Astral Odyssey Beginner's Guide to Master the Mechanics

Astral Odyssey is a breath-taking fantasy open-world RPG that features a rich class system with diverse game modes and gameplay mechanics. It’s imperative to understand these game mechanics in order to advance your knowledge about the game and increase your rate of progression. This guide is most beneficial for new players or players who are looking to start their fantasy adventure, as it also entails some crucial progression tips.
Understanding the Gameplay Mechanics of Astral Odyssey
Astral Odyssey works completely like an open-world MMORPG. It has a vast and open worldview, divided into multiple regions and shards. Each region is separate and not inter-connected. This means that you will experience some loading times in between switching shards. Being a mobile MMO, you get to experience a full-fledged exploration based questing system. Simply tap on the quest and your character will auto-move to the location. The premise of the game is simple – complete as many main and side quests as possible and redeem amazing rewards.
Along your journey, you will also encounter new avenues of growth pertaining to your character. Naturally, the first step would be to first choose a class. Currently, the game boasts 6 different and unique classes, each with their own playstyle: Phoenix, Monk, Erudite, Rakshasa, Vanguard, and Mechanist. Each of them has their own pros and cons, and we would encourage players to judge what they want to play with. For example, if you like playing with fire and are aggressive, then Rakshasa should be a top choice for you. Similarly, if you enjoy doing massive AOE-targeted damage and using incantation spells to help your allies, Monk should be your go-to preference.
Combat Mechanics of Astral Odyssey
Perhaps one of the most settling parts of playing games like Astral Odyssey are the intuitive controls it presents to players. You can modify these controls with BlueStacks’ controls editor to customize them to your preference. You can even use a gamepad which is suitable for games with combat systems like this.
You can move your character either through a virtual joystick or by tapping anywhere on the screen. You will have access to different abilities on the right-hand side:
- Basic Attack – The biggest button which launches a basic attack to enemies. This does not have a cooldown so this can be pressed repeatedly.
- Skills – These are four smaller buttons surrounding the Attack button which activate one of four of your character’s skills. If you are a free player, you can only use the first two skills. Purchasing the VIP1 Pack unlocks the third skill while the VIP3 Pack unlocks the fourth skill. When you use a skill, it will go into cooldown and a timer will be shown denoting when it will be available to use the next time.
- Transform – The button beside the first skill button that activates your character’s “Ultimate” attack. This temporarily transforms your character into a powerful entity and grants a significant damage boost. This is very useful when facing high-HP bosses. This skill has the longest cooldown among all attacks.
Gearing System
Your character can equip up to 10 pieces of gear to improve their basic stats. Each gear piece can then be individually upgraded to further increase the stat benefits they provide. Gear can commonly be found from fallen enemies. Gear can come in various rarities which determine their base strength. The rarity of the gear is indicated by its background color. Generally, the brighter and lighter the background color is, the rarer that gear item is. For example, gold backgrounds are rarer than purple backgrounds and purple backgrounds are rarer than blue backgrounds.
Dungeons and Bosses
Bosses come in three categories: Labyrinth Boss, Forbidden Boss, and Personal Boss. The main differences among the three are the rewards that they give out, the difficulty, and the number of attempts. Some bosses also have conditions, such as giving better rewards if you take shorter time to kill them. Generally, new bosses are unlocked as you level up. You have a limited number of attempts to fight and defeat the boss. These attempts are refillable after a certain amount of time.
The Dungeons comprises multiple floors. The idea is that you must clear the floor to unlock the next one. Each floor has a boss that you must defeat within the given time limit. Upon defeating the boss, you get clearance rewards which are delivered to your in-game mailbox every day at 5:00 A.M server time.
Increasing your CP with Stats in Astral Odyssey
Much like any other RPG game, your total strength and power is denoted by a fixed number called Combat Power (CP). You can increase your CP by increasing both basic and advanced stats. These stats can be improved using various methods that improve your character level and gear upgrades. Check out all the stats in Astral Odyssey:
Basic Stats
- HP
- Armor Pen
- HP Increase
- Armor Increase
- HP Recovery
- ATK Increase
- DEF Increase
Advanced Stats
- Absolute DMG
- Skill DMG Res
- Absolute DMG Res
- Skill DMG
- Ignore DEF
Under advanced stats, you have two more stats: Masterpiece stats and Rare stats.
1) Masterpiece Stats
- Crit
- Crit DMG
- Perception Strike
- Perception Penetration
- EXP Potential
- Crit RES
- Perception RES
- Perception Counterforce
2) Rare Stats
- DMG RED Chance
- Reveal Chance
- Dodge Chance
- Pursuit Chance
- Block Chance
- Ignore DMG RED
- Ignore Reveal
- Ignore Dodge
- Ignore Pursuit
- Ignore Block
It’s recommended to play Astral Odyssey on a PC using BlueStacks with a keyboard and mouse for a 60 FPS Full HD lag-free experience on a bigger screen.