Pokemon Unite – Buzzwole Released and Balance Adjustments

Pokemon Unite, the 5v5 top-down MOBA title by Tencent Games is stopping at no end to make sure the game stays the favorite Pokemon game for Pokemon lovers. The last month might have been a bit dry but the month of August looks promising for the challengers of Mer Stadium as the game has recently dropped its latest update. The newest patch can already be seen live in-game as the update came on 4th August 2022.
In the update, the first thing to notice is the entry of Buzzwole, the gigantic Bug/Fighting type Pokemon that loves to take on challenges and prove its dominance on the battlefield. Pecking those flashy muscles, Buzzwole is coming to Pokemon Unite as a playable Pokemon in-game. We will take a look at the skill and abilities of Buzzwole in the next section of this article. Some balance adjustments also took place to maintain the competitive aspect of the game. Let’s take a look at all the new stuff that came to Pokemon Unite with its update on 4th August 2022.
New Pokemon – Buzzwole
The newest Pokemon coming to Pokemon Unite is Buzzwole, the muscular bug that is ready to be played on the battlefield as a melee All-Rounder that deals Physical damage. Buzzwole’s base form is going to be Buzzwole itself since he doesn’t have an evolution path. Buzzwole’s passive ability Beast Boost is a great movement speed and attack speed booster that wants Buzzwole to be constantly engaged in fighting to gain stacks of muscle gauge. He loses the stacks of muscle gauge when not in combat. Buzzwole’s basic attacks can restore a certain percentage of his HP when the attack is boosted while dealing some extra damage. His 2nd moveset base ability Felt Stinger is a new ability that states Buzzwole deals damage to enemies in front of him. The damage increases by 12.5% for every stack of muscle gauge he currently has. Buzzwole also recovers 10% of his MAX HP if this skill knocks an enemy out.
His 1st basic ability Mega Punch can be upgraded to either Lunge or Smack Down. We would prefer upgrading Lunge as it seems to be great for 1v1 situations as it decreases the attack of the enemy by 30% for 2 seconds. Further, it also provides Buzzwole 30% Attack Speed and extra stacks of Muscle gauge. Lastly, it can be used as a dash mechanic to escape tricky situations due to the rest of his kit being fairly immobile. Buzzwole’s Unite Move Ultra Swole Slam is an AOE-targeted damaging skill that deals physical damage to all enemies in a particular area. It works exactly like an execution skill that deals more damage to enemies with low HP. Buzzwole’s move sets and passives are as follows: –
Beast Boost (Passive) – When Buzzwole knocks out or assists in knocking out an enemy player, movement speed is increased by 100%, and basic attack speed increases by 50% for 3s. Each time Buzzwole hits an enemy with basic attacks, Mega Punch, Lunge, or Smack Down – the muscle gauge increases. Conversely, when Buzzwole is not in combat with enemy players, the muscle gauge depletes by 1 increment every 5s. Up to 6 muscle gauge increments can be stored.
Basic Attacks – Each time a basic attack hits an enemy, increase muscle gauge by 1 increment. Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, throwing two consecutive punches while restoring Buzzwole’s HP and increasing muscle gauge by 1 increment for each hit.
1st Move Set Chains
Mega Punch– Jump in the designated direction before slamming the ground with a powerful punch. The shock from the punch deals damage to enemies in the area. If this move hits an enemy player, the muscle gauge increases by 1 increment for each player hit.
Lunge (Can be chosen at Level 7) – Lunge in the designated direction, dealing damage to enemies and decreasing their Attack by 30% for 2s. If this move hits an enemy player, the muscle gauge increases by 1 increment for each player hit. After this move is used, Buzzwole’s basic attack speed is increased by 30% for 2s. Holds 2 uses in reserve and cannot be used more than once every 1s.
Smack Down (Can be chosen at Level 7) – Deliver an uppercut punch to an enemy in the designated direction; dealing damage and throwing them into the air. While the enemy is airborne, the user can activate this move again to perform a follow-up attack that smacks the target to the ground, dealing damage to all enemies in an area centered on the airborne enemy. If this move deals damage to enemy players, increase muscle gauge by 1 increment for each player hit.
2nd Move Set Chains
Fell Stinger – Consumes the entire muscle gauge and has the user deal damage to an enemy in the designated direction. The damage dealt by this move increases for each muscle gauge increment consumed at a rate of 12.5% per increment. If this move knocks out an enemy, the user recovers 10% of the maximum HP.
Leech Life (Can be chosen at Level 5) – Grab and restrain an enemy in the designated direction, dealing damage over time while restoring Buzzwole’s HP. When this move is used, consumes the user’s entire muscle gauge. The number of hits and the amount of damage dealt per hit increases for each muscle gauge increment consumed. The number of hits starts at 4 and increases by 1 per 2 increments of muscle gauge consumed. Initial damage increases by 1.5% per muscle gauge increment. This move ends if Buzzwole becomes unable to act for any reason or if the restrained enemy escapes by using an Eject Button or through some other means.
Against Unstoppable Targets: Only 1 instance of damage and healing will occur, equal to 4 hits.
Super Power (Can be chosen at Level 5) – Consumes the entire muscle gauge and has the user run in the designated direction and grab an enemy. The user then slams the target down on the ground at full strength, dealing damage to all enemies in the area and granting an 8% Max HP shield. The damage dealt by this move is increased at a rate of 12.5% per muscle gauge increment. The shield is increased at a rate of 1.5% Max HP per muscle gauge increment.
Ultra Swole Slam (UNITE MOVE) – Buzzwole flies at high speed, dealing damage to enemies in the area of effect. Afterward, the user targets the enemy with the lowest percentage of HP remaining among those hit and charges down at them from the sky, dealing area damage once again and additional damage to the targeted enemy based on their missing HP.
Against Wild Pokemon: Missing HP damage is not dealt.
Buzzwole is looking out to be a great fighter on the field as he can go on 1v1 against many of the dominating Pokemons in meta like Lucario, Absol, Tsareena, etc. His best utility might be in split push team compositions as his performance in team fights doesn’t exactly look out to be the best. Currently, players can get Buzzwole’s Unite License from the Aeos Shop at 12,000 Aeos Coins or 575 Aeos Gems.
Balance Changes (Nerfs/Buffs/Bug Fixes)
The latest update on 4th August also new balance changes for several Pokemons. The balance adjustments are quite low this time and all are bug fixes in the different skills of Pokemons. Here are the balance changes in brief: –
Cramorant (Bug Fixed)
Dive ? Bug Fixed that affected the Maximum Range of the skill.
Surf ? Bug Fixed that affected the damage dealt by this skill.
Unite Move – Gatling Gulp Missile ? Bug Fixed that affected the activation timing of this skill.
Absol (Bug Fixed)
Night Slash ? Bug Fixed that affected the Area of the effect of this skill.
Night Slash + ? Bug Fixed that affected the activation of 1 or 2 effects of this skill.
Decidueye (Bug Fixed)
Spirit Shackle ? Bug Fixed that affected the cooldown and maximum uses of this skill.
Glaceon (Bug Fixed)
Icy Wind ? Bug Fixed that affected the activation of 1 or 2 effects of this skill.
Tsareena (Bug Fixed)
General Bug Fixes
That concludes our coverage of the 4th August update of Pokemon Unite. Feel free to take a look at the official patch notes for the update. Play Pokemon Unite on your PC using BlueStacks for a much better lag-free experience on a bigger screen using your keyboard and mouse.