DC: Dark Legion™ is a brand-new action strategy RPG developed by FunPlus International. The context of the game takes place in a world plundered in chaos with the fate of humanity hanging by a small thread. You must assemble a squad featuring legendary DC characters like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Joker, and more. Strengthen your heroes, unlock unique abilities, and strategize your way through intense PvE and PvP battles. In this guide, we have presented some helpful tips and tricks sourced by veterans who played the game during the open beta state. Implement these tips on your account to secure faster progression!

Tip #1. Learn the Core Combat Mechanics

Perhaps the one thing that many new players (Beginners Guide) get wrong is that the game is not mindlessly played. There are intricate combat mechanics that you need to learn and execute at the right time to gain an advantage. For example, the Dodge mechanic allows you to reposition your hero in case they are in any danger of getting hit by an enemy projectile. Such simple things do span out in long term fights as your heroes will take less damage and not fall off easily.


Next, ensure that you have a synergized team composition to handle the threats posed by the enemy. This includes setting up a tank to soak damage in the frontline, 2 DPS heroes to deal damage, and some healers/crowd controllers to ensure enemies do not annihilate your squishy damage dealers.

Tip #2. Progress in the Main Story Mode

Regardless of what anybody else says, your entire progression in DC: Dark Legion™ is accounted for in terms of how far you have progressed in the main story campaign mode. This mode not only gives you tons of resources for completing stages, but also grants you account experience to help boost champion levels, and gain additional rewards. Many of the events also demand that you complete certain stages in the main story mode. What’s more? Majority of the game’s PvP and PvE game modes are locked behind progression walls. Hence, you will need to complete more story stages to unlock them.

Tip #3. Recruit the Strongest Champions

This tip is more so of a general viewpoint of the game as DC: Dark Legion™ employs gacha mechanics for players to summon new champions. Each champion is designated a class and rarity according to which their abilities are based and stats are configured, respectively. A higher rarity champion will always have higher base stats than a lower rarity champion. You can observe the rarity of the champion according to the star count they have.


A legendary champion will have 5 stars from the get-go while an Epic champion has 4-stars. A higher rarity hero will not only have more powerful stats and abilities to work with, but they are also boasting unique traits that can be activated in battle to change the tides.

Tip #4. Enhance your Owned Champions to Increase Power Level

DC: Dark Legion™ offers a ton of enhancement options for players to empower their owned champions. Keep in mind, all champions, regardless of their base rarity, can be empowered via multiple growth processes. Firstly, you can improve the level of the champions by feeding them experience points. Next up, you can promote heroes to increase their base level cap. Players can also enhance the star count of champions by submitting shards of them, collected via summoning duplicate copies of champions. Lastly, there’s always the tried and tested gearing process via which you can impart additional stats to your champions.


Tip #5. Focus on Completing All Events!

Since DC: Dark Legion™ is a live-service game, there are constantly multiple events starting and ending left and right. Many of these events are available for a limited period of time, so ensure that you complete them to get all the resources within the given time period. As a free-to-play player, events will be your best bet on getting access to more summons and new champions. While some events can be simple login-based, others might require you to compete with other players in a leaderboard stylized tournament.

Prepare to unleash your inner hero—or villain—and shape the destiny of the DC Universe! Players can enjoy playing DC: Dark Legion™ on a bigger screen of their PC or Laptop via BlueStacks along with your keyboard and mouse.