Epic Seven – Moonlight 5-Star Recruitment Event, Balance Adjustments, and New Drop Rate-up Banners

Epic Seven is one of the biggest turn-based RPG games in the mobile market. It continues its streak of entertaining players with consistent hero launches, events, and balance patches. The latest update also features a new moonlight 5-star selection event and balance changes to certain out of meta heroes. Players can get their hands on their desired ML5 hero by simply completing daily missions! Check out all the details of the update below!
Moonlight 5-Star Recruitment Event
The Moonlight 5-Star recruitment event can already be seen live in-game as it started on 24th October, 2024 and ends on 28th November 2024. Players can get their desired moonlight 5-star hero by simply gaining points via completing missions. The entire event has multiple recruitment circles that you can access by spending 800 points. At certain milestones, you will unlock the ability to open the Shop from where you can recruit your desired hero as well as unlock other goodies such as transmit stones, potion of ascension, and unknown slates!
Players can get points via spending energy, completing daily reputation missions, and completing weekly reputation missions. In short, players should be able to get their desired hero within the event time period if they simply complete their daily and weekly missions. Keep in mind, only moonlight 5-star heroes up to Sea Phantom Politis release can be recruited. The newer moonlight heroes will not be available from the recruitment shop.
Balance Patch October 2024
Here is a summary of the heroes that are included in this balance patch:
- Ruele of Light (5-Star Moonlight Hero)
- Silver Blade Aramintha (5-Star Moonlight Hero)
- Last Rider Krau (5-Star Moonlight Hero)
- Commander Pavel (5-Star Moonlight Hero)
- Designer Lilibet (5-Star Moonlight Hero)
- Twisted Eidolon Kayron (5-Star Moonlight Hero)
- Melissa (5-Star Covenant Hero)
- Sez (5-Star Covenant Hero)
- Elena (5-Star Covenant Hero)
- Mort (5-Star Covenant Hero)
- Yulha (5-Star Covenant Hero)
- Blooming Lidica (5-Star Covenant Hero)
- Auxillary Lots (4-Star Moonlight Hero)
- Peacemaker Furious (4-Star Moonlight Hero)
- Cruel Mischief (5-Star Artifact)
- Rhianna & Luciella (5-Star Artifact)
- Pure White Trust (5-Star Artifact)
- Hostess of the Banquet (5-Star Artifact)
Ruele of Light
Ruele of Light will see the following Balance changes in her skills:
Light Pillar – Summons a light pillar, which removes any debuffs from an ally and restores their health before granting them a barrier and damage limit for two turns. The amount regained and the barrier strength rise in proportion to the caster’s maximum health.
Light Ascending (Awakened) – Dispels all debuffs from an ally with healing magic before restoring 100% of their health and bestowing invincibility for one turn. When the target is already dead, they are revived with 100% health before the same effect is used. At the commencement of the first combat, the caster receives Spirit Lord’s Protection.
Spirit Lord’s Protection: After taking deadly damage, revives with 50% health and boosts combat readiness by 50%.
Silver Blade Aramintha
Silver Blade Aramintha will see the following Balance changes in her skills:
Flame Friction – Attacks an enemy with an explosion of flames, with a 75% chance to burn for 1 turn. After attacking, when an enemy is burned, activates Flame Release as an extra attack.
Flame Release: Attacks all enemies with mystic fire energy, with a 60% chance to burn for 1 turn, before detonating burn effects on enemies at the end of the turn .
Flame of Savara – At the start of the first combat, boost Attack in proportion to Effectiveness. After activation, the rate of increase for the Attack effect remains constant. When allies except the caster conclude their turn, the caster’s Combat Readiness rises by 15%.
Imprint Concentration – Effectiveness +9% – 27%
Last Rider Krau
Last Rider Krau will see the following Balance changes in his skills:
Code Name 00 – After being attacked, the caster’s skill cooldowns are reduced by one round. Following an attack that targets all allies, skill cooldowns are reduced by one turn and all allies are protected for two turns. Barrier strength increases in proportion to the caster’s maximum health. The barrier effect can only be activated once every round.
Mobile Weapon Ziegfried (Awakened) – Summons Ziegfried and strikes all opponents before granting immunity to all allies for two turns and reducing skill cooldowns by one. Penetrates defense but cannot cause a critical hit. Damage dealt increases in proportion to the caster’s maximum Health and Speed. The damage delivered increases each time this skill is used and can stack up to three times. Cooldown has been increased to 8 turns.
