Ancient Seal: The Exorcist is a thrilling RPG set in a chaotic ancient world. You’ll battle fierce demons and explore a stunning fantasy land. You can fly on dragons and even transform into gods, with excitement waiting at every turn. If you’re considering playing on your PC, you’re in for a great experience. 

BlueStacks brings a fresh gaming experience with better graphics and customizable controls, making every battle more thrilling. This beginner’s guide will help you start and enjoy your game. Let’s dive in and get you ready for an epic adventure.

Mastering the Basics: Gameplay and Combat Mechanics

Playing Ancient Seal: The Exorcist is exciting, but let’s first look at the basics to get you going. Download Ancient Seal: The Exorcist on your PC or laptop. After installing, create an account with your email or link your social media. This will save your progress and let you play on different devices.

Movement and Exploration

The game features a huge, stunning world for you to explore. Use your keyboard or gamepad to move through different areas. You can walk, run, and even fly on dragons to reach different places. The game’s advanced 3D art and unique picture quality make every moment visually captivating.

Combat Mechanics

Combat in Ancient Seal: The Exorcist combines strategy and real-time action. You’ll use a mix of melee attacks, ranged spells, and special abilities. Pay close attention to enemy patterns and weaknesses to counter their moves effectively. Transforming into gods grants you powerful skills that are useful in tough battles.

Transformations and Abilities

One of the standout features is the ability to transform into gods. Completing major tasks will earn you godlike powers, enhancing your abilities. These transformations are essential for taking down more formidable enemies and experiencing extraordinary battles.

Teamwork and Massive Battles

The game emphasizes teamwork, especially in large-scale battles like hundred-person melees and guild duels. So, you’ll find that strategy and coordination with your allies can determine victory. Form or join guilds to participate in these epic battles, where conquering opponents will bring you glory and dominance.

Home Building and Leisure Gameplay

When you need a break from the action, the game offers leisure activities like home building. Decorate your own space, grow vegetables, and invite friends over. This aspect adds a relaxing element to the game, balancing the intense battles with some downtime.

Explore the Game Modes

Ancient Seal: The Exorcist Beginner's Guide – GamePlay Mechanics, Modes and Currencies Unveiled

Ancient Seal: The Exorcist has many game modes that keep things exciting and offer endless adventures. Each mode has its challenges and rewards, so there’s always something new to enjoy.

Here are the different modes you’ll encounter:

Story Mode

In Story Mode, you’ll follow an engaging narrative that takes you through the ancient world’s history, filled with quests and missions. This mode is perfect for getting to know the lore and developing your character through structured progressions. Each quest you complete advances the story and unlocks new areas and challenges.

Dungeon Crawls

Dungeons play a vital role in the game, providing challenging areas to test your skills and earn valuable rewards. Each dungeon has tough enemies and bosses that need careful planning to defeat. The loot you collect, like rare items and resources, will help you upgrade your character and gear.

PvP Battles

If you’re competitive, the Player vs. Player (PvP) mode lets you showcase your skills against other players. Engage in duels or larger scale battles, where strategy and quick reflexes determine the victor. Winning PvP battles boosts your ranking and earns you exclusive rewards and those yearned bragging rights.

Guild Wars

Guild Wars takes teamwork to another level. Join or form a guild to participate in massive battles against rival guilds. Coordination and strategy are essential here as you work with your guild members to conquer opponents and seize powerful bosses. Victorious guilds earn significant rewards and gain prestige in the game world.

Leisure Activities

When you need a break from the intense action, indulge in the game’s leisure activities. Build and decorate your home, grow crops, and invite friends for relaxed fun. These activities provide a pleasant diversion and add depth to your gaming experience.

Missions and Quests

Ancient Seal: The Exorcist Beginner's Guide – GamePlay Mechanics, Modes and Currencies Unveiled

Quests and missions in Ancient Seal: The Exorcist is essential for advancing your character and earning rewards. By regularly participating in these quests and missions, you’ll ensure a steady progression in the game, continuously improving your character and enjoying the diverse content the game offers.

Here are the different types of quests you’ll encounter:

Daily Quests

Daily quests are designed to keep you engaged every day. These quests are relatively quick and straightforward, providing a steady stream of rewards such as experience points, gold, and essential items. So, be sure to complete daily quests to ensure continuous progress and gather resources needed for character upgrades.

Weekly Quests

Weekly quests are more challenging and more rewarding than daily ones. They usually involve completing tasks over several days, like fighting battles, collecting specific items, or reaching certain milestones. The rewards for weekly quests are significant, including rare items and big experience boosts. Thus, you will agree that this makes them worth the effort.

Monthly Quests

Monthly quests are the toughest but also the most rewarding. They involve achieving long-term goals, like reaching a certain level, defeating powerful bosses, or joining major in-game events. The rewards for monthly quests are highly coveted, including exclusive items, lots of in-game currency, and unique equipment that gives you a competitive edge.

Main Story Quests

The main story quests drive the narrative of Ancient Seal: The Exorcist. These quests are structured to guide you through the game’s plot, introducing you to key characters, major events, and the world’s lore. Completing main story quests unlocks new areas, abilities, and further storylines, making them crucial for your progression in the game.

Event Quests

Event quests are special missions available during limited-time in-game events. These quests often come with unique challenges and offer exclusive rewards only available during the event period. Participating in event quests is a great way to obtain rare items and showcase your dedication to the game.

Navigate the Game Currencies

In Ancient Seal: The Exorcist, various in-game currencies are crucial for progression, upgrades, and acquiring valuable items. 

Check the different currencies and their uses below:


Gold is the primary currency used for most transactions in the game. You’ll use gold to upgrade your gear, purchase essential items, and enhance your character’s abilities. You can earn gold by completing quests, defeating enemies, and participating in various in-game activities.


Diamonds are the premium currency in Ancient Seal: The Exorcist. You can use them to purchase rare and exclusive items, speed up processes like crafting and upgrading, and acquire particular event-related goods. Diamonds are typically obtained through in-app purchases, special events, or as rewards for significant achievements.

Bound Jade

Bound Jade is another form of premium currency with similar usage to diamonds, but you can only earn through gameplay rather than purchase. You can use Bound Jade to buy high-value items, participate in exclusive events, and unlock additional game features.


Copper is a basic currency used for minor transactions, typically earned in large quantities. You can use them for everyday expenses like minor upgrades, essential purchases, and trading with NPCs. Even though copper is less valuable than gold, you’ll need it for routine activities and minor enhancements.

Beast Souls

Beast Souls help make your pets stronger and more effective in battles. You can collect these souls by defeating specific enemies, completing quests, or participating in special events. Upgrading your pets with Beast Souls will greatly enhance your combat power and gameplay experience.

Advance Stones

Advance Stones are specialized currency explicitly used for upgrading gear and equipment. They are crucial for enhancing the power and effectiveness of your items, allowing you to take on more demanding challenges and progress further in the game. These stones are usually obtained through quests, dungeon battles, and events.


Scrolls are collectible items that often act as currency for unlocking specific abilities, upgrading skills, or accessing unique features within the game. You can find and collect these items during quests, earn them as rewards in battles or, better still, buy them with other currencies.

Begin Your Adventure

You’re now ready to dive into the mystical world of Ancient Seal: The Exorcist. With a grasp on the core gameplay mechanics, quests, missions, and in-game currencies, you’re set to become a legendary exorcist.

Playing Ancient Seal: The Exorcist on BlueStacks enhances your experience with better graphics and customizable controls. BlueStacks lets you fully immerse in the game’s detailed fantasy world, and its stability and extra features give you a competitive edge, making your adventure even more enjoyable and rewarding. Get in there and uncover the secrets that await!