The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross the Return of the Final Boss Battle Event

Get a chance to win King the Fairy King’s Eternal Promise costume and Holy Knight Diane’s Sincere Promise costumes and more rare items by clearing the stages and obtaining points.
You are going to be battling against the beefy trio bosses that have their own effect on their team and you will be needed to defeat them to get a handful of rewards that goes up in rarity depending on the difficulty that you can manage to beat them.
Final Boss Taizoo, Waillo, and Twigo info
Taizo: Taizo will increase his Attack when He is the only one standing and the other 2 are already dead.
Twigo: All of Twigo’s attacks will be a guaranteed hit and will ignore evasions.
Waillo: Waillo will be able to steal 1 ultimate move gauge orb when he attacks your party.
Phase 1
Taizo, Twigo, and Waillo will have advantages or disadvantages against certain races, each one of them. They are also going to be immune to incapacitation (freeze, Petrify, stun) and stat decrease effect.
Phase 2
Taizo, Twigo, and Waillo will have an all-target skill that can disable the skills from your party making them harder to kill. The three of them will also be able to use stance skills every 2 turns, they can then use that to reflect and receive damage that is not going to be removable. They deal more damage to male heroes and receive more damage from female heroes so having an all-female party will be a good team comp against these bosses.
This event will have three difficulties
Normal: Defeat the normal level by meeting certain conditions.
- Clear the mission by having at least one demon hero in your team
- Clear the mission with full all-female heroes in your team
- A combined attack should be used at least 2 times
Hard: Defeat the hard level by meeting certain conditions.
- Clear the mission by having at least one giant hero in your team.
- Decrease the skill rank of an enemy at least 4 times.
- Clear the mission within 12 turns.
Extreme: Defeat the extreme level by meeting certain conditions.
- Clear the mission by having at least one fairy hero in your team.
- An enemy hero should be inflicted by rupture damage at least 5 times.
- Use skills with buff cancel effects to remove your enemy’s buffs for at least 10 times.
- Use skills with stance cancel effects to remove your enemy’s stance for at least 3 times.
Rewards – use the accumulated Final boss Taizo points to purchase from the final boss shop. Points will reset at the end of the season.
- Accumulate at least 36 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase Tuxedo of Promise once.
- Accumulate at least 24 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase A Sincere Oat once.
- Accumulate at least 16 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase Hairdo of Promise one.
- Accumulate at least 24 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase Firm Vow once.
- Accumulate at least 16 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase Tiara of Promise once.
- Accumulate at least 12 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase Equipment Engraving Stone 5 times.
- Accumulate at least 12 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase Treasure Chest 20 times.
- Accumulate at least 6 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase Water of Life 5 times.
- Accumulate at least 12 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase Demon’s Blood 5 times.
- Accumulate at least 4 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase Hammer of Vaizel 5 times.
- Accumulate at least 3 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase Anvil 20 times.
- Accumulate at least 2 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase Demonic Beast Howlex’s Ear 15 times.
- Accumulate at least 2 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase Gray Demon’s Wings 15 times.
- Accumulate at least 12 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase Red Demon’s Horn 15 times.
- Accumulate at least 2 final boss Taizo points to be able to purchase Awakening Stone 10 times.
Placement Rewards – You will also be able to get Placement Rewards based on your best score and the said rewards are cumulative so if you are placed at the topmost of the placement then you will also get the rewards below your placement.
- You will be able to get Equipment Engraving Stone and Hammer of Vaizel both at 10 times if your placement is at the top 30%.
- You will be able to get 30 Diamonds and 100 Anvils if your placement is at the top 50%.
- You will be able to get Water of Life and Demon’s Blood both 3 times if your placement is at the top 70%.
- You will be able to get 5 times tier 5 Water of Life and 5 tier 5 Demon’s Blood just by participating in the event.
You will also get cumulative points reward at the end of the event based on how much you have managed to accumulate overall during the duration of the event. The event will start on the 2nd of November and will last until the 8th of November.
Do you want to play The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross but your phone can’t handle the game’s extensive graphics? Download BlueStacks now and enjoy the game that’s faithful to the anime/manga that it is based on and play your favorite characters.
Have you fought the bosses yet? Have you been able to handle their manliness? Let us know in the comments below.