Commander Pavel
Commander Pavel will see the following Balance changes in his skills:
Die, You Fly! (Awakened) – Attacks the adversary with a pistol. When the enemy is not an Elite or Boss monster, damage-sharing effects are disabled. When the caster’s Attack exceeds the target’s Attack, it penetrates the target’s Defense at a rate proportional to the difference, up to a maximum of 70%.
Soulburn (10): Increases damage dealt.
Designer Lilibet
Designer Lilibet will see the following Balance changes in her skills:
Slice to Pieces – Attacks the enemy with scissors, with a 75% chance of lowering Defense for one turn. Damage dealt increases in proportion to the caster’s Defense.
Soulburn (10): Increases effect chance to 100% and decreases Defense of the target for 2 turns.
Emergency Stitching – Begin the first battle with 50 Fighting Spirit.
When an enemy’s turn finishes, earns 10 Fighting Spirit for each debuff inflicted on an ally; when the caster’s Fighting Spirit is complete, consumes all Fighting Spirit to remove all debuffs from the caster, then grants enhanced Defense and Immunity for 1 turn before raising Combat Readiness by 40%.
Model Disqualification (Awakened) – Reduces the length of all allies’ debuffs by two turns and enters the stage to assault all foes, increasing their skill cooldown by one turn before increasing all allies’ combat readiness by 15%. Penetrates the target’s defense by 50%. Damage dealt increases in proportion to the caster’s Defense. The overall damage dealt by this skill is increased.
Twisted Eidolon Kayron
Twisted Eidolon Kayron will see the following Balance changes in his skills:
Sundering Slash – Attacks the target with a sword and grants the caster a barrier for one turn. When used as a counterattack, it transforms into an attack that hits all adversaries. Barrier strength increases in proportion to the caster’s maximum health. The damage dealt when counterattacking is increased.
Sword of Requeim (Awakened) – Use the might of the demonic sword to attack all opponents before devouring all Fighting Spirit. A successful attack inflicts 5000 additional fixed damage, and fixed damage grows proportionally to the amount spent Fighting Spirit, up to 15000.
When this skill is accessible based on the cooldown count, it reduces critical hit damage by 30%. When multiple damage reduction effects are offered, just the strongest one is used. Damage dealt is decreased. The cooldown of this skill has been increased to 4 turns. Further, the use of this skill now gives 3 souls to the user.
Melissa will see the following Balance changes in her skills:
Manifestation – Attacks the enemy by unleashing their inner wrath, then grants the caster immortality and immunity for one turn. The cooldown for this skill is reset when the enemy is defeated. The overall damage dealt by this skill has been increased.
Exclusive Equipment (3rd option) – Increases Attack of the caster for 2 turns when using Blood Bloom.
Sez will see the following Balance changes in his skills:
Dark Shadow (Awakened) – Attacks the enemy with dark energy, rendering them unhealable for one turn. The amount of damage given grows in proportion to the target’s reduced health.
Die Hard – Damage sustained in a single assault does not exceed 51% of maximum Health. When an ally, except the caster, attacks when the target’s Health is 30% or below, Encroach is activated. Encroach can only be used once every three turns.
Encroach: Releases dark force to assault all opponents, increasing the caster’s combat readiness by 30%. The amount of damage given grows in proportion to the target’s reduced health.
Elena will see the following Balance changes in her skills:
Exclusive Equipment – Dispels one debuff from all allies when using Consecrated Ground. (This effect is applied before healing)
Mort will see the following Balance changes in his skills:
Extermination (Awakened) – Attacks the enemy by piercing them, with a 50% chance of reducing Defense for two turns. Targets having Max Health less than the caster’s Max Health have their Effect Resistance ignored. Damage dealt increases in proportion to the caster’s maximum health.
Absolute Dignity – Immune to debuffs that stop mobility.
All Heroes, except the caster, are unable to counterattack. When an ally is attacked, they have a 20% chance of counterattacking, and a 100% chance of using Sacred Blessing. Sacred Blessing can be activated once every three turns.
Sacred Blessing: Increases the caster’s speed and creates a barrier for allies for 2 turns. Barrier strength increases in proportion to the caster’s maximum health.
