Epic Seven “Thieves Under the Light of the Full Moon” Event Guide

This week marks the beginning of a new event period in Epic Seven, which will span throughout all of September and halfway through October. The event, which is called, “Thieves Under the Light of the Full Moon,” will offer lots of different challenges, including new side story chapters filled with tough enemies and which award unique currencies, as well as many different prizes and rewards for those who participate. Moreover, to mark the occasion, there’s also a new hero arriving, Landy (5*), a ranger-type character that can counteract enemies who rely on buffing themselves.
Here’s a brief summary of everything you can find in this event from week 1 onward.
Event Launch and Schedule
The new Thieves Under the Light of the Full Moon is scheduled for launch today, September 24, will last until October 15, and will have periodic additions throughout its duration. Initially, it will include the first chapter of the side story, with two more arriving on October 1, and October 10, respectively. In order to access the new content, players must first reach Rank 9.
While we don’t want to spoil the story for anyone, these challenges are pretty much the same as other events in the past, giving players the chance to complete unique levels in varying difficulty settings, and receive special rewards upon completion, for a limited time. On this occasion, the special currency in week 1 is [Lost Goods], which players can trade for different prizes in the exchange shop. Reportedly, every chapter of the event will have different unique currencies, though we only know of the first one as of this moment.
During the special side story missions, certain heroes will have enhanced stats when challenging the limited missions:
- Attack, HP, Defense +50%
- Basar, and Baal & Sezan.
- Attack and HP +30%
- Apocalypse Ravi, Gloomy Rain, Ken, Free Spirit Tieria, Cartuja, Crescent Moon Rin, and Rima.
You can add any of these heroes to your lineup if you need an extra push for completing the side story missions.
New Hero: Landy (5*)
As we mentioned above, 5* Landy is a ranger character with a specialty in dealing with enemies that rely on buffing themselves extensively. This is because two of her skills have significantly increased effects when attacking buffed enemies, or whenever an enemy buffs themselves in the previous turn. Though this might make Landy a bit situational and unsuited for most all-purpose teams, she shines brightly in PvP or other settings where there are enemies that frequently buff themselves.
Her skills include the following:
- Fire: Damages a single enemy and increases Landy’s combat readiness by 10%. Effect is doubled when attacking buffed enemies.
- The Chief is on the Scene: After every attack, increases Landy’s attack by 7%, stacking up to 5 times. Landy also gains 10% Fighting Spirit per enemy buff at the beginning of her turn, and once her Fighting Spirit is full, her skills’ cooldown are reset.
- Full Burst: Attacks all enemies and grants Increased Speed buff for 2 turns. If used when her Fighting Spirit is full, the skill consumes all of it to increase damage dealt and increases all allies’ combat readiness by 15%.
- That’s a Violation (Specialty): Landy’s specialty bonus increases reward bonus by 10%.
As you can see, not only is she very strong against buffed enemies, but her second skill also further increases her attack as the fight goes on, turning her into an absolute powerhouse if left unchecked. Her Fighting Spirit mechanics, if used correctly, can also put the team at an advantage, especially when powering up her Full Burst skill and granting everyone increased combat readiness.
New Artifact: Wall of Order (5*)
Alongside Landy, there’s also a new Artifact arriving in Epic Seven, which fits nicely with this hero’s skill set. The artifact in question is the Wall of Order (5*), a Ranger-exclusive item that grants powerful effects to the wearer, especially when enemies buff themselves.
At base level, this Artifact gives the hero a 4% chance per enemy buff to grant the wearer Increased Attack (Greater) for 1 turn. Moreover, if the wearer uses a skill that targets all enemies, he or she will increase their combat readiness by 10%.
While leveling up this Artifact won’t actually boost any of these effects, it will bump up the proc chance of the Increased Attack buff to 8% per buff, greatly increasing its uptime.
It’s definitely worth mentioning that, from September 24 to October 8, there will be increased chances of summoning Landy and the Wall of Order artifact from the summoning feature, so now would be the time to really focus on unlocking this new champion and adding her to your team.
Autumn Buff Event
While the Thieves Under the Light of the Full Moon event has quite a lot to offer, there are more things coming to Epic Seven in the following weeks. Aside from the new side story chapters that will be released throughout October, there will also be a limited Autumn Buff event starting next week, on September 30. While details about what this event will entail are sparse, feel free to check up on our blog in the future where we’ll be most likely covering these new Epic Seven updates as they unfold.
Other than that, there are a lot of stages to clear, stories to see, and rewards to earn in the current ongoing event. So get out there and start farming!
Have you already unlocked Landy and the new Wall of Order Artifact? What do you think of these additions to the roster in Epic Seven? What would you like to see in the future? Leave us all your thoughts and comments in the section below!