Lord of Heroes – Water Dragon Knight Helga, Equipment Preset, and Calamity Cradle Rework

Another week and another update for Lord of Heroes is here! The turn-based RPG by CloverGames is available as a free-to-play game on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store. Players can expect new updates in the form of long-form patches on a bi-weekly basis which has become a standard for games like Lord of Heroes. The game has been recently expanding its focus on adding new heroes while making them available through its summoning system. Of course, the paid heroes are still a thing that many players still gripe about. Lord of Heroes has recently turned 2 years old for its global version. The developers are in a festive mood! Players can use the coupon code – “LOHGL2YR” to redeem some amazing rewards. Make sure to redeem it before 30th September 2022.
The new update is bringing with it a brand-new hero – Water Dragon Knight Helga, an original new character coming to the game. Players will be able to recruit Water Dragon Knight Helga by summoning her from the new featured summon banner “Dragonblood Companion”. Players can use their collected Linkstones to summon this featured banner. Alliance Raid: Calamity Cradle is being completely reworked to make it more up-to-date and relative in terms of the pace of the game. Change is always better than being stagnant, that’s what the developers at Lord of Heroes believe. A new feature called “Equipment Preset” is also being introduced in the game for ease of switching gears. Let’s check out all the new things that are coming to Lord of Heroes with the 29th September 2022 update.
Water Dragon Knight Helga –5-Star Hero
Water Dragon Knight Helga, the water elemental version of the new hero Dragon Knight Helga is coming to join the army of Avillon! Players were already aware of a new hero coming to the game as Dark Brandon’s summoning banner was going to be over. However, the addition of Dragon Knight Helga was a total surprise. Players did not expect a new hero completely from scratch to come to the game. A short trailer for the new hero can be seen on the game’s official YouTube channel which showcases her skills and abilities.
Her hero description reads “No matter how vibrant the trade economy of the country is, the scenery one comes across in the mountain villages is bound to be similar. Helga’s hometown was also like such. There, should one go past the woods and the town hall, and follow the streamside trail, one will come across a quaint inn.
Here hold Helga’s most cherished memories of her life with her parents and their dog. Helga would swing the clothesline around as if it was a weapon whenever she was bored. Despite that, she never thought of herself as one of those heroes you would find in adventure stories. That was until she caught glimpse of a pair of eyes so bright that one would mistake them for a glowing lantern underneath a dark starless night.
Dragons are a special kind of creature. They bear intellect, their life is of unimaginable longevity, and they try to maintain a distance from the world around them. The world has always been filled with rumors about dragons. Some say that dragons are man-eating creatures filled with fury, whilst some say that tsunamis and earthquakes are a result of a dragon’s wrath. These stories seemed to have not reached the ears of those who lived in the mountain villages, however. Upon meeting the dragon, screaming for help did not even cross Helga’s mind. Instead, her first words to the dragon were: “You’re hurt, aren’t you?”. After that, the rest was history.”
Take a look at Water Dragon Knight Helga’s abilities and passives in detail:
Fast Thrusts: Attacks the selected enemy. 50% chance to trigger a blitz for 1 time(s). When a blitz is triggered, the character immediately uses their skill, regardless of its cooldown status. More than one blitz cannot be triggered in a row.
Lv.2 Burst Gauge Gain + 20%
Lv.3 Damage +10%
Lv.4 Debuff Chance + 10%
Lv.5 Damage + 10%
Lv.6 Debuff Chance + 10%
Powerful Swing: Attacks all enemies. Deals up to 40% additional damage as the number of targets decreases on the field. Generates a shield based on the user’s attack for both the user and the ally with the lowest health, which lasts 1 turn(s).
Lv.2 Damage + 5%
Lv.3 Damage + 5%
Lv.4 Damage + 10%
Lv.5 Damage + 10%
Lv.6 Cooldown -1
K’merisath (Burst Skill): Attacks all enemies. Deals up to 100% additional damage when there are fewer targets. Deals up to 5x additional damage depending on the enemy’s maximum health.
Lv.2 Damage + 10%
Lv.3 Damage + 10%
Lv.4 Damage + 10%
Lv.5 Damage + 10%
Lv.6 Spirit Cost – 1
Torrential Spear (Passive): Increases Attack by 2%/2%/3%/3%/5%
Passionate Maverick (Passive): Increases damage against fire-elemental enemies by 5% / 5% / 5% / 7%
Featured Summon – Dragonblood Companion
Featured summons is the only way to summon heroes. The latest hero “Water Dragon Knight Helga” has brought with a new rotation of a featured banner. The new featured summon banner is titled “Dragonblood Companion”. Players will be able to recruit Water Dragon Knight Helga only through this featured summoning banner. Players can make summons on the Dragonblood Companion banner using either linkstones or Featured Summon Tickets. Keep in mind that the pity on the previously featured banner “Cursed Immortal” is carried over to this new featured banner.
