Epic Seven – New Hero Eligos, Lua Re-Run, 2 New Exclusive Equipment and Family Side Story

The newest update for Epic Seven is not yet live but the patch preview can be seen on the official YouTube channel. Epic Seven is a free-to-play game that is available on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store. The turn-based RPG is well-known for feature-rich updates on a bi-weekly basis. Players can get Leif x 3 + Gold x 300,000 as rewards from the locked chest in their mail. The chest code is – daggersicar. Use this code to unlock the chest in your in-game mailbox.
Table of Contents
- Eligos – New Fire Elemental 5-Star Unit
- Lua – Ice Elemental 5-Star Unit
- World Arena Improvements
- 2 New Exclusive Equipment
- Special Side Story – Family
- March-April 2023 Drop Rate-Up Banners
To summarize the update, players can expect a new 5-Star covenant hero called Eligos along with a future banner for Lua having a re-run. 2 new exclusive equipment for Sinful Angelica and Flan are also scheduled to be added to the Hall of Trials exchange shop. New improvements detailed for the next season of World Arena also included in the patch notes. Lastly, a new side story titled “Family” featuring Eligos will also be live in-game after the maintenance ends. Let’s check all the new content coming to Epic Seven with the 23rd March 2023 update.
Eligos – New Fire Elemental 5-Star Unit
Eligos is a natural 5-Star Fire elemental hero that is classified as a Ranger in-game. Eligos is slated to release on 23rd March 2023. Players will be able to recruit Eligos through his own covenant recruitment banner where he will be guaranteed to be summoned after 120 summons are made. His hero description reads the following – “The deadly leader of Dagger Sicar!
Players will be able to meet Eligos through the Drop Rate Up banner starting March 23.”
Eligos’s skills are as follows: –
Point-Blank Shot – Attacks the enemy by dashing towards them. When the caster is granted perception, triggers a Dual Attack from the ally with the highest Attack. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster’s Speed.
+1: + 5% damage dealt
+2: + 5% damage dealt
+3: + 5% damage dealt
+4: + 5% damage dealt
+5: + 5% damage dealt
+6: + 5% damage dealt
+7: + 10% damage dealt
The Cleaner (Passive) – When an ally except for the caster defeats an enemy, increases Attack of the caster for 2 turns, before activating Time Bomb against the enemy with the highest Attack. Can only be activated every 3 turns.
Time Bomb: Attacks the enemy with a bomb and grants perception to the caster for 2 turns. When the caster’s Speed is greater than the target’s Speed, increases damage dealt proportional to the difference, up to a maximum 200%.
+1: + 1 turn cooldown
Cloak and Trigger – Attacks the enemy with a pistol, dispelling 2 buffs before inflicting target and decreased Defense for 2 turns and decreasing Combat Readiness by 35%.
Burn Effect – Ignores Effect Resistance (-20 Souls)
+1: + 5% damage dealt
+2: + 5% damage dealt
+3: + 5% damage dealt
+4: – 1 turn cooldown
+5: + 10% damage dealt
+6: + 10% damage dealt
+7: + 10% damage dealt
An Offer You Can’t Refuse (5-Star Artifact): When attacking with a Single Attack, penetrates the target’s Defense by 20%. When the caster defeats an enemy with a Single Attack, increases Combat Readiness of the ally with the highest Combat Readiness except for the caster by 20%.
Lua – Ice Elemental 5-Star Unit
Lua is a natural 5-Star Ice elemental hero that is classified as a Ranger in-game. Lua is going to be available to be summoned on her covenant recruitment banner on 23rd March 2023. Players will be able to summon her using their Covenant Bookmarks. Lua’s description reads the following – “A mysterious woman who plays a part in most incidents in Natalon. Lua is the true leader of the Hand of Revolution and holds influence over many factions. Although she appeared throughout history for a long time, no one knows where she came from or what her goal is.”
Lua’s skills are as follows: –
Folding Fan – Attacks the enemy with a fan, with a 40% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns.
+1: + 5% damage dealt
+2: + 5% damage dealt
+3: + 5% effect chance
+4: + 5% damage dealt
+5: + 5% effect chance
+6: + 10% damage dealt
+7: + 10% damage dealt
Butterfly Reverie – Attacks the enemy with light, dispelling two buffs before putting them to sleep for 1 turn. Grants an extra turn to the caster.
+1: + 5% damage dealt
+2: + 5% damage dealt
+3: + 5% damage dealt
+4: + 5% damage dealt
+5: + 5% damage dealt
+6: + 5% damage dealt
+7: + 10% damage dealt
Sweet Talk – Dispels one buff from all enemies before increasing skill cooldowns by 1 turn and inflicting beguile. Increases Speed of all allies for 2 turns.
Beguile: At the end of the turn, deals additional damage to all allies of the target except for the target equivalent to 10% of their respective max Health. Beguile effect applies to Heroes only, and is dispelled once the effect is activated.
Soulburn Effect: Ignores Effect Resistance. (-20 Souls)
+1: + 5% damage dealt
+2: + 5% damage dealt
+3: + 10% effect chance
+4: – 1 turn cooldown
+5: + 10% effect chance
+6: + 10% damage dealt
+7: + 10% damage dealt
Spatiotemporal Fan (5-Star Artifact): Increases Effectiveness by 20%. After using a non-attack skill, has a 100% chance to grant stealth to the ally except for the caster with the highest Attack for 2 turns. Can only be activated once every 4 turns.
World Arena Improvements
World Arena is a widely contested game mode that is the epitome of Epic Seven competitive environment. Players ranking high in the World Arena are given several prizes including the likes of Seasonal skins, frames, borders, and hall of fame recognition to give testament that they were once ranked high. World Arena is form of Live PvP where players go through several phases like drafting, pick/ban, and then finally the match happens.
For the next season of World Arena, Smilegate are looking to implement the following changes to the game mode:
- A display change to demonstrate each player’s pre-ban during the pick/ban phase.
- In Round Mode (Mock Battle exclusive), players can get all the information pertaining to the current round itself.
- A display improvement to further clarify the name of the hero that is banned when selecting it during the pick/ban phase.
- Players will be able to select the MVP among the heroes in the winning team.
2 New Exclusive Equipment
In this month’s Patch preview, the 2 heroes who will be getting their exclusive equipment are – Flan and Sinful Angelica. Here are the new exclusive equipment and their skills: –
- Foreign Minister’s Baton (Effectiveness 8% – 16%) (5-Star Hero Flan)
- Communication Breakdown – Increases Buff dispel chance of Communication Breakdown by 25%.
- Data Monopoly – Increases combat readiness by an additional 10% when using Data Monopoly.
- Advantageous Deal – Decreases combat readiness by an additional 5% when using Advantageous Deal.
- Best Friend, Pippy (Speed 5-10) (4-Star Hero Sinful Angelica)
- Soul Harvest – With Soul Harvest’s effect, when an enemy dies while the caster is immortal, increases combat readiness of all allies by 15%. Combat Readiness increase effect can only be activated once per turn.
- Soul Harvest – Increases Soul Harvest’s amount recovered by 20%.
- Salvation – Increases the Effectiveness of the caster for 2 turns when using Dark Salvation.
Special Side Story – Family
The side story titled “Family” is having its first-ever run from 23rd March 2023 and lasting till 9th April 2023. This special side story is going to be running for 2 weeks.
Players will be offered a complete event map for the side story through which they can navigate to where they need to travel. The entire event map is divided into multiple stages. Stages are divided into 3 distinct types:
- Story Stage – In these stages, players will be tasked to view the main storyline of the side story. These stages might or might not be associated with a battle sequence depending on the stage. In these stages, Eligos will be accompanying players in the battle as an NPC character. These stages will also have some additional conditions which are required to be fulfilled by the players in order to obtain extra premium currency. Players will also earn the event currency for this side story after they emerge victorious.
- Battle Stage – In these stages, players will be tasked to participate in and win battles against waves of enemies. These stages might also have certain conditions required to be fulfilled in order to obtain the premium currency. Some battle stages may also provide Eligos as an NPC hero that is mandatory to be taken into the battles. Players will earn event currency as well post the victory.
- Boss Stage – In these stages, players are required to defeat the boss monster that will come at the end of the waves of enemies. These stages provide players with a higher amount of event currency compared to regular battle stages. Boss stages are further divided into multiple difficulties to suit the level of players – Easy Difficulty/ Normal Difficulty/ Hard Difficulty/ Extreme Difficulty.
Players need to have cleared at least Episode 1, Chapter 10 Stage 10 (Shrieking Hall) to be able to access the side story. Just like the previous side stories in Epic Seven, a specific event currency will be required to be farmed. Players can further exchange their collected event currency throughout the event. The exchange shop offers the likes of MolaGora, Greater and Lesser Artifact Charms, Penguins, Epic, and Rare Catalysts, Giga Phantasms, Covenant Bookmarks, and Gold.
During this side story, if players use the heroes: Eligos, then their stats will be increased in the following manner: Level 60/ Awakened to 6-Star/ +15 Enhanced Skills/Attack and Health increased by 30%. If players use the following heroes: Lucy, Ains, Dingo, Cidd, Choux, Alencia, then their stats will be increased in the following manner: Attack and Health increased by 30%.
March-April 2023 Drop Rate-Up Banners
- Luluca with Spirit’s Breath (Covenant Summon Banner 16/03/2023 – 23/03/2023)
- Eligos with An Offer You Can’t Refuse (Covenant Summon Banner 23/03/2023 – 30/03/2023)
- Lua with Spatiotemporal Fan (Covenant Summon Banner 23/03/2023 – 30/03/2023)
- Custom Mystic Summoning Recruitment (Mystical Summon Banner 09/03/2023 – 02/04/2023)
That concludes everything is coming to Epic Seven! Players can feel free to read the official patch notes to get an in-depth look at the added content. We highly recommend playing Epic Seven on a PC with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse.