Genshin Impact's Version 2.5 Update Announced the Addition of a New Five-Star Character, Miko, as well as Several Enhancements.

According to the developer miHoYo’s last live twitch broadcast on February 4th, the Genshin Impact 2.5 Update “When the Sakura Bloom” will be released on Wednesday, February 16th, 2022. The update includes the five-star Hero Yae Miko, Raiden Shogun and Yae Miko story missions, reruns for Raiden Shogun and Kokomi, and more.
Unlike the last 2.4 update, this one does not feature any map changes, but it shouldn’t deter you from playing the game again. Yae Miko, the new five-star Electro Catalyst character will be a formidable opponent in combat. You’ll also be able to do new Yae Miko story missions which is a great boost.
Raiden Shogun and Sangonomiya Kokomi, both the reruns, will be joining Yae Miko. Raiden Shogun is a Five-star Electro character that instead uses a polearm. Sangonomiya Kokomi, on the other hand, is a Hydro Catalyst character with a five-star rating.
With Version 2.5, you can anticipate more than just new characters. There’s also a new challenging exploration event called “Three Realms Gateway Offering,” which allows players to explore Enkanomiya-themed places while traveling through them.
As Raiden Shogun’s Story Quest proceeds, a powerful new Trounce Domain opponent emerges on the opposite side of Inazuma, promising to test players with terrifying battle techniques also allowing players to customize their own domain dungeons with traps, terrains et al which is a significant plus.
Other new features include Of Drink A-Dreaming, a fun-looking minigame that asks players to concoct beverages; Hyakunin Ikki, a fishing contest; and new weapons including Kagura’s Verity and Oathsworn Eye.
Since the debut of the Inazuma region, gamers have been waiting for Miko, the newest 5-star character. It’s also worth mentioning that from the start of the 2.5 Update, Travellers will be able to play Yae Miko and Raiden Shogun’s Story Quests. Shogun will introduce a new weekly boss who will drop Miko’s Talent Level-Up Material.
This may be the ideal time for you to return to the world of Genshin, but if not, we’ll keep you informed of any forthcoming changes.