Ashen Valkyries is an immersive Idle RPG that is set to captivate millions of players with thematic visuals and brand-new game mechanics. Heroes back the entirety of the combat system and account for the majority of the collection aspect in the game. They come in different rarities and factions. In this tier list, we have ranked the strongest heroes in different tiers, depending on their base stats and abilities. Check them out below!


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes
Megan SSR Marauder
Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes
Zovie SSR Ranger
Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes
Olivia SSR Iron
Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes
Becki SSR Earth
Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes
Diana SSR Energy


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes
Peyton SSR Marauder
Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes
Shanna SSR Ranger
Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes
Cera SSR Earth
Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes
Sherry SSR Pure Water
Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes
Amanda SSR Pure Water


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes
Riley SSR Iron
Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes
Catherine SSR Energy
Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes
Claire SSR Energy

S Tier Heroes

Let’s take a look at all of the heroes in this tier:


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes

Megan is an SSR rarity character from the Marauder faction that is classified as an Intellect type. Her active ability Funeral Hymn states that she inflicts 70% attack damage to all enemies, with a 25% chance to stun targets for 1 turn. Her passive skill Second Bloom states that actual damage increases by 8%, inflicts 33% attack damage to the target in 3 turns whenever a skill is used. 


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes

Zovie is an SSR rarity character from the Ranger faction that is classified as a Power type. Her active ability Battlefield Law states that she inflicts 75% attack damage to all enemies, with a 20% chance to stun targets for 1 turn. Her passive skill Victim states that actual damage increases by 8%, and decreases the target’s attack and defense by 15% whenever a skill is used. 


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes

Olivia is an SSR rarity character from the Iron faction that is classified as an Intellect type. Her active ability Dragon Powder states that she inflicts 240% attack damage to a random rear row enemy, stealing 15% attack from the target in 2 turns. Her passive skill Black Sabbath states that actual damage increases by 6%, and decreases the normal attack damage of the enemy hit by 12% for 2 turns.  


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes

Becki is an SSR rarity character from the Earth faction that is classified as a Power type. Her active ability Full Impact states that she inflicts 76% attack damage to all enemies, gains +10% attack, and inflict 4% max HP poison damage to enemies in 2 turns. Her passive skill Berserker states that damage reduction rate increases by 8%, when the hero is being attacked, inflicting 3% max HP poison damage to the attacking enemy in 1 turn. 


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes

Diana is an SSR rarity character from the Energy faction that is classified as an Agility type. Her active ability Herald of Death states that she inflicts 165% attack damage and burning damage equivalent to 62% attack to a random target in 2 turns. This skill will give target priority to a burning target. Her passive skill Ace states that actual damage increased by 8%, – 50% healing to target whenever a skill is used, restoring 10% max HP whenever an enemy is dead. 

Get More Summons and Guaranteed Cashback in Ashen Valkyries with nowbux

Struggling to get the strongest heroes? Well, now you can tons of summons and other juicy resources on all your in-game purchases thanks to nowbux currency. The ongoing nowbux cashback programme allows players to receive guaranteed cashback (up to 20%) when making in-game purchases on Ashen Valkyries. Players can trade their earned nowbux currency for gift packs, skins, and summons! There’s also a chance to win big with monthly mega jackpots and weekly sweepstakes happening all the time.  

A Tier Heroes

Let’s take a look at all of the heroes in this tier:


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes

Peyton is an SSR rarity character from the Marauder faction that is classified as a Power type. Her active ability Manic Bloodline states that she inflicts 275% attack damage to an enemy, and reduces the target’s defense by 40% for 2 turns. Her passive skill Last Resort states that damage reduction rate increased by 8%, fury skills silence target in 1 turn, restore HP equivalent to 30% attack when attacking.


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes

Shanna is an SSR rarity character from the Ranger faction that is classified as an Intellect type. Her active ability Combat readiness experiment states that she deals 50% attack damage to the enemy’s unit with the lowest life. Recover 70% of your attack life and increase 17% of your real damage in the next 2 rounds. Her passive skill Lantern Goddess states that damage reduction rate increased by 8%. When you survive, your attack and skill damage are increased by 5% each. 


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes

Cera is an SSR rarity character from the Earth faction that is classified as an Intellect type. Her active ability Flash Meteor states that she inflicts 105% attack damage on 3 enemies and inflict poisoning damage equivalent to 35% attack in each turn, for 2 rounds. Her passive skill Target Concentration states that when poisoning, restores 2 random heroes HP equal to 28% of attack in 1 turn.


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes

Sherry is an SSR rarity character from the Pure Water faction that is classified as an Agility type. Her active ability Suppressing Fire states that she inflicts 240% attack damage to 1 enemy, 75% chance to stun the target in 1 turn, and restores 10% of the hero’s MAX HP. Her passive skill Emergency Plan states that damage reduction rate increased by 6%, normal attack has 40% chance of stunning the target in 1 turn.


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes

Amanda is an SSR rarity character from the Pure Water faction that is classified as an Agility type. Her active ability Assassinator states that she inflicts 170% attack damage on 1 hero and inflict 50% extra bleeding damage in 2 turns. Her passive skill Decapitation states that normal attack is targeted on the lowest HP hero of the enemy, inflicts 105% damage and reduces defense by 8% in 2 rounds. 

B Tier Heroes

Let’s look at all of the heroes in this tier:


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes

Riley is an SSR rarity character from the Iron faction that is classified as an Agility type. Her active ability Rose Bloom states that she inflicts 88% attack damage to a random enemy for 4 times, this skill will give targeting priority to bleeding enemies. Her passive skill Lethal Calm states that actual damage increased by 6%, with a 60% chance to inflict bleeding damage equivalent to 25% attack in 2 turns. 


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes

Catherine is an SSR rarity character from the Energy faction that is classified as an Intellect type. Her active ability Sanction Shock states that she inflicts 105% attack damage to 4 random enemies, -15% target’s attack and all friendly heroes gain 15% attack for 3 turns. Her passive skill Inspiring states that the healing effect increased by 12%, restoring HP equivalent to 80% attack in 2 turns when the hero is dead. 


Ashen Valkyries Tier List for the Strongest Heroes

Claire is an SSR rarity character from the Energy faction that is classified as an Agility type. Her active ability Wild-47 states that she inflicts 118% attack damage on 3 random enemies and inflict burn damage equivalent to 42% attack in each turn, for 2 rounds. Her passive skill Assault Tactic states that her attack increases defense break by 10% in 2 turns.  

Players can enjoy Ashen Valkyries even more on a bigger screen of their PC or Laptop with keyboard and mouse via BlueStacks for an elevated gameplay experience.