Dragon Champions on PC - Tips and Tricks for Progressing Quickly

Dragon Champions is the new hit RPG by AppQuantum, which takes after other strong contenders in the industry such as RAID: Shadow Legends, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, and other titles with gacha and RPG mechanics. The game itself resembles the aforementioned Star Wars app, but with a very different art style reminiscent of something out of the Warcraft universe. Furthermore, it features some of the smoothest animations and graphics out there. The game even comes set at 60 FPS by default, which is easily achievable if you’re playing Dragon Champions on PC with BlueStacks.
Nevertheless, even though the standard gameplay might resemble the one in other games, Dragon Champions is its own thing, with its specific pacing, summoning mechanics, and a unique narrative. For this reason, while it shares many mechanics in common with the other titles we mentioned, making good progress in this game is quite different, which is why we decided to create a guide with several tips and tricks for it.
With that being said, if you want to make swift progress in Dragon Champions, make sure to keep these tips in mind:
Complete Every Campaign
This one may come off as a no-brainer since campaigns are the main form of gameplay in this RPG. However, this game mode is particularly important due to the rewards it grants upon completion of its chapters. Not only is it a great source of gear used in the upgrade of your characters, but it also rewards players with hero fragments upon completion of its chapters. In fact, it’s not uncommon to receive several free heroes by completing the chapters in every campaign.
Each campaign has hero restrictions, which means that you can only complete them using champions of certain types. In this sense, it’s likely that you’ll develop a team for each campaign as you go through their levels, while the other champions might fall a bit behind if unused. However, don’t be afraid to venture into other campaigns with weaker teams as their first levels are usually very lenient and easy to complete.
If anything, completing campaign levels is also a requirement for your daily quests, which brings us to our next point.
Complete the Daily Quests and Achievements
In contrast with other RPG games, there is no traditional summoning system in Dragon Champions, which means that you can’t unlock full heroes from an RNG mechanic. Instead, you must first collect enough hero fragments, and then pay a fee in gold to add them to your roster. However, while you can get gold from virtually anywhere in this game, collecting hero fragments is another matter.
There are many ways to farm for hero fragments in Dragon Champions, including grinding certain stages, completing events, and going through story missions. However, a good way to summon two strong heroes at the beginning is by completing daily missions, as well as by unlocking achievements. By doing the former, you will receive fragments for Korkhrim, a powerful Clans champion. Meanwhile, the latter will reward you with Tromgar fragments, another strong champion of the same type.
Maximize Your Energy Usage
The key to fast progression in Dragon Champions is to consume energy by any means. Virtually everything that consumes energy, such as fighting in stages, will reward you with experience to level up your account. Furthermore, by leveling up your account, you’ll progressively unlock several new game modes that reward you with even greater prizes, such as the Tower, and the Arena, among others.
Play Dragon Champions on PC
If you ever find yourself blanking out and not knowing what to do, just go to the next campaign mission, or use up your Autobattle Tickets. The latter is a great way to farm experience as it essentially allows you to dump a chunk of energy into grinding a single stage with just a few clicks. Otherwise, if you’re out of tickets, just use one of our BlueStacks Macros to automate grinding a specific stage; ideally one that gives useful rewards upon completion.
And speaking of Autobattle Tickets
Use Autobattle Tickets on Difficult Missions
If you’ve been paying attention to the campaign missions, you’ll have noticed that some stages have a different icon than others. This is because these stages are known as “difficult missions,” which can only be completed 5 times per day, but grant significantly better rewards than the regular stages. If there ever were missions that are worth dumping Autobattle Tickets in, it’s definitely the difficult missions.
Not only does automating these stages reduces the odds of failing them to 0, it also significantly expedites receiving your rewards, as well as leveling up your account.
Pay Attention to Weekly Events
Every week, there is a specific event that revolves around reaching certain milestones instead of completing missions. These events rotate every week and involve spending gold, spending energy, and spending hero XP tomes. By spending enough of the corresponding resource through the week, you can receive awesome rewards including hero fragments, chest keys, XP tomes, and Dracoins, among others. And the best part about these events is that they’re closely tied to your standard gameplay, which means that you’ll likely receive at least a few rewards even if you’re not actively participating.
However, make sure to claim your rewards every week; you wouldn’t want all your effort to go to waste!
Spend Dracoins on Energy Refreshes
As a f2p player, the amount of Dracoins that you’ll have will be fairly limited, at least compared to whales. While you’ll likely be tempted to purchase hero fragments from the store, your best investment, at least in the early to mid stages of the game, is to purchase energy.
As we mentioned above, the best way to progress in Dragon Champions is by spending energy. Sadly, if you’re actively completing levels and using Autobattle Tickets, you will likely run out of energy before long and will have to wait hours for it to recover. It goes without saying that if you’re not using energy, you’re not progressing. Luckily, you can obtain many Dracoins from your daily missions which, in turn, you can use for purchasing additional energy and Autobattle Tickets.
Until you’re in the late game, you should always purchase energy with your Dracoins and keep grinding to level up your account.
In Dragon Champions, it’s more important to first progress through the many campaign missions and unlock additional game modes than it is to summon the most powerful heroes. Not only will these new game modes add a little variety to your daily routine, but it will also significantly help to summon the best champions and upgrade your existing ones. Luckily, with these tips and tricks, you now have everything you need to expedite your progress in this RPG.