BlueStacks 4.150: Makes Life Easier with the Merge Macros Feature

Mobile game developers are getting better and better at fulfilling the needs of their players. Overall, Android games are becoming more complex, as well as more accessible. What was once an absolute obstacle in the form of a paywall can now be overcome with a lot of farming – most of the time. If community response is any indication, having a choice between farming for extended periods of time and a small expenditure, the former is preferred than complying with the P2W model of most modern game devs. Period.
This is where the BlueStacks emulator comes in. As we’ve shown time and again, BlueStacks gives you more control over your gameplay and reduces the time you have to spend while farming. This is true whether you’re playing a stunning MMO, a fast-paced FPS, or a great gacha. There’s no limit to what you can do if you truly put your mind to it.
What are BlueStacks Macros?
As of version 4.140, with the Macros feature, BlueStacks made it possible to easily record sequences of clicks in your favourite games. Did you ever find yourself in a position where you wished you didn’t need to keep your eye on the screen? Most mobile games have an auto-battle function, but some input is still required. For example, think of the times when you wanted to farm a specific dungeon in King of Fighters ALLSTAR or in Astral Chronicles.
With the Macro Recorder, you can easily have your party switch from one dungeon to another without constantly keeping an eye on your game. You just start recording, go through the motions one time, and then save the macro. Moreover, you can edit several key details about it, such as how many times it should run (or for how long), as well as whether there should be a delay between iterations.
Things would be even better if we could combine more macros together. For instance, we would have wanted to be able to skip the introduction tutorial for all civilizations in Rise of Kingdoms. A simple macro will let us fully automate the tutorial sequence, but we need a separate one to take care of picking a different civilization. If only there was something we could do about that…
Introducing Merge Macros
Turns out there is. The BlueStacks dev team is always looking to improve players’ experience of Android games. And what better way to make a game even more fun than to completely eliminate the need to spend time farming for gear or resources? Merge Macros lets you do just that. Now you can go full f2p and save all of that time that you’d otherwise have to invest in progression.
In Rise of Kingdoms, the Merge Macros feature will easily let you start a playthrough with any civilization you want without spending one minute on the tutorial. All you have to do is record a macro that picks a civilization, another one that goes through all of the introductory sequences, and a third for completing the tutorial. Then, you can easily merge the macros and automate the entire process!
To give you another example, in King of Fighters ALLSTAR, you can speed through those side-sections where you have to click like a maniac to get rubies. Furthermore, you can completely automate the daily activities that hand out nice rewards. To do this, you need a Macro to help you get to the reward screen and select a mission that hasn’t been completed yet.
Then, you can merge this selection Macro with the one for entering the battle, wait for it to be done (give your team a generous margin) and then make sure to exit to the main screen. From here onwards, it’s just rinse and repeat, as the raid leaders used to say. Didn’t really follow through with completing Tower stages? No problem. This feature will rid you of any boring task once and for all.
And why not finish everything off with a one-time macro that collects the rewards as well? We wouldn’t want to waste any of these resources by having them overlap next day’s rewards, would we?
Even More Merge Macro Uses
In RAID: Shadow Legends, you’ll be able to get those elusive playtime rewards without having to look at your game once. Set a macro to launch the game and then another to collect the rewards after three hours. Combine them and rest assured that your resources are amassing even when you’re not at your desktop. Perhaps you want to reroll without having to look at the game once, except for when you need to summon, of course. No problem.
Do you want to level up some fodder for your Raid A-team? Make a separate macro for selecting a nice stage you can easily complete in a record amount of time, a macro for starting the battle, and then another for going to the next stage. With BlueStacks, your endless hours of farming are reduced to a breeze of several minutes – perhaps even less. The same pattern can also be applied to farming all the gold and the experience dungeons in KOFA.
The more macros you make, the more opportunities you give yourself to play the game at a whole new level. Most of these you’ll be able to combine in interesting new ways, which will give you the opportunity to progress through your favourite games at record speeds. We’ve been playing KOFA for less than a week and we have a full Orochi team with an 86 Shermie (fully equipped), a 65 Orochi Leona, and a 60 Orochi Iori (fully equipped).
Break Records with BlueStacks Macros
Thanks to the Merge Macros feature, it hasn’t even been a week and we managed to reach the endgame in our KOFA playthrough. We’ve completed all the series on both normal and hard. All that’s left to do are 96 through 98 on expert. We also just need a couple hundred more gems to land on Leona’s special battle card before we can literally say we’ve become the King of Fighters.
If you ask us, the best part about Merge Macros is that it made it possible to completely enjoy our favourite games. All the gruelling tasks are left for the BlueStacks tools, which have essentially given us a 1-up over developers. They thought they can make us pay for our most beloved characters by introducing arduous farming requirements. Well, turns out, farming can be loads of fun.
What are you waiting for, try out Macros with BlueStacks 4.150 now!