Free Fire Weapons Guide: Finding the Right Guns for the Right Player

Battle royales are fun because of their guns, and the same is the case for Free Fire. The game offers a variety of guns for different players along with their skins. In battle royale games, when you’re pushing rank, knowing the right gun combination to run with is important. Almost as important as making the right character skill combo. So in this Free Fire weapon guide, you will be learning about the right guns that you should be running with for each rank. These gun combinations have been made keeping the different play styles and ranks in mind. So there will be something for everyone, and many new players can learn what type of guns they should be picking up in their battle royale matches.
Veteran Players:
These are the type of players that have been playing Free Fire for enough amount of time that their game sense, map knowledge and gun control are fairly down to the point. For them, it’s not about learning the different aspects of the game, but actually playing it for the rank itself. These players should use the guns AK and M1014. Now, if you’re wondering why an AR and a shotgun instead of maybe an SMG and a sniper rifle, there’s a good reason for that. Starting with the AK itself, this AR is one of the more powerful guns in the game, with the only drawback being its recoil. Even at longer ranges, the AK manages to pull through with some decent shots.
Yes, there are snipers like the AWM and M82B or the SVD that can thrash enemies at a distance but are rare and tough to find. On the other hand, both AK and M1014 are both extremely common guns, with ammo that is available almost everywhere. M1014 is a gun that will be covering your long-range needs with its extreme damage delivery. Almost every high-ranking player has their movement well sorted, so switching between the AK for initial shots and to M1014 for the killing blow is just perfect. This gun combination is perfect for taking on whole squads alone. If the enemy squad doesn’t use their gloo walls properly, then you can easily down them in one magazine.
Even with the M1014, you can wipe out a whole squad before even hitting the reload button. Now coming to the downsides of this gun combo: most of it has to do with range control. The AK in Free Fire is not the most accurate gun and to get its full potential out you will be needing attachments. Without them, the AK is just like any other AR. An important thing to note here would be to deploy the AK for any engagement that is over 10 meters. The M1014’s biggest drawback is its range, and shooting it at targets beyond 10 meters is a waste of ammunition.
Anti Recoil Combination:
There is a huge chunk of players in Free Fire who have trouble controlling the recoil of their guns. For them, a gun that is fairly accurate and offers good long-range capabilities is the one to go for. The best gun combo for players like these is the SCAR or M4A1 with either the MAG-7 or M1887. As usual, the AR will be the primary slot weapon and the MAG-7 or M1887 in the secondary weapon slot. Now coming to the ARs, for players who are still in the early stages of learning recoil control, the M4A1 is the gun to go for. It offers a good range and almost the same level of damage as the SCAR, but with a bit lower rate of fire.
If you’re someone who has a handle on their accuracy, then SCAR becomes a much better choice than the M4A1. It offers a higher rate of fire than the M4A1 and is more suited to mid-range fights. Then comes the shotguns, and both the MAG-7 and M1887 are very different types of guns. In the game, the MAG-7 is an automatic shotgun that has a mag size of 8 and is great for killing enemies with just body shots. This gun however has its own drawbacks, starting with the number of bullets it takes to down an enemy. At the very least, even at close range, you’re looking at four bullets to down an enemy.
Unless you are super fast and have excellent recoil control, you won’t be able to take its full advantage. The M1887 on the other hand is a cannon that you can carry around. If you know how to take drag shots, then this gun is an annihilator in Free Fire. You don’t even need two shots in close range to down an enemy. Take yourself to train in the game and try out all four of these guns to find out which is the one for you.
SMG Ammo Combo:
One thing that Free Fire has got correct is its ammunition part. In many games, different types of guns from the same category tend to use different types of ammo. In this game, however, players need only to find the type of ammo that is for that gun category. So you don’t need to find any 9 mm or 45 ACP, but only SMG or AR ammo. That not only simplifies things for players and looting but also gives birth to some amazing weapon combinations. This SMG combination is based on using VSS as a sniper rifle and MP40 as your close-range weapon. In the game, VSS is a decent enough gun that can be used as a sniper rifle to a degree.
It delivers good enough damage for a gun that uses SMG ammo at long ranges. Then comes the MP 40 which is one of the most picked SMGs in this game. The gun offers an insane rate of fire and damage at close ranges. Another advantage of using this weapon combination is the lack of attachments to deal with. The VSS and MP40 can only use a mag attachment which means more space to store items like gloo walls, grenades, health items, etc. A thing to note here is that the VSS is silenced, so taking long shots won’t give your location away easily. It is not a perfect gun combination and has some obvious drawbacks.
Firstly, it lacks the firepower to do some serious damage. No matter how fast the rate of fire is on the MP40, it cannot deal well with mid-range engagements. Beyond that, this gun can be beaten by the M1887 in close range if the other player knows how to use the M1887. Plus, taking down gloo walls with this gun combo will take you some time, to say the least. However, this is something players can have fun with and challenge themselves.
Rank Push Combo:
There are players in this game that take rank pushing to a whole another level. They don’t think about taking insane headshots or making highlights happen, all they want is the Booyah. For players like these, there exists a gun combo that will get the job done. It uses a marksmen sniper rifle with a shotgun. Firstly, the reason why this combination is not using an SMG is that guns like MP40 don’t have the explosive firepower that a shotgun holds. Since the combination is using a marksman sniper rifle, most of your mid to long-range fights can be handled by it. Guns like the Woodpecker and SVD are powerful enough for the job.
You can take long-range fights with either of them and the SVD is powerful enough to break down gloo walls. For the shotgun, go with the M1014. If you’re wondering why the reason is very simple. This shotgun offers 6 shells which, is more than the M1887 and only two less than the MAG-7. Now, the reason for choosing the M1014 is that its damage is just marginally less than the M1887, while the MAG-7 damage is lesser than the M1014, basically making the M1014 the best choice of shotgun you can use in close range with ease. For the sidearm slot or pistol slot, use the M1873. That way, you’ll have another powerful gun for the close range that uses the same ammo as your primary gun.