Hence, any summons you made on the previous banner will reflect on this banner as well. The pity will carry over as well. Here are the key summonable heroes/relics from the Dragonblood Companion banner:
- Summonable Heroes: Water Dragon Knight Helga
- Summonable Relics: [W] Dragon Knight Helga / [E] Laphlaes / [F] Laphlaes / [D] Brandon / [L] Syphfride / [F] Fram / [W] Fram / [L] Fram / [F] Johan / [W] Johan / [L] Johan / [D] Mikhail / [E] Mikhail / [E] Charlotte / [D] Charlotte / [W] Charlotte / [E] Schneider / [D] Schneider / [F] Schneider / [W] Schneider
Equipment Preset
Equipment Preset is going to be the first of many upcoming features to make the player’s life easier during the gearing process. The developers are more focused on introducing new quality-of-life features for the game while sideling new content for some time. Here are some key takeaways to note for the new Equipment Preset system coming to Lord of Heroes:
- Players can use the Equipment Preset feature for each hero by going to the hero’s tab in-game.
- A total of 3 different types of equipment pre-sets can be unlocked for each hero. The 1st one will be unlocked for free as soon as you acquire a hero. The 2nd and 3rd preset slots will be unlocked as you ascend the hero to the 1st and 2nd ascensions, respectively.
- Players will be able to set the saved data of their equipment using the Equipment Preset feature in the battle screen as well. However, players won’t be able to change the equipment of a saved preset from the battle screen. Players will only be able to change the preset.
- Equipped items will now display more information to give players full clarity while switching between equipment.
- Players won’t be able to equip the same piece of equipment for 2 heroes, that’s a given.
- A notification will pop up if players try to equip a piece of equipment already being used in another hero’s preset.
- The Inventory will be getting new filters to show equipment with more information to sort them.
- The maximum number of items that can be selected by the Auto-Select feature will be limited to 100.
Alliance Raid: Calamity Cradle Rework
The Alliance Raid Calamity Cradle is getting completely reworked as we speak! Players will be able to view the changes after post update on 29th September 2022. Everything related to battle sequence, background design, appearance, and stats of monsters, is getting changed. Here are the main takeaways to note with the upcoming Calamity Cradle rework:
- A new buff called [Damage from the disadvantage element will increase] is being introduced to the monster that will be applied to the boss monster of the Raid. This will help players to deal more damage to the boss.
- A new type of crystal called “Calamitous Cores” are going to be displayed by the boss. Each calamitous core will be of a different element, depending on the nature of the boss. The heroes that have an elemental advantage over the calamitous core will be able to deal damage to them.
- These calamitous cores will shatter once they absorb enough damage. When all of the calamitous cores will be destroyed, the boss monster will be staggered.
- Calamitous cores will not take damage from Damage over time effects or other effects. They will only take damage directly from heroes that have an advantageous element over them.
- During the staggered state, the boss monster becomes unconscious and receives greater damage. There is no limit as to how many times this effect can trigger throughout the battle. Upon being staggered, the boss monster’s action gauge drops to zero and slowly fills back.
- Once the action gauge is filled up, the boss monster wakes up again. So do the calamitous cores along with the monster.
Avillon Events for September – October 2022
Conquer the Silence (2nd October – 16th October) (Daily Event) is a type of event that rewards the players based on the number of battles played in the Silent Straits. The rewards and milestones to get the rewards are as follows: –
- 2 battles completed in Silent Straits – Thalassic Ticket x 4
- 4 battles completed in Silent Straits – Renown x 1000
- 6 battles completed in Silent Straits – Renown x 1000
- 8 battles completed in Silent Straits – Renown x 1000
- 10 battles completed in Silent Straits – Thalassic Ticket x 6
Energetic Efforts (29th September – 12th October) (Daily Event) is the type of event that rewards the players according to the amount of energy spent in different game modes in Lord of Heroes. The rewards and milestones to get the rewards are as follows: –
- 300 Energy Flags consumed – Gold x 10,000
- 1500 Energy Flags consumed – Crystal x 20
- 3000 Energy Flags consumed – Energy x 3000
- 4500 Energy Flags consumed – Elixir of Insight x 20
- 5000 Energy Flags consumed – Alchemy Ticket x 1
Obelisk Ascension (29th September – 2nd October) (Term Event) is a type of event that rewards players based on the number of battles done in the Obelisk. The rewards and milestones to get the rewards are as follows:
- 5 Battles in Obelisk – Gold x 30,000
- 10 Battles in Obelisk – Elixir of Insight x 10
- 15 Battles in Obelisk – Renown x 30,000
- 20 Battles in Obelisk – Sigil of Bravery x 5
- 30 Battles in Obelisk – Contract Hero Relic Box x 1
Tome of Calamity (29th September – 12th October) (Term Event) is a type of event that rewards the players based on the number of Alliance Raid battles they participate in. The rewards and milestones to get the rewards are as follows:
- 2 battles of Alliance Raid – Energy x 3000
- 4 battles of Alliance Raid – Elixir of Insight x 30
- 8 battles of Alliance Raid – Renown x 30,000
- 12 battles of Alliance Raid – Gold x 100,000
- 16 battles of Alliance Raid – Alchemy Ticket x 10
This concludes the coverage of all the new stuff coming to Lord of Heroes with the 29th September 20222 update. Feel free to read the official notes to get more in-depth knowledge about the upcoming update. To play Lord of Heroes on your PC using a keyboard and mouse, get the most optimized and lag-free experience on BlueStacks.