles, knocking them back as far as possible. Enemies along the way will receive 1.3× damage.
Passive Ability: When all Thunder Aurorians or other Dragon Maid characters trigger their Active Skills, Kanna gains 1 charge, up to 10 times. Every charge increases basic ATK by 3%, and half the charges will be cleared after the round ends.
Chain Ability (3/8/12 tiles) – Deals 170% damage to 2 enemies within 3 surrounding clusters.
Deals 175% damage to 3 enemies within 3 surrounding clusters.
Deals 180% damage to 4 enemies within 3 surrounding clusters.
Lucoa is a 5-Star Forest elemental Aurorian which is classified as a Support type. Lucoa is available to all players for free through the Aurorian Selector Box players can get in the Dragon Maid’s Break event. She is a Support classified unit with a base Attack of 3124 and a high HP of 9862. Pittman’s Active Skill states that he deals damage to all enemies in a single direction dealing 160% damage. Lucoa’s active ability deals 260% damage to all enemies and inflicts a Slow debuff for 2 turns to all enemies who got hit and were on Green tiles. She also inflicts them with 2 stacks of Mortality Marks before this skill hits them. This skill is on a 3-turn cooldown. Her Passive ability states whenever a Chain combo or ability hits enemies, a Mortality Mark is inflicted on the enemy. Each Mortality Mark on the enemy makes it more susceptible to high damage as it takes 7% more damage from the active abilities of all Aurorians throughout the fight. The marks cap out at 10 in total, hence, 70% more damage through the Active abilities of all Aurorians on the team.
Her chain skills deal damage in an X shape, dealing higher damage depending on the number of tiles traveled on. Here are Lucoa’s skills in detail: –
Active Ability: Deals 260% damage to all enemies, and inflicts Slow on all enemies on Green tiles for 2 rounds. The enemy will be inflicted with 2 stacks of Mortality Mark before Active Skill deals damage.
Passive Ability: When a Chain Combo hits an enemy, 1 stack of Mortality Mark is inflicted. Each stack of the mark increases Active Skill damage received by this enemy from all Aurorians by 7%. Maximum 10 stacks, and lasts for the entire battle.
Chain Ability (2/7/10 tiles) – Deals 160% damage to 8 tiles in an X shape.
Deals 160% damage to enemies in an X shape to the maximum range.
Deals 175% damage to enemies in an X shape to the maximum range.
Elma is a 5-Star Water elemental Aurorian which is classified as a Detonator type. Elma is available to all players for free through the Aurorian Selector Box players can get in the Dragon Maid’s Break event. Elma has a low base Attack of 2989 and a medium HP of 9225. Elma’s active ability states she selects 1 out of 4 directions first, then selects another direction and deals 340% damage in 90 degrees. The damage decreases during this sweep up to a minimum of 30% of the original damage. This skill is on a 3 turn cooldown. Her passive ability states Elma does more damage with her Basic attack, active ability, and chain combo attack when her HP is full. This extra damage is 20%. Her chain skills deal damage in columns, dealing higher damage and increasing the number of columns depending on the number of tiles traveled on.
Here are Elma’s skills in detail: –
Active Ability: Selects 1 out of 4 directions, and then selects a direction on either side, attacking enemies within 90 degrees and dealing 340% damage to enemies in the area. The damage decreases during this sweep to a minimum of 30% of the original value.
Passive Ability: Increases normal attack, Chain Combo, and Active Skill damage by 20% when HP is full.
Chain Ability (2/7/10 tiles) – Deals 130% damage to 1 column.
Deals 130% damage to 3 columns.
Deals 145% damage to 3 columns.
Fafnir is a 4-Star Water elemental Aurorian which is classified as a Converter type. Fafnir is the free Aurorian that everyone gets through the Daily Sign-In during the Dragon Maid’s Break event. Players can also get his Solambers to max him out through the event draw shop. Fafnir has a low base Attack of 2325 and a very low HP of 7046 but that’s to be expected since he’s a 4-Star aurorian. His active ability states he selects 1 enemy and converts 2 tiles nearest to the enemy to blue color. This ability is on a 1 very nice turn cooldown. His passive ability states whenever his Active skills activate, they will deal 66.7% of his attack damage to the enemy whose tile near to his feet is blue. He also gives this same damage buff to other Dragon Maid characters when they use their Active ability. He deals damage to enemies in different shapes depending on the number of tiles traveled. The damage increases based on the number of Blue tiles at the enemy’s feet and has a 40% chance to inflict Fright debuff to the target for 1 round.
Here are Fafnir’s skills in detail: –
Active Ability: Selects 1 enemy and converts up to 2 non-Blue tiles at enemy’s feet into Blue.
Passive Ability: Active Skill deals damage to a selected enemy, for every 1 Blue tile at the enemy’s feet, deals 66.6% of Fafnir’s ATK damage. Active Skills from other Dragon Maid characters will also trigger this damaging effect when hits an enemy.
Chain Ability (2/9 tiles) – Deals 155% damage to 1 surrounding cluster, and based on the number of Blue Tiles at the enemy’s feet, has a maximum of 40% chance to inflict Fright on the enemy for 1 round.
Deals 160% damage to 16 tiles in a radial shape, and based on the number of Blue Tiles at the enemy’s feet, has a maximum of 40% chance to inflict Fright on the enemy for 1 round.
That is everything to learn about the new Aurorians – Tohru, Kanna, Elma, Lucoa, and Fafnir that came with the ongoing Dragon Maid’s Break event and Kobayashi Dragon Maid collaboration. If you would like to learn more about Alchemy Stars, check out our blog section for the Alchemy Stars community. We recommend playing Alchemy Stars on a PC with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse for the best experience.