Call of Duty Mobile Season 3, also titled as “Vintage Vigilance” is coming with a lot of changes and will be launched on April 3rd as of the latest news. This season is going to introduce a whole lot of new content which includes powerful weapons, interesting maps and time-limited events. There has also been some improvement in the Rank Overhaul lately along with other updates.

New Weapon – TEC-9 SMG

The submachine gun that featured during the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is making an entry into the game this season. This brand-new gun has high damage and has a semi-automatic fire mode. Due to its low recoil and high accuracy, it is considered a versatile choice for mid-ranged combat and it can be upgraded even further by attachments. Its fast mobility makes it suitable for aggressive gameplay. This gun will be available through the Season 3 battle pass and players can unlock it by reaching tier 21 of the battle pass.


New Operator Skill – Havoc

This powerful ability will be introduced in the season 3 of Call of Duty. It is specifically designed to provide the player with a tactical advantage in the arena by disrupting the enemy equipment. This ability can prevent the enemy from seeing your location and can null traps like trip mines, trophy systems, and other gadgets. It can also slow down enemies so it is recommended to use for aggressive plays. Modes like Domination, Hardpoint, and Search & Destroy can be easily dominated if this skill is used wisely. To unlock this skill, players will need to make it to Tier 14 of the battle pass.


New Multiplayer Map: Cheshire Park

A beautiful medium-sized map set in a British town, full of lurking dangers will also be launched in the Call of Duty Season 3. This map is surrounded by streets and alleys with a central courtyard that features a fountain of sparkling water. The layout of this map includes a three-lane structure which is a classic CoD map design. The central courtyard with the fountain is the main control point. The shops in the streets provide cover when needed. The narrow streets are ideal for close combat whereas the open areas support long-ranged fights. This diverse map caters to both aggressive and tactical gameplays.


Battle Pass

With a new season, a new battle pass will be there with new content for both free and premium tiers. This season’s battle pass will feature a detective and gangster theme while bringing forth new operator skins, weapon blueprints, and the usual Call of Duty Points. The premium battle pass provides a glimpse at the several new operator skins which include Deadly Elegance, Grizzled Detective, and Gold Deco. Weapon Blueprints consist of TEC-9, M13, and CBR4 along with Striker whereas other premium rewards contain emotes & stickers, Extra CP, and weapon charms.

Although the free tier is not as rewarding as the premium one, it has its perks. The free tier rewards you with free weapon blueprints, calling cards & charms, weapon camos, and a new weapon & operator skill.

If you want to get some more free rewards, check out our COD Mobile working redeem codes.

Contraband Chase & Spring Easter Event

To blend in with the season’s theme, COD will be introducing two new events which offer players to progress more efficiently in-game by providing battle pass XP, new skins and exciting rewards along with unique challenges.

The Contraband Chase event requires players to locate and collect contraband shipments in matches whereas the spring easter hunt event revolves around players collecting eggs while playing matches. Both events reward players with exclusive event-themed items for completing tasks and progressing through the game. While the Contraband Chase is more of a crime-hunt, the Spring Easter hunt is like an egg-filled event.

Store Update

With the new season, the store will also be updated and will feature Legendary Draws that provide players with the opportunity to obtain items of the rarest value and enchanting visuals.


This season’s update news has already added even more thrill to the excitement of the awaiting players with its exciting updates and additions. Players will now be able to indulge in exploring new strategies with the latest weapons and skill. The new map along with the fun events will act as a breath of fresh air between all the chaos in the battlefield. For the best gameplay experience, you can play Call of Duty Mobile on PC using BlueStacks.