Dragon Ball Legends - A Guide to Characters

One of the reasons that players enjoy Dragon Ball Legends so much is because of the characters that the player base has grown up to enjoy watching. The Dragon Ball saga has a lot of characters that have accumulated over the years through countless arcs. Players don’t simply get to collect unique heroes and villains, they also get to go for the countless forms and appearances that those units have had over the years as the show continued to evolve for its fans.

Collecting characters is cool and all, but if you’re playing Dragon Ball Legends, aesthetics and collection are only secondary to the real agenda. Powering up your characters to get stronger and be able to keep up with higher level opponents in the story mode or PvP are probably your primary goal at the moment. Leveling up is an easy way to increase a unit’s power, but there are also other ways for a player to make sure that their unit is at the top of its form in terms of its combat abilities.
How to Get Characters
There are only two ways to get characters in Dragon Ball Legends – Summons and Rewards. While there are some characters that players can acquire from the story mode, those two are basically the only real ways to get relevant characters to use competitively, with Summons being the best source of strong units in the game. The list of characters that a player gets from these sources depends primarily on the current events in-game.

Summoning requires the use of Gems or Tickets. Gems are a premium currency that players can earn as rewards or by buying them using real money. Tickets are usually given to the player as a reward or bonus at the beginning of an event to promote free-to-play gameplay. Players usually have no problems summoning a ton of units because the game developers are really generous about giving players freebies frequently.
Character Elements
Elements are a way for players to add more strategy and depth to the fight. Each character is associated with a color that is stronger or weaker against certain characters. Choosing which units to fight with adds more things to think about when building a team because you need to have a nice amount of diversity so that your opponent won’t simply run you down using an element that you’re weak against.

There are only five elements in the game which are Yellow, Purple, Blue, Red, and Green. The Light and Dark elements are only reserved for NPCs and Shallo,t so players can’t use them efficiently in PvP settings. It’s a good idea to have one of each element or at least 4 of the 6 playable elements in the team so that you can have counterplays against other teams.
Upgrading Characters
The key to building a great team is to make sure that you have really strong characters in your lineup. Once you train all of your units way above the opposition, nothing else matters because you’ll be able to steamroll over your opponents with no problem at all. All you need to do is do these things that are necessary for strengthening your character above their limitations and make them relevant enough to decimate your enemies in one shot.
Limit Breaking
Limit Breaking is the act of upgrading your character’s rating. Hero and Extreme characters start out with 1-star while Sparking characters start with 2-star ratings. Every time you summon or acquire a duplicate copy of a character you own, it gets converted into a specific amount of essence. Once you collect a certain number of essences, the character will Limit Break and increase its rating by 1-star.

Every time you Limit Break a character, the passive stats go up. The passive stat changes may seem miniscule but they might turn out to be the difference between life and death when fighting against opponents of evenly matched skills. Of course, F2P players have a significantly more difficult time achieving this because they are only given a limited amount of resources to summon new characters.
Class Up
Another good way to increase your character’s stats is by doing Class Ups. Increase your character’s stats by performing soul boosts which unlock an additional stat panel for your character. Once you’ve accumulated enough stat panels, you will be able to perform Class Ups which increase your character’s Class Rating and give them a significant boost. Each soul boost requires players to spend souls which can be acquired through the story mode or as rewards to quests.

Just like Limit Breaks, the upgrade to a character’s stats through soul boosting is very miniscule when you look at it individually. However, if you manage to unlock 30 panels, that’s a significant amount of stats that you already have above a character that doesn’t have the same upgrades. This feature doesn’t require the player to spend a lot of money just to unlock so you don’t have to worry about being able to achieve this even if you’re an F2P player.
Character Tags/Types
The most important feature to look at when building a team in Dragon Ball Legends is the synergy of Character Tags/Types. Each character is associated with a certain tag such as “Super Saiyan”, “Android”, “Vegeta Family”, and etc. Those tags allow certain characters to work well together and give a significant bonus during combat. Players usually build their teams around these tags to give them the best chances of winning against the opponents because of the passive skills.

When you look at Tier Lists online, you’ll notice that the teams featured will be classified under the tags they are associated with. Each tag type has a specific playstyle that gives them an advantage in combat. Once you’ve decided which team you’re planning to build, it’s time to study how the team works and what its strengths and weaknesses are so that you’ll be prepared to fight against various opponents. This is most important in the PvP setting where the heat gets turned up.