Epic Seven – September Balance Patch Includes Straze, Kayron, Ravi and More

Epic Seven has just finished its 3-week-long collaboration with FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood and the updates are back according to their usual schedule. Ending the month with a ton of balance adjustments, the details for the new balance patch has just been posted on their official forum website. Smilegate developed and produced turn-based RPG Epic Seven has been the fan-favorite for players looking for a tactical anime-stylized 2D RPG on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store. Garnering over 10 million downloads combined, Epic Seven has gained a strong foothold with an active community that demands more updates for the game.
This balance patch for the month of September 2022 can be seen live in-game on the 29th of September. The September Balance Patch will include several changes in the form of Buffs, Nerfs, or Bug Fixes for the following heroes and artifacts:
- Straze (5-Star Moonlight Hero)
- Ravi (5-Star Covenant Hero)
- Kayron (5-Star Covenant Hero)
- Aria (5-Star Covenant Hero)
- Taeyou (5-Star Covenant Hero)
- Roana (5-Star Covenant Hero)
- Blaze Dingo (4-Star Moonlight Hero)
- Khawana (4-Star Covenant Hero)
- Hasol (3-Star Moonlight Hero)
- Magic for Friends (5-Star Mercedes Exclusive Artifact)
- Unfading Memories (5-Star Artifact)
Straze will see the following Balance changes in his skills:
Star Extinction (Before Awakened) – Attacks all enemies with a sword. Penetrates Defense of the target with the highest max Health by 30%. When the caster’s Attack is greater than the penetration target’s Attack, the penetration rate increases proportional to the difference, up to a maximum of 100%. This skill cannot trigger a counterattack.
Star Extinction (Awakened) – Attacks all enemies with a sword. Penetrates Defense of the target with the highest max Health by 30%. When the caster’s Attack is greater than the penetration target’s Attack, the penetration rate increases proportional to the difference, up to a maximum of 100%. Grants invincibility to the caster for 1 turn. This skill cannot trigger a counterattack.
Further, the penetration rate condition has been alleviated.
Straze is the premier PvE hero that is used by many players to clear the Golem Dungeon, Banshee Dungeon, and even the Caides Hunt. With the new changes, Straze can also be potentially used in PvP as a solid cleaver that cannot be countered by the likes of Rem, Violet, etc. His condition of penetrating defense based on the difference between his Attack and enemy Attack is also significantly reduced to give players an ample opportunity to use him in every team composition and not just against tanky teams.
Ravi will see the following Balance changes in her skills:
Demon’s Blood – Starts the first battle with 40 Fighting Spirit.
Increases the caster’s Attack and Effectiveness by 15% when they attack or are attacked. This effect can only stack up to 5 times.
At the moment the caster is attacked, increases Combat Readiness by 15% and gains 5 Fighting Spirit.
Devil Drive (Before Awakened) – Brutally attacks all enemies, with a 75% chance to stun for 1 turn. Penetrates the target’s Defense by 50%. The damage dealt by this skill has been decreased.
Devil Drive (Awakened) – Brutally attacks all enemies, with a 75% chance to stun for 1 turn, decreasing Combat Readiness of stunned enemies by 100%. Penetrates the target’s Defense by 50%. The damage dealt by this skill has been decreased.
Ravi’s Exclusive Equipment Option 2 – Has a 70% chance to make the enemy unable to be buffed for 1 turn when using Slaughter.
Ravi was quite the menace on the battlefield due to her innate tankiness and the ability to regenerate HP for herself when hit. After the introduction of heroes like Summer Break Charlotte and water cleavers like Ran and Peira, her usability in the PvP areas has been non-existent. With the new buffs, she will be able to increase her Attack and Effectiveness as she is attacked more, giving rise to beefier Ravi’s that can be built with higher Defense and HP instead of full Attack. This will strengthen her role more as a bruiser rather than DPS, just like Smilegate did with Choux in the past with their balance adjustments.
Kayron will see the following Balance changes in his skills:
Void Slash – Attacks with a sword, with a 50% chance to decrease Hit Chance for 1 turn, dealing damage proportional to the caster’s lost Health.
When this skill is used, if it was not triggered by a Dual Attack and the caster has a buff, this skill changes into an attack that targets all enemies. The changed attack does not trigger a Dual Attack.
Immortal Will (Before Awakened) – Grants immortality and increased Evasion for 1 turn when the caster receives lethal damage and resets the skill cooldown of Apocalypse. Can only be activated once every 6 turns.
Aria will see the following Balance changes in her skills:
Shadow Call – Attacks two enemies with shadows, with a 50% chance to decrease Hit Chance for 1 turn. When it is not the caster’s turn, the effect chance increases by 20%. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Defense. The damage dealt with by this skill has been increased as well.
Guide of Darkness – Increases Critical Hit Chance by 30%.
