BlueStacks AFK Arena Hero Guide for PC and Android: Getting to Know the Graveborns

We know you ain’t afraid of no ghosts, which is why we’re introducing you to the Graveborns faction today! They are AFK Arena’s undead faction, heroes that have already passed away but managed to come back in a ghoulish form to partake in battles inside the AFK Arena.
While they don’t look as healthy as the Wilders or as bright and colorful as the Lightbearers, the Graveborns shine in their own dark way as half-living, half-dead heroes. They work well against the Lightbearers and have a total of 18 heroes under their banner.
This guide will give you the top five Graveborns heroes you should focus on if you’re aiming for a full undead team in AFK Arena. Remember that getting a full, five-man Graveborn team or any of your chosen faction (except for the Hypogeans) will grant a bonus +25% attack, +25% HP to all units. Of course, it’s only possible to collect five Graveborns through AFK Arena’s gacha system.
The Possibility of Multiple Rerolling
As one of the most popular gacha games in the West, AFK Arena has captured the hearts of many with its colorful characters and its ever-forgiving gacha system. With companies like Lilith Games, every day is a diamond party since they give away several diamonds acquired from doing quests and event missions.
Note that 300 diamonds can be exchanged for a 1x summon, while 2,700 diamonds can be used for a 10x summon. You also get a guaranteed Elite hero on the 10x option!
We know you love AFK Arena’s gacha system and rerolling for your favorite units, which is why we’re giving you the opportunity to do multiple rerolling using BlueStacks!
BlueStacks is the fastest Android emulator for PC users. It’s every desktop and laptop user’s best friend when it comes to porting their favorite mobile titles to a bigger screen. With BlueStacks’ Multi-Instance feature, multiple rerolling using different accounts is now possible! You can now reroll your faves at a more efficient rate and without all the fuss in just a few clicks!
Simply download BlueStacks by following the instructions here. Afterward, you can install AFK Arena and all the other Android games available on its store listing!
With gacha roll now made better, we can now start discussing the five best Graveborn heroes in AFK Arena.
While his name is just one letter away from the infamous “emergency food” from Genshin Impact, Daimon is actually a fantastic AoE tank. His Soul Feast ability can deal up to 300% damage to ALL enemies. The bonus effect from activating Blood Shield is also important since it reduces damage received by his allies, channels 35% of it to him, but is immune to death from these damages.
His doll, Stitchy, also helps deal impressive 200% single-target damage and stunning the enemy for three seconds.
Remember to save Daimon for your late game roster!
This ranged hero’s debuffs can really come in handy in later levels of AFK Arena. His summoned spirits have the power to dramatically deduct the enemy’s energy points, delaying their ultimate and buying more time for your team to execute its plans.
He is one of the best CC heroes in the faction because of this ability.
Nara is the perfect hero to use against painful enemy heroes on the backline. Her Impale ability will hook a hero towards her, a counter against mages, glass cannon units, and other DPS. Her kit also includes a brief stun onto a single enemy, a very useful crowd control ability to buy the members of your team enough time to set up their ults.
Definitely pick up Nara if you are having a hard time dealing with Silvina, as she is the perfect counter for her and most backline heroes.
We also suggest building her up and preparing her for late game fights since she is considerably one of the best late game picks with her CC abilities and damage outburst.
The Corpsemaker, Shemira, is wildly popular for her amazing sustain in-game, paired with her ability to deal continuous damage for a long time (max 12 seconds) using her Tortured Souls ability. This makes her a feasible mage carry hero for your team.
However, if you’re gonna use her for later chapters in the game, bear in mind that Shemira needs a reliable team composition in order for her ultimate ability to work.
You’re almost set for battle with these four heroes, but you need the last piece of your full Graveborn composition — Grezhul the Corrupted! He is another tank unit that can summon his mini skeletal army. The skeletons will always have the same level as Grezhul’s. The only catch is they gradually lose HP over time, so it’s ideal to use these undead underlings against magic-based heroes.
Grezhul will also thrive in a team full of mages since his Shadow Shield ability can absorb up to 200% damage and will cause the same percentage when broken.
At +30 Unlocks, his Signature Item isn’t too bad as well since he summons a skeletal warrior every 7.5 seconds.
With these five heroes from the Graveborn faction, you’re now ready to take over the PvE and PvP modes! You can try doing a 10x summon on the Graveborn banner to try and catch the heroes on this BlueStacks guide. Let us know about your AFK Arena gacha luck in the comments section!