In Battle Guys: Royale, players have a plethora of weapons to choose from, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. However, without a training mode or easy access to a comprehensive weapons list, it can be challenging to determine which guns are the best. At best, players can experiment with different weapons each round until they find the ones that suit their playstyle. This trial-and-error approach can be time-consuming and occasionally frustrating, and can make you miss out on the awesome action of the match.

To help streamline this process, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 best weapons in Battle Guys: Royale. This guide aims to provide you with an edge right from the start of each match by highlighting the weapons you should be on the lookout for. Alternatively, if you’re new to this game, feel free to check out our beginner’s guide. As a disclaimer, since there don’t seem to be any official names for these guns, we’ve given them our own. We’ll also share screenshots of each weapon so you can easily recognize them in-game.

Full Auto Shotgun

The Full Auto Shotgun is a powerhouse in close-quarters combat, making it an excellent choice for aggressive playstyles. Its high fire rate combined with devastating damage can quickly dispatch enemies in tight spaces. This weapon excels in situations where you need to clear a room or ambush opponents around corners. However, its rapid ammo consumption means you’ll need to be mindful of your ammunition count. Shotgun ammo is somewhat scarce, so strategic use is essential. Aim to conserve ammo by taking out enemies swiftly and then switching to fists if you run out of ammo.

Top 5 Best Weapons in Battle Guys: Royale – Essential Firepower for Victory

For effective use of the Full Auto Shotgun, always aim to get as close to your target as possible before opening fire. The shotgun’s spread makes it less effective at longer ranges, so close the distance quickly to maximize your damage. Keep moving to avoid becoming an easy target and use cover to your advantage. Learning to manage your ammo efficiently and making every shot count is key to mastering this weapon.

Pump Action Shotgun

The Pump Action Shotgun offers a different approach to close-quarters combat compared to the Full Auto Shotgun. Its slower fire rate encourages more deliberate and precise aiming, helping you to conserve ammo and make each shot count. This weapon is ideal for players who prefer a more calculated playstyle. Take your time to line up your shots for maximum impact, as missing can leave you vulnerable to counterattacks. The Pump Action Shotgun’s ability to deliver powerful single shots makes it perfect for players who can maintain composure and accuracy under pressure, turning each engagement into an opportunity for easy kills.

Top 5 Best Weapons in Battle Guys: Royale – Essential Firepower for Victory

To use the Pump Action Shotgun effectively, practice patience and precision. Move carefully through tight spaces, using corners and cover to surprise your enemies. The slower fire rate means you need to be more strategic with your movements and positioning. Try to predict enemy movements and take them out with well-placed shots. This weapon rewards players who can stay calm and focused during intense firefights.


The P90 stands out as one of the best submachine guns in Battle Guys: Royale, offering a perfect blend of high fire rate, precision, and damage. The P90’s high rate of fire allows you to quickly take down enemies, while its precision ensures that your shots land where they count. Whether you’re engaging enemies in tight corridors or in more open areas, the P90’s balance of speed and accuracy makes it a reliable all-around weapon. For players who like to stay mobile and aggressive, the P90 is a top-tier choice.

Top 5 Best Weapons in Battle Guys: Royale – Essential Firepower for Victory

When using the P90, take advantage of its high fire rate to maintain pressure on your opponents. Keep moving to avoid becoming an easy target and use your superior mobility to outmaneuver enemies. The P90 is great for situations when you need mobility and burst damage. Stay alert and be ready to engage multiple enemies in rapid succession. This weapon’s versatility makes it a go-to choice for many players.


The UZI is a strong contender in the submachine gun category, similar in role to the P90. It can be used interchangeably with the P90 for close to mid-range combat, providing a slightly different dynamic due to its lower damage output. Despite this, the UZI’s high fire rate and ease of handling make it a formidable weapon. Its slightly lower damage is offset by its rapid-fire capability, allowing you to maintain consistent pressure on your opponents. The UZI is a great option for players who value speed and flexibility in their engagements, ensuring you can outmaneuver and outgun opponents with ease.

Top 5 Best Weapons in Battle Guys: Royale – Essential Firepower for Victory

To maximize the UZI’s potential, focus on keeping your engagements at close to mid-range. The weapon’s high rate of fire can quickly overwhelm opponents, but you need to be accurate with your shots to make the most of its damage output. Use the UZI’s agility to your advantage, moving quickly and unpredictably to keep enemies off balance. This weapon is particularly effective in fast-paced encounters where constant movement and quick decision-making are crucial.

Machine Pistol

The Machine Pistol may be the weakest weapon on this list in terms of raw damage, but its unparalleled versatility makes it a valuable asset. With a high fire rate and the advantage of readily available pistol ammo, this weapon ensures you’re never caught without firepower. When upgraded to its maximum rarity, the Machine Pistol can pack a surprising punch, turning it into a formidable tool in your arsenal. Its compact size and rapid-fire capability make it ideal for close-range encounters and for finishing off weakened enemies. The Machine Pistol is perfect for players who need a reliable weapon that can adapt to various combat situations.

Top 5 Best Weapons in Battle Guys: Royale – Essential Firepower for Victory

To get the most out of the Machine Pistol, focus on its strengths: rapid fire and versatility. Use it in close-range fights where you can unload a flurry of bullets quickly. The easily accessible ammo means you can sustain fire longer than with other weapons, giving you an edge in prolonged battles. Upgrade it whenever possible to boost its damage and effectiveness. This weapon shines in scenarios where flexibility and quick reactions are key to survival.

Battle Guys: Royale offers a thrilling battle royale experience with a diverse array of weapons to master. Whether you prefer the brute force of shotguns or the precision of submachine guns, knowing which weapons to prioritize can significantly enhance your chances of victory. Enjoy playing Battle Guys : Royale on PC or laptop.