Morbius and Werewolf Debut in Marvel Contest of Champions

Marvel Contest of Champions is a fighting game developed by Kabam Games that features fan-favorite Marvel superheroes and supervillains in an ultimate showdown. You get to control characters like Spider-Man, Iron Man, and the like and have them brawl each other to become the Ultimate Marvel Champion!
Just recently, Kabam has announced that two new characters will make their debut in the game – Morbious and Werewolf. Werewolf (also known as Werewolf by Knight) will debut on October 12, 2023 whereas Morbius will debut on October 26, 2023. You may recognize Morbius from the 2022 film starring Jared Leto, which gained a lot of internet meme fame.
Kabam has released several blog posts detailing the abilities of Werewolf and Morbius. Let’s check them out and see their potential as a fighter in Marvel Contest of Champions.
Morbius is a Science-class character with Bleed, Rupture, Fervor, Petrify, and Regeneration as his basic abilities. In terms of champion attributes, he has a near-perfect rating for survivability and damage. Morbius’ gameplay has him flying at opponents at incredible speeds using his Psionic Glide. Let’s preview some of his abilities.
- Psionic Glide
- When done, all incoming attacks passively miss Morbius until completing his first medium attack.
- Medium attack is passively unblockable and gains +981.75 attack rating.
- Medium attack inflicts a Bleed debuff, dealing 39.27 damage over 24 seconds. The ability can be inflicted through block. If the opponent is recovering from a special attack, 4 Bleeds are inflicted instead.
- Special Attack I – Vampiric Maul
- 50% chance on each hit to inflict a Bleed debuff, dealing 39.27 damage over 24 seconds.
- Personal fervor buffs are paused during this attack and expire immediately when it is complete.
You can check out Morbius’ two other special attacks, signature ability, and detailed information about his stats in the official news post.
Werewolf by Night is a Mystic-class character with Rupture, Chilling owl, Power Gain, Curse of Lycantrophy, and Regeneration as his basic abilities. He has a very good rating for survivability, ease of use, and defender of strength in his champion attributes. Werewolf uses his dangerous claws and teeth to unleash a berserk rage against his foes. He can apply massive Rupture debuffs and can become a very tough character when he activates the Curse of Lycantrophy. Let’s preview some of his abilities.
- Always Active
- -30% Combat Power Rate.
- Werewolf By Night is immune to Heal Block and incoming Poisons suffer -90% duration, but he has -50% Regeneration rate when fighting against #Silver champions.
- Medium Attack 1 and Light Attack 4 inflict a Rupture debuff dealing 3568.5 physical damage over 15 seconds. This can trigger through block.
- Special Attack I – Lycanthrope Rush
- Each hit inflicts a Rupture debuff dealing 3568.5 physical damage over 15 seconds. 30% chance to inflict a Rupture through block.
- The first two hits that make contact have a 200% chance to Nullify 1 Regeneration and 1 Precision Buff. If any buffs are nullified, deal a burst of 2379 Physical Damage.
You can check out Werewolf’s two other special attacks, signature ability, and detailed information about his stats in the official news post.
Install and play Marvel Contest of Champions now on PC or Mac with BlueStacks. Take advantage of controller support to make your fighting game experience better and also other features like macros. Check out other action games here.