Pokemon Unite - Tons of Balance Adjustments Announced with Patch

Pokemon Unite, the beloved 5v5 MOBA title by Tencent Games and TiMi Studios has topped the charts for multiple months in a row! As the game progresses over time, new & exciting Pokemons and game modes are added to keep the players entertained and engaged. Players can expect a ton of new events and balance adjustments with the latest update titled as version “”. The new update brings the Pokemon Blaziken, a melee ranged fighting type unit that can be bought and used in games right away! New Battle Pass, Skins, and other items also await you!
Some other bug fixes are also mentioned in the official patch notes. Let’s get right into the details for Patch Pokemon Unite can be downloaded and installed as a free-to-play game on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store with in-game microtransactions enabled.
Balance Changes (Nerfs/Buffs/Adjustments)
The Balance changes are an integral part of the game, to ensure fair & equal opportunity given to all Pokemons. It also makes sure that the meta picks of Pokemon Unite are not stale and constantly ever-changing as players devise new strategies. Here’s a complete list of balance changes introduced with the latest update:
Mega Mewtwo X (NERFED)
Stats -> Critical-hit rate: 10% (at Lv. 5), 20% (at Lv. 9) → 5% (at Lv. 5), 10% (at Lv.10)
Future Sight (Ability)
Cooldown: 7.5 sec. → 9 sec.
Time that opposing Pokémon are left unable to act: 0.75 sec. → 0.5 sec.
Fixed a bug that caused some Pokémon’s moves to become unusable.
Infinite Psyburn (Unite Move)
Damage: reduced by 15%
Energy needed: increased by 20%
Fixed a bug that caused the move to sometimes deal multiple hits to Pokémon that were using Full Heal.
Mega Mewtwo Y (NERFED)
Future Sight (Ability)
Upper limit on additional damage: 2000 → 1500
Cooldown: 8 sec. → 10 sec.
Time that opposing Pokémon are left unable to act: 0.75 sec. → 0.5 sec.
Fixed a bug that caused some Pokémon’s moves to become unusable.
Recover (Ability)
Cooldown: 10 sec. → 12 sec.
Infinite Psyburn (Unite Move)
Damage: reduced by 15%
Energy needed: increased by 20%
Fixed a bug that caused the move to sometimes deal multiple hits to Pokémon that were using Full Heal.
Tsareena (BUFFED)
Defense: 70–350 → 70–380 (Lv. 1–15)
Sp. Def: 50–285 → 50–310 (Lv. 1–15)
Future Sight (Ability)
HP restoration: increased by 25%
Trop Kick (Ability)
Shield amount: increased by 20%
Stomp (Ability)
HP restoration: increased by 25%
Grassy Slide (Ability)
Shield amount: increased by 20%
Umbreon (NERFED)
Snarl (Ability)
Cooldown: 9 sec. → 10 sec.
Attack/Sp. Atk reduction (per instance of damage): 6% → 4%
Aegislash (BUFFED)
Stats (Blade Forme)
Attack: 223–357 → 258–432 (Lv. 7–15)
Gengar (BUFFED)
Sp. Atk: 80–660 → 80–690 (Lv. 1–15)
Defense: 52–260 → 52–290 (Lv. 1–15)
Sp. Def: 38–190 → 38–210 (Lv. 1–15)
Pikachu (BUFFED)
Thunderbolt (Ability)
Cooldown: 8 sec. → 7.5 sec.
Thunder (Ability)
Damage: increased by 10%
Cooldown: 8 sec. → 7.5 sec.
Alolan Ninetales (NERFED)
Avalanche (Ability)
Cooldown: 7 sec. → 8 sec.
Blizzard (Ability)
Cooldown: 7 sec. → 8 sec.
Cramorant (BUG FIXED)
Gatling Gulp Missile (Unite Move)
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Cramorant to attack two Pokémon at the same time.
That concludes all the new stuff coming with Patch Enjoy Pokemon Unite on your PC using BlueStacks for a much better lag-free experience on a bigger screen using your keyboard and mouse.