Dead by Daylight Patch 7.3.0 Update: A Complete Breakdown!

Attention, gamers! Unsheath those knives and charge up those flashlights! Behaviour Interactive has unleashed patch 7.3.0 for the spine-chilling Dead by Daylight. This update is brimming with killer tweaks and polished gameplay mechanics. And here’s the cherry on top: you can now experience these electrifying changes on your PC via BlueStacks. Let’s unravel the terror that awaits!
Anti Face-Camp: A Game Changer!
The marquee feature of this patch? The introduction of the Anti Face-Camp. For those tired of killers lurking just a tad too close when you’re hooked, rejoice! Now, survivors have a shot to flee the hook if the killer is hovering nearby. This change aims to bring a more balanced gameplay experience, nudging killers to adopt a broader strategy and giving survivors a fighting chance.
Killer Perk Updates
- Furtive Chase:The shadows become your best friend. When you get obsessed with one Survivor, you’re set to strike from the dark corners. Once your Obsession is hooked, you gain the Undetectable and a 5% Haste status for 14/16/18 seconds. The new functionality makes this perk even more enticing.
Survivor Perk Upgrades
- Background Player: This perk now springs into action for 10 seconds when the Killer picks up another Survivor. Once you start legging it, you’ll sprint at a whopping 200% of your standard running movement speed for five seconds (previously 150% for four seconds). However, remember it can’t be used when you’re Exhausted, and it triggers exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
The Skull Merchant’s Terrifying Tweaks
- Eyes in the Sky: Some massive changes here! The Active Zone cylinder and remote activation of drones are gone. Instead, the killer now starts with six drones right off the bat. A minimum distance of 16 meters between drones ensures a wider spread, and each drone now boasts a radius of 10 meters.
- Radar: This ability is now a game-changer. By pressing the Ability Button, open a Radar to spot Survivor locations pinpointed by your drones or ensnared by Claw Traps. As a bonus, each Survivor you spot on the Radar boosts The Skull Merchant’s movement speed. Plus, the Radar isn’t just about spotting – use it to recall drones or alter their scan direction.
- Lock On: A slight nerf here, as the Exposed status effect from Lock On has been removed. It’ll be interesting to see how this change affects gameplay strategies.
On top of the major gameplay changes in Dead by Daylight’s patch 7.3.0, there’s also a plethora of modifications to the add-ons and other in-game aspects. For players who thrive on the details and intricacies of the game, here’s an even deeper dive into the tweaks and enhancements introduced:
- Unleashed: Enhancing The Skull Merchant’s Arsenal
- Adi Valente #1: Effects stay active until the Claw Trap is extricated.
- High-Power Floodlight: Once ensnared in a Claw Trap, survivors experience the Blindness status. This lasts until the trap is removed.
- Geographical Readout: Boosts action speed by 20% (previously 15%) while breaking barriers, damaging generators, and more. This boost kicks in for eight seconds post-drone deployment.
- High Current Upgrade: Lengthens the duration Survivors are displayed on the radar.
- Adaptive Lighting: The Undetectable status boost is now capped at 20%, reduced from 50%.
- Stereo Remote Mic: Reduces the downtime of drones.
- Supercharge: Claw Traps’ battery longevity increases to 15% from the former 12%.
- Shotgun Speakers: Trapped survivors won’t get skill check alerts, and this lasts until the Claw Trap is dispelled.
Miscellaneous Updates:
- Daily Rituals: Adjustments have been made, ensuring players have fresh challenges and objectives.
- Achievements: For trophy hunters and completionists, new milestones await!
- Loading Tips: These have been revamped to reflect the game’s current mechanics and offer players essential guidance.
- Score Events: These too have been adjusted in line with the game’s updates, ensuring a seamless scoring experience.
The Killers Get Buffed
The Trapper:
- Bear-Trap Hustle: Get a 7.5% Haste effect for five seconds every time you set a Bear-Trap.
- More Traps, More Fun: Start with eight Bear-Traps on the map, up from the previous six.
- Coffee Grounds Addon: Now specifically says it’s an additional Haste effect. Prepare for some speedy trapping!
- Quick on the Draw: Reloading hatchets is now a quick three seconds, down from four.
- Quick Reload: Reducing the reload time to 2.6 seconds.
- Warden’s Keys: Shaves off 0.35 seconds off reload time, instead of the previous 0.5 seconds.
- Jaw Smasher: Move faster by 1.5% while aiming.
- Wanted Poster: You now have a 3% speed boost while aiming, up from 2.5%.
- Legion:
- BFFs Addon: Chain your hits during Feral Frenzy and earn tokens. And if you’ve been especially fierce, once those gates power up, enjoy a speed boost when you’re not in Feral Frenzy mode.
- Reloading knives is now streamlined to three seconds.
- The Anti Face-Camp Revolution:
Say goodbye to those pesky campers! Now, survivors on the hook have a “camp meter”. The closer the killer, the quicker it fills up, but other survivors can slow it down. And when it’s full? You can free yourself with a guaranteed success. Plus, you get a 15-second Endurance boost. But, this nifty trick is off the table once those Exit Gates are powered up. And for all the Cannibal mains, a small change means no double-hitting survivors with Endurance within a short timeframe.
Map Updates
The map’s size has been trimmed down. Why? To boost encounters and make things more dynamic. With this change, finding generators, hooks, totems, and chests will be much quicker. The objects and assets have also been adjusted for better collision.
Play Seamless with BlueStacks
The 7.3.0 patch for Dead by Daylight is loaded with killer enhancements, game-enhancing tweaks, and map updates that are set to revitalize your gaming experience. And for those looking for an amplified gaming session, remember you can dive into this adrenaline-pumping experience on your PC using BlueStacks! So, gear up, gamers. Whether you’re stepping into the shoes of a killer or a survivor, reshape your tactics, adapt to the latest changes, and may the Entity watch over you!