Advent: Mortelix – Descends and assaults all opponents, inflicting fear for two turns before regaining the caster’s health. The adversary with the greatest Max Health has its defense penetrated by 70%, and any targets with Max Health lower than the caster’s Max Health have their Effect Resistance ignored. Damage done and restored rise in proportion to the caster’s maximum health.
Fear: Cannot act for a certain number of turns. At the start of the turn, has a 40% chance to be dispelled.
Exclusive Equipment (2nd option) – Extends buff duration of Sacred Blessing’s increased Speed by 1 turn.
Yulha will see the following Balance changes in her skills:
Malicious Smile – When assaulted, it reflects 40% of the damage done to the attacker. Reflected damage cannot exceed the caster’s maximum Health.When the caster’s Health is 30% or lower after an assault, all debuffs are removed and Murderous Intent is activated. The effect after being attacked can only be used once every five turns.
Murderous Intent: Grants the caster a three-turn barrier and a 25% increase in Combat Readiness. Barrier strength increases in proportion to the caster’s maximum health.
Symphony of Agony (Awakened) – Attacks the enemy by unraveling the Sphere of Sadism, and when vanquished, restores the caster’s health. When the target is not an Elite or Boss monster, damage-sharing effects are disregarded. Penetrates the target’s defense but cannot deliver a critical hit. Damage done rises proportionally to the caster’s lost health, while recovery grows proportionally to the caster’s maximum health. The cooldown of this skill has decreased to 4 turns.
Blooming Lidica
Blooming Lidica will see the following Balance changes in her skills:
Fruit of Ecstasy (Awakened) – Attacks the adversary with a flower and grants skill nullifier to all allies once. Penetrates the target’s defense by 50%. When the caster’s speed exceeds the target’s, the penetration rate increases proportionally, up to 100%. Damage dealt increases in proportion to the caster’s maximum health. This attack cannot cause a critical hit.
Auxiliary Lots
Auxiliary Lots will see the following Balance changes in his skills:
Mana Injection (Awakened) – Injects an ally except for the caster with Mana, granting exploiting weak points and increased Attack for 2 turns before increasing Combat Readiness by 100%. The cooldown of this skill has increased to 4 turns.
Desolation – Attacks all opponents with powerful magic, with an 80% chance of reducing Defense for two turns.
Peacemaker Furious
Peacemaker Furious will see the following Balance changes in his skills:
Corner Them! – Quickly attacks the opponent. When used during the caster’s turn, it provides an additional attack with the same skill if the caster is buffed. Damage dealt increases in proportion to the caster’s Defense.
Set in Motion (Awakened) – Increases Speed and Defense of all allies for 2 turns, before granting an extra turn to the caster.
Soulburn (10): Extends duration of buffs granted by this skill by 1 turn.
Black Hole Cannon – Attacks all foes with a massive explosion, reducing combat readiness by 30%. Penetrates the target’s defense by 60%. Damage dealt increases in proportion to the caster’s Defense. Removes ten souls from the adversary.
Cruel Mischief
Increases Attack in the Hall of Trials by 20-40%. This Artifact’s skill effect can only apply to one Hero within a team.
Pure White Trust
After using a non-attack skill, gains 10 Soul and has a 50-100% chance to increase Critical Hit Damage of the caster for 2 turns. Soul can only be acquired once.
Rhianna & Luciella
Increases Attack by 10%.
10-20% chance to be granted an extra turn at the end of the turn. Can only be activated once per turn.
Hostess of the Banquet
Increases Effect Resistance by 20-40%.
When attacking, increases damage dealt by 5-10%, and when the target’s Health is 50% or more, increases damage dealt by an additional 4-8%.
October 2024 Drop Rate-Up Banners
- Midnight Gala Lilias with Hostess of the Banquet (Limited Summon Banner 3/10/2024 – 17/10/2024)
- Harsetti and Roaming Warrior Leo (Mystical Summon Banner 27/09/2024 – 17/10/2024)
- Charles with Justice for All (Covenant Summon Banner 03/10/2024 – 10/10/2024)
That concludes everything is coming to Epic Seven in the near future! Players can feel free to read the official patch notes to get an in-depth look at the added content. We highly recommend playing Epic Seven on a PC or Laptop with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse.