PUBG New State: Major December Update & Holiday Events

Note: This game is currently not compatible with BlueStacks
PUBG New State has recently released its biggest update yet, featuring tons of new content, including a new weapon, vehicles, themes, gameplay improvements, and Survivor Pass, to name a few.
The Winter Carnival has hit the Battlegrounds!
Log in for sweet treats, winter goodies, and festive skins!#pubgnewstate #newstatecrate— PUBG: NEW STATE (@PUBG_NEWSTATE) December 17, 2021
There are also three new holiday-themed events this December; let’s start with those, shall we?
PUBG New State: Latest December Holiday Events
Winter Festival Challenge
From December 16 to 27, complete a series of themed missions to earn special rewards, including Royale Chest Tickets and the Crimson Snowflake – M416 weapon.
- Rewards can only be collected once per account.
- Rewards will be received by logging in once during the event period.
- The [RECEIVE] button will be activated when the account satisfies the requirements to receive each reward.
- Collected rewards will be stored in your inventory automatically.
Weekend Login Event
Between December 11 and December 20, make sure to log into the game every Saturday, Sunday, and Monday to earn special surprise gifts.
Rewards not claimed within the event period cannot be recovered or restored.
Event items can not be moved to other accounts.
Lord of Blood Crate Giveaway Event
To celebrate the release of Lord of Blood Crates in PUBG: NEW STATE, any players that log in during our Lord of Blood Crate Giveaway Event from December 17 to January 13 will receive free Lord of Blood Crate Tickets. And the reward for this event is Lord of Blood Crate Tickets x 3.
Survivor Season Pass Vol. 2
The main character of this Pass’s story is Bella of the Dream Runners Faction. Players have to clear the story missions to collect all of Bella’s costumes. Here’s what else is new in Volume 2 of the Survivor Pass:
- Upgraded level rewards for the Premium Pass
- Rewards now include vehicle skins and more character costumes!
- Collect NC by leveling up this Pass! At Lv. 48, you’ll have enough to buy the next Premium Pass.
- Added BP Chests as a Free Pass reward
And the developers have also said that due to the feedback they received from numerous Survivors, players will be able to obtain 1,500 NC upon reaching Level 48 of the Premium Pass so that they can purchase the next Premium Pass.
New Lobby Theme- The Lobby background and music has been changed to a winter festival theme.
The BP Store background has also been updated.
Merit Points System- A penalty system to punish negative behavior has been added.
- Rules: A Survivor’s Merit Points will decrease if they are reported for Friendly Fire or other displays of negative behavior, and multiple reports will result in a lower score.
- If their Merit Points fall below a certain score, the Survivor will be restricted from playing Squad Mode. (They will still be able to play in Solo Mode.)
- By playing Solo Mode, they can slowly increase their Merit Points over time.
- Once their score is high enough, the restriction will be lifted, and they will be able to play Squad Mode again.
New Weapon: L85A3 Assault Rifle
The L85A3 is a bullpup assault rifle with 5.56mm ammo offering low recoil that opens up a new way for Survivors to take on the Battlegrounds of 2051. The L85A3 can be found in both Erangel and Troi.
L85A3 offers the highest damage of all 5.56 assault rifles and performs well in mid to long-range fights but has a low fire rate.
L85A3 [C1] Vertical Foregrip Bipod Gun Customization
Pros: Reduces vertical recoil of the L85A3, offering easier recoil control when shooting while crouched or prone. Cons- once customized, the attachment will be equipped in the L85A3’s Grip Slot and cannot be swapped out for another. This attachment also reduces ADS speed a bit.
M416 [C2] Long Barrel
The second customization is now available for the M416, but it can only be customized once per match, so choose wisely. Pros- Increases damage & Cons- Increases vertical recoil, and once customized, this attachment will disable the M416’s muzzle slot.
SLR [C2] 5.56mm Barrel
Players can swap out the SLR’s 7.62mm barrel for a 5.56mm barrel to increase firing accuracy. The cons include decreased damage compared to the 7.62mm barrel, and the SLR can only be customized once per match.
New Vehicles- Electron & Mesta
The Electron is an electric 6-seater minibus that is more durable than other vehicles. You can switch seats while in the vehicle, even when riding with a full squad. The Electron can be found in Troi and Training Ground.
The Mesta is a classic 2-seater sports car that can accelerate quickly and hit high-top speeds. This vehicle comes in two models: standard and an open top. Players can find the Mesta in Erangel, Training Ground, and certain parts of Troi.
Updated Controls & Actions
Vehicle Changes
- The vehicle boarding parameters have been altered so that players do not have to be right beside the vehicle’s door to be able to enter it.
- Added radios to vehicles that can play various songs and music from PUBG: NEW STATE. And this function can be enabled or disabled by going to [Settings > Vehicle > Music in Vehicle].
- Fixed the buoyancy of vehicles in water, so it is applied normally
- Reduced the time that the engine will run when a vehicle is submerged in water from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
- Improved the [Drive], [Get In], and [Door] buttons so that they respond faster
- Improved the vehicle handling controls for the Nova, Volta, and Dacia
- Improved the left/right turning mechanisms to be smoother than before
- Changed the electric sports car Nova from 4-wheel drive to front-wheel drive
- Increased the size of the Boost button in the Default Button Settings
- Changed the Boost button so that tapping it while in Auto-Drive will no longer cancel Auto-Drive
Character Changes
- The joystick controls in control schemes #1 and #2 have been fixed so that the control sensitivities will now be correctly applied based on the size of the joystick controls
- Parkour moves can now be performed on doors from further away.
- Changed the combat roll mechanics so that when executing a combat roll when your Boost Gauge is 20 or above, you will perform a Boost Roll instead and cover more ground
- Boost Gauge higher than 20 – lower than 90: Boost Roll (Tier 1)
- Boost Gauge higher than 90: Boost Roll (Tier 2)
Map Updates & Fixes
The overall graphics quality of the maps has been increased, especially the quality of the grass in Troi.
- Fixed an issue in Troi where you could enter into certain parts of the terrain
- Fixed an issue in Troi where roofs of certain buildings would have areas that looked brighter than other parts of the roof
- Fixed an issue in Troi where there would be lighting in unlit buildings in the staircases to the roofs
- Fixed an issue in Troi where the walls of certain buildings would have gaps between them and not look connected
- Fixed an issue in Troi where certain buildings would have abnormal structures sticking out of them
- Fixed an issue in Erangel where certain rocks on the Starting Island would have holes in them
Station (Team Deathmatch) Changes
- Decreased the area behind the spawn points so that a team cannot position themselves behind the enemy’s spawn point.
- Changed the spawn areas so that each team’s spawn area will now be marked in their respective team colors (blue/red) to make each team’s base more easily identifiable
- Changed the Report button so that it will always be visible in TDM during a match
Other Major Updates
- Using the feedback the developers received from the community, BP refund amounts will now be higher when players acquire duplicate items.
- Emotes can now be used in the lobby. Try out group emotes with your friends!
- Game tips will now appear on loading screens.
- Survivors who have been banned for using unauthorized 3rd-party programs will be deleted from the Ranks in real-time. (There may be a slight system delay.)
- Survivors who upgraded their Mad Scarecrow Costumes to the highest level will receive the Mad Scarecrow Patch by in-game mail after the maintenance ends.
- They have also sent a special patch to everyone who worked hard to upgrade their Mad Scarecrow Costumes to thank them for their dedication and hard work.
Apart from these updates, the new patch also introduces tons of small gameplay fixes that improve player experience. For example, the issue where scope sights would occasionally show incorrect views has been patched.
That’s it for now about PUBG New State; stay tuned for further updates.