After using a skill, when Focus is full, consume all Focus to activate Dark Shadow Phantom.
Dark Shadow Phantom: Attacks all enemies, dispelling two buffs and decreasing Combat Readiness by 30%. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Defense. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Defense. The overall damage dealt by this skill has been increased as well.
The Umbral Hour (Awakened) – The strength of the barrier provided by this skill has been increased.
Taeyou will see the following Balance changes in his skills:
Tornado Sweep (Before Awakened) – Attacks all enemies, dispelling all buffs and increases skill cooldowns of the target with the highest Attack by 1 turn twice. Increases the Speed of the caster for 2 turns. When the caster is enraged, ignores Effect Resistance.
Tornado Sweep (Awakened) – Attacks all enemies, dispelling all buffs and increases skill cooldowns of the target with the highest Attack by 1 turn twice. Grants increased Attack and Speed to the caster for 2 turns. When the caster is enraged, ignores Effect Resistance.
Taeyou was released in the game as a sort of Peira counter but instead was countered by the likes of Solitaria of the Snow and Violet. With the new buffs, he will be able to ignore effect resistance and increase the cooldown of the opponent’s primary DPS hero, making him a viable option as an opener in Arena and RTA.
Roana will see the following Balance changes in her skills:
Noble Rekos (Before Awakened)– With the grace of Rekos, grants a barrier and revive all allies for 2 turns. Barrier strength increases proportionally to the caster’s max Health.
Noble Rekos (Awakened) – With the grace of Rekos, recovers the Health of all allies and grants a barrier, and revive for 2 turns. Amount recovered and barrier strength increases proportionally to the caster’s max Health.
Blaze Dingo
Blaze Dingo will see the following Balance changes in his skills:
Divine Punishment (Before Awakened) – Attacks all enemies with a giant gauntlet, with a 75% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns, before healing the ally with the lowest Health. Amount recovered increases proportional to the damage dealt.
Divine Punishment (Awakened) – Attacks all enemies with a giant gauntlet, with a 75% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns, before healing the ally with the lowest Health. A critical hit activates Punishment against a random enemy. Amount recovered increases proportional to the damage dealt.
Khawana will see the following Balance changes in her skills:
Casual Introduction – Attacks all enemies with a flame guardian, before increasing the Attack of all allies for 2 turns. Grants skill nullifier once to Fire elemental allies. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Speed.
Rough Welcome – Attacks the enemy with a flame guardian, dispelling two buffs before stunning for 1 turn. Increases Combat Readiness of Fire elemental allies by 20%. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Speed.
Hasol will see the following Balance changes in her skills:
Swift Cut – Attacks the enemy, before recovering the Health of the caster. Additionally inflicts 500 fixed damage regardless of whether the attack hits. Damage dealt and the amount recovered increase proportional to the caster’s max Health.
Blade of Vengeance – When an ally suffers a counterattack, decreases damage suffered by 25%. When more than one damage reduction effect is granted, only the strongest effect is applied. After an enemy counterattack, increases the Combat Readiness of the caster by 25% and increases the fixed damage of Swift Cut and Punishing Strike by 1000. The fixed damage increase effect can stack up to 4 times.
Punishing Strike (Before Awakened) – Attacks all enemies with a secret skill and additionally inflicts 500 fixed damage regardless of whether the attack hits. Increases Defense of all allies for 3 turns. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s max Health. After suffering a counterattack, decreases skill cooldowns by 1 turn.
The damage dealt by this skill also has been decreased. The cooldown of this skill has been increased by 1 turn.
Punishing Strike (Awakened) – Attacks all enemies with a secret skill and additionally inflicts 500 fixed damage regardless of whether the attack hits. Increases Defense of all allies, and grants a barrier to the caster for 3 turns. Damage dealt and barrier strength increases proportionally to the caster’s max Health. After suffering a counterattack, decreases skill cooldowns by 1 turn.
The damage dealt by this skill also has been decreased. The cooldown of this skill has been increased by 1 turn.
Magic for Friends
Magic for Friends, the 5-Star artifact is getting changed in the following way:
Description: Decreases damage suffered from a critical hit by 30%. When more than one damage reduction effect is granted, only the strongest effect is applied. If an ally is attacked when it’s not the caster’s turn, he has a 15 % chance to activate Dimensional Rupture. Dimensional Rupture can only be activated once every 2 turns. The skill effect of this Artifact does not increase when enhanced. (Will not activate upon death)
Unfading Memories
Unfading Memories, the 5-Star artifact is getting changed in the following way:
Description: Increases Effect Resistance by 25%. Heals all allies by 5-10% after using a non-attack skill.
Players can feel free to read the official balance patch notes to get a thorough understanding of the upcoming balance adjustments. We highly recommend playing Epic Seven on a PC with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse.