Dungeon Hunter 6 – Conquer the Rankings by Using these Tips and Tricks

Dungeon Hunter 6 is the 6th official instalment to the famed Action Role-Playing video game series Dungeon Hunter. Players can experience a full-fledged action-packed hack ‘n’ slash action right on their mobile devices as they explore the different mesmerizing environments. One of the best aspects of playing Dungeon Hunter 6 are going to be the titular characters that are going to be returning in familiar fashion, donning new outfits and having learned new abilities. Dungeon Hunter 6 is available to be downloaded and installed as a free-to-play game on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
You can also Play Dungeon Hunter 6 in your browser on your PC or mobile without downloading. Click and Play instantly!
In this article for Dungeon Hunter 6, we will be discussing some of the tips and tricks that will help players get an enhanced sense of progression. One of the best ways to progress in any game is to read about it carefully and learn from the experiences of veterans. We have carefully selected some of the best tips for our readers, some from our personal observations, and others from the community veterans themselves. Let’s dive right to the nitty gritty of this article.
Tip #1. Choosing the Right Class
One of the biggest choices that a new player will encounter upon playing Dungeon Hunter 6 is to choose your class. Now, class represents an entire play style and character. This should not be mixed with character creation/customization as those features will be opened after selecting a class. 5 distinct classes are available at the time of global launch – Archer, Mages, Warrior, Assassins, and Boon Sisters. Players can choose 1 out of any 5. Each class has a variety of unique active & passive abilities to help them on the battlefield. Players need to weigh in the pros & cons of each class, before making this important decision. Once chosen, the player will not be able to go back on their decision unless they want to clear data and reset progression.
Tip #2. Following the Main Quests
Dungeon Hunter 6, much like other open-world ARPGs, follows an intricate storyline, powered with multiple tasks. These tasks, or quests, are handed out to players through the timeline. Their difficulty starts from super easy but ramps over time as the player progresses. One of the best ways to assuredly get more rewards as a new player will be to focus on completing these tasks at hand. Players can also get a fair idea of game mechanics and other systems as the tasks act like a brief tutorial for the players. Majority of them are also quite easy, mundane, and repetitive in nature. For example, talk to “X” NPC, or defeat “X” number of monsters, etc.
Tip #3. Challenge the Nightmare Tower
The Nightmare Tower stands to be one of the best PvE game modes to obtain gear from Dungeon Hunter 6. This is a tough game mode, featuring large-scale and individually instanced world bosses that spawn on each particular floor. Players can resound to different tactics upon challenging each floor, from using ranged tacticians in one floor, to bringing in AOE-targeted spells against other bosses. With each gradual boss, the difficulty increases, and so do the rewards.
Tip #4. Levelling Up your Account
In Dungeon Hunter 6, the main priority for any player coming to the game should be to increase their account level. This should be done hand-in-hand with completing the main quests provided to the player. Alternatively, you can also farm the different minions that infinitely spawn in any area. The best way to do so is to put your character on AFK farm mode, and let them farm automatically. Levelling up is important due to the different features and content that are locked behind reaching certain level gates. For example, summoning lieutenants feature is locked behind Level 19, and the ability to auto-battle is locked behind Level 18.
Tip #5. Summoning Top-Tier Lieutenants
Due to the nature of the game, the stronger Lieutenants that you have, the more power you command. Simply put, Lieutenants are those characters that provide a host of benefits to the player upon being added to the line-up. They have a strong set of active & passive abilities, almost like the class you chose but a lot less inferior in terms of quality. Nonetheless, Lieutenants also come in different rarities, starting from R grade as the lowest, and going all the way up to UR grade as the highest. The higher the rarity, the better the base stats and quality of abilities granted to them.
Playing Dungeon Hunter 6 on a bigger screen of your PC with BlueStacks without worrying about battery drainage and smooth gameplay, is highly recommended.