PUBG Mobile Launches Squid Game Themed React Survival Mode

Tencent and PUBG Mobile have often brought the best of real-world sensations alive in the game for their loyal users. The squid game is no different. The Netflix show gained notoriety and worldwide fandom overnight after its release on the said platform, breaking many records in the process.
PUBG Mobile has now brought the Squid game experience to your mobile screens with the release of React Survival mode. The main feature of the mode is to survive and is based on Squid game’s ‘Red Light Green Light’ task that takes place on a deserted ground. The mode is a unique and exclusive one, which means it would only be playable in a room created with only friends.
As per the Red Light Green Light task, players start from the same place and must cross the finish line without violating the rule – the rule being that they can move forward during the Greenlight but must not make any movement when the light is red. Any player violating the said rule is immediately eliminated, in a rather upsetting manner on the popular Netflix show.
For the unaware, Squid Game is a TV show that aired on streaming platform Netflix and ended up garnering worldwide success and popularity. The show ended up becoming Netflix’s most-watched series and being the top viewed program in 94 countries in the world.
Players can access the new mode by clicking on Create Room and then choosing the React Survival Mode in it.
Gear up to get the Squid game experience in PUBG Mobile now. You might not be able to win the 45.6 billion Won prize shown in the Netflix show but you will be able to beat your friends and brag about it for the next few days.