Epic Seven – New Hero Zahhak, New Exclusive Equipment, and New Side Story

Smilegate, the developers of the popular free-to-play turn-based RPG game Epic Seven just published the patch notes of their latest update coming to all servers on 24th November 2021. For the first time, this patch wasn’t live-streamed on their official YouTube channel but instead directly posted on their social media. Usually, these live streams give all players a list of things to look forward to, like the new events coming, new content updates, and the various new heroes introduced to the game. Players can also get free currencies in the form of leifs and gold by simply using the codes given during the live streams to open the gift chest sent to every player’s inbox. For this update, players can fill out a survey to get their rewards in their mailbox.
This week’s update brings with itself tons of new content and heroes! A new hero which was showcased in the last live stream, Zahhak, is revealed along with his skillset and artifact. A new side story specifically for the new hero Zahhak titled “The Price of the Past” will also be starting with the new update. The fire elemental version of the newly released Advent side story will be coming for the first time along with the newest chapter in Episode 4 which will continue the journey of Adin and her friends. 3 Exclusive pieces of equipment are also being added to the Hall of Trials shop. New summoning rotations along with coin shop rotations are also added. There’s a lot to cover with this new patch, so let’s get right to it.
Zahhak – New Earth Elemental 5-Star Hero
The newest hero coming to Epic Seven is none other than the infamous Zahhak that was teased along with some skins in the previous revelation video. Players already knew the hero’s name because of his appearances in side stories. The beloved hero’s description reads – “A high-ranking official who has been serving the emperors of Theranhad for generations. He is shrouded in mystery as he only appears when something that might affect the empire’s future occurs. He is often addressed as the imperial guardian as when he appears, he always brings the most perfect plans to resolve the problems within the empire.”
Zahhak is an Earth elemental hero natural 5-Star unit that is classified as a Warrior unit in-game. He has a very high critical hit chance because of his skills which provide him a bonus critical hit chance. His base attack at 943 is average to good for other warriors in his class. Zahhak is potentially a counter to the current Evasion-based unit meta like Violet, Remnant Violet, etc. He is more focused on PvP usage in the Arena and World Arena. If you’re not a PvP heavy oriented player, we would not recommend summoning for him, especially considering that he’s not a limited unit but a new limited unit might be coming soon. Zahhak’s 1st skill Vulnerability Exposed is a single targeted damaging ability that increases his critical hit rate chance by 50% when he attacks. This skill will deal more damage to the target if it’s buffed. His 2nd skill Elaborate Plan is a buffing non-damaging skill that states Zahhak cleanses two debuffs from himself and a target he chooses while granting the target a barrier equal to his own MAX HP and granting himself 50% combat readiness.
This skill is good but not suitable for a pure DPS hero which needs at least 100% combat readiness or he might get cut in and killed. His 3rd skill Execute is a single targeted damaging ability that deals damage and inflicts injuries while granting himself Invincibility buff for 1 turn. These injuries scale with the champion’s maximum health. This skill will grant Zahhak 50% increased critical hit chance and critical hit damage. Injuries decrease the max health of the target by 35% of their maximum health. Zahhak is a great unit for PvP as he doesn’t require much critical hit chance stats by gaining a good critical hit rate from his skills.
Zahhak’s skills are as follows: –
Vulnerability Exposed – Attacks the enemy with a longsword. Increases Critical Hit Chance by 50% when attacking. Damage dealt increases when the target is buffed.
Elaborate Plan – Dispels two debuffs from an ally and the caster before granting a barrier for 2 turns. Increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 50%. Barrier strength increases proportionally to the caster’s max Health.
Execute – Attacks the enemy, inflicting injuries before granting the caster invincibility for 1 turn. Increases Hit Chance and Critical Hit Chance by 50% when attacking. The severity of injuries increases proportional to damage dealt. Injuries decrease the max Health of the target by up to 35% every time this skill is used.
New Artifact Pure White Trust – After using a non-attack skill, increases the Speed of the caster for 2 turns and increases the Critical Hit Damage of the next attack by 15.0%.
Episode 4 Chapter 2 Shadow Mountain
A new chapter called Shadow Mountain is being released with this new patch coming on 24th November 2021 after maintenance. The new chapter’s description reads – “Adin and Taeyou lose their shrine families because of Zahhak. Shocked after realizing that she is awakened, Adin urgently heads to Shadow Mountain without a moment to calm herself down to avoid being traced by the Theranhad army.”
The new chapter has the entry requirement to at least clear Chapter 1 of Episode 4. The new chapter follows the system of AP Exchange shop where players can exchange their earned AP points for juicy rewards like Gold Transmit Stone as well as MolaGora’. Each chapter has its own quests upon completing which they are rewarded accordingly. Players also get a 4-Star random artifact to summon tickets when completing all the quests. The new AP Exchange Shop features the following items: –
- Gold Transit Stone (1 per account) – 600 Adventure Points
- MolaGora (1 per account) – 400 Adventure Points
- Horn of Desire (1 per week) – 400 Adventure Points
- Demon Blood Gem (1 per week) – 400 Adventure Points
Side Story – Price of the Past
A new side story for Zahhak titled – “Price of the Past” has been released. The description reads – “In order to check the harbor located in the south of Theranhad, Zahhak seeks Yoonryoung who is in charge of security in the south. While taking a look around with Yoonryoung, Zahhak recalls the past that he did not want to remember… In order to check the harbor located in the south of Theranhad, Zahhak seeks Yoonryoung who is in charge of security in the south. While taking a look around with Yoonryoung, Zahhak recalls the past that he did not want to remember…”
Price of the Past is a 2-week side story. It’s going to be like your usual side story where players have to roam around the event map and clear the various stages. This side story has specific missions where you have to clear the specific stages and you will be rewarded with 3 stars for that stage. Players can get a special MolaGora stage after clearing all the stages which are playable only 1 time and reward the player with 1 MolaGora. Completing all the reputation missions is also a great way to earn additional resources like Skystones, Gold, Leifs, and Transmit Stones.
The event currency for this side story is called South Harbor Entrance Pass which players can farm by clearing the boss stages continuously. This event currency is required so you can exchange it for generous rewards in the Exchange Shop for the likes of MolaGora, Covenant Bookmarks, Charms, Phantasms, Epic and Rare catalysts, and friendship improving gifts.
During this side story, if players use Zahhak, their stats will be increased in the following manner: Attack and Health increased by 30%. Players can also get bonus event currency when clearing stages with heroes equipped with the following artifacts – Pure White Trust
November Drop Rate-Up 2021 Banners
- Tywin with Crown of Glory (Normal Summon Banner 18/11/2021 – 25/11/2021)
- Roana with Touch of Rekos (Normal Summon Banner 18/11/2021 – 25/11/2021)
- Spirit Eye Celine and Blood Blade Karin (Mystic Summon Banner 11/11/2021 – 2/12/2021)
- Zahhak with Pure White Trust (Normal Summon Banner 25/11/21 – 9/12/2021)
- Flan with Unseen Observer (Normal Summon Banner 18/11/2021 – 9/12/2021)
New Exclusive Equipment
Apart from the usual new content, a new permanent set of exclusive equipment is being added to the game for the heroes – Ilynav, Alencia, and Free Spirit Tieria.
- The Price of Insolence (Critical Hit Chance 6%-12%) (5-Star Hero Alencia)
- Noble Blood – Increases effect chance of Noble Blood to activate Mind’s eye by 20% after being attacked
- Noble Blood – Damage dealt is increased by 20% when using Trample.
- Genesis – Grants 2 turns of Effectiveness buff when using this skill.
- Bloody Jewel (Critical Hit Chance 6%-12%) (5-Star Hero Ilynav)
- Punish – Decreases skill cooldown of Punish by 1 turn.
- Repel – Grants a Barrier buff for 2 turns when using this skill. The barrier strength is directly proportional to her MAX HP.
- Repel – Increases combat readiness of the caster by 50% when using this skill.
- Crimson Earrings (Attack 7% – 14%) (4-Star Hero Free Spirit Tieria)
- Half Slash – Decreases skill cooldown of Energy Wave by 1 turn when using this skill against Dark elemental hero.
- Energy Wave – Dispels 1 buff from the target when using Energy Wave.
- Energy Wave – Grants Immunity buff for 2 turns to all allies except herself when using this skill.
That is, it is for all news regarding these bi-weekly patch notes for Epic Seven. Players can feel free to read the official patch notes to get a better understanding of the content coming. We highly recommend playing Epic Seven on PC with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse.