Honor of Kings is a competitive 5v5 MOBA game that emphasizes strategy, skill, and teamwork. One of the most crucial aspects of mastering the game is understanding the map. The map in Honor of Kings is designed to challenge players’ strategic thinking and coordination, providing numerous opportunities for outplays and tactical maneuvers. This guide will cover everything you need to know about the map, from the lanes to key objectives and strategies to help you excel.

Let’s begin!

Hero’s Gorge Overview

The map in Honor of Kings follows the traditional MOBA format of three lanes, each with three towers, which lead to either of the bases on opposite corners of the field. It also includes a jungle area filled with neutral monsters that provide gold and experience when defeated. Mastering the map’s layout and understanding the strategic importance of each area are essential for success in the game, especially if you’re a beginner in Honor of Kings.

The Three Lanes

Each of the three lanes—Top, Mid, and Bottom—serves specific roles and requires different strategies. Let’s break down the responsibilities and optimal hero types for each lane. However, if you want to learn more about this topic, please read our laning system guide for Honor of Kings

Honor of Kings Map Guide - King’s Gorge Key Features, Objectives, and Strategies

  • Top Lane (Solo Lane)
    • Primary Roles: Warriors and Tanks
    • Responsibilities: Sustain damage, engage in 1v1 duels, and apply pressure.
    • Strategy: The Top Lane is often the most isolated, requiring players to be self-sufficient. Focus on farming, harassing the enemy, and staying vigilant for enemy jungler ganks. Utilize your hero’s sustain and durability to hold your ground and secure advantages in your lane.
  • Mid Lane
    • Primary Roles: Mages and Assassins
    • Responsibilities: High burst damage, map control, and rotation support.
    • Strategy: Mid Laners must strike a good balance of farming as much as they can, while always keeping an eye on the map and other lanes. Use your abilities to clear waves quickly and rotate to assist other lanes or secure jungle objectives. Effective Mid Laners control the tempo of the game, making key plays and responding to enemy movements.
  • Bottom Lane (Duo Lane)
    • Primary Roles: Marksmen and Supports
    • Responsibilities: Farm safely, protect the Marksman, and secure objectives.
    • Strategy: The Bottom Lane duo needs strong synergy. Marksmen should focus on last-hitting minions, while Supports zone enemies and provide protection. Maintain vision control to prevent ganks and coordinate with your jungler to secure early objectives like the Tyrant.

Knowing the roles and responsibilities of each lane is crucial for your success in this game. Similarly, knowing about the top tier champions in Honor of Kings can give you the best start by focusing on learning the best heroes for each lane.

Jungle Camps

The jungle is a critical area of the map that houses neutral monsters. Junglers play a vital role in farming these camps, ganking lanes, and securing objectives.

  • Neutral Monsters
    • Blue Buff and Red Buff: These camps provide significant buffs to the hero that defeats them. The Blue Buff enhances mana regeneration and ability cooldowns, while the Red Buff adds a burn effect to basic attacks.
    • Smaller Camps: Include wolves, golems, and birds, which provide gold and experience.
    • River Monsters: Provide additional gold and experience, helping teams gain a resource advantage.

Key Objectives

Understanding and prioritizing key objectives on the map is crucial for gaining an edge over your opponents in Honor of Kings. These objectives provide significant buffs and advantages that can influence the outcome of the game. Here’s an in-depth look at the key objectives you need to focus on.

Honor of Kings Map Guide - King’s Gorge Key Features, Objectives, and Strategies

  • The Tyrants

The Tyrants are the primary early-game objectives in Honor of Kings. Defeating a Tyrant grants your team valuable gold, experience, and buffs, which can help establish an early lead. There are two types of Tyrants: the standard Tyrant and the Shadow Tyrant. The Shadow Tyrant appears later in the game and is stronger, offering enhanced rewards compared to the regular Tyrant.

Securing the Tyrant requires coordination and timely execution. Junglers typically take the lead in attacking the Tyrant, with assistance from nearby laners. It’s essential to maintain vision around the Tyrant’s spawn area to prevent the enemy team from stealing the kill. Successfully capturing the Tyrant can significantly boost your team’s power and provide a momentum swing in your favor.

  • The Overlords

The Overlords become available as mid-game objectives and are crucial for maintaining and extending your team’s advantage. Like the Tyrants, there are two types of Overlords: the standard Overlord and the Shadow Overlord. The Overlords grant gold, experience, and a powerful buff that enhances your team’s pushing capability, allowing your minions to become stronger and making it easier to destroy enemy towers and inhibitors.

Taking down the Overlord requires more effort and coordination due to its increased strength. Teams often engage in intense battles around the Overlord, as securing it can tilt the game’s balance. Controlling vision in the area and preparing for a potential team fight are essential strategies when attempting to take the Overlord. Timing is critical; capturing the Overlord just before a major push can help you break through enemy defenses and secure key objectives.

  • The Tempest Dragon

The Tempest Dragon is the ultimate end-game objective in Honor of Kings. As the most powerful neutral monster on the map, defeating the Tempest Dragon provides substantial buffs that can be decisive in the late stages of the game. The Tempest Dragon’s buff includes a powerful aura that damages nearby enemies, making it a game-changing advantage during team fights.

Securing the Tempest Dragon typically involves the entire team, as its strength requires significant damage output and sustained effort to defeat. Teams often save this objective for critical moments when they need a decisive push or are looking to turn the tide of the game. Vision control, map awareness, and strategic planning are vital when attempting to capture the Tempest Dragon. The team that successfully defeats the Tempest Dragon gains a considerable edge, often leading to a final push that can decide the match.

Honor of Kings Map Guide - King’s Gorge Key Features, Objectives, and Strategies

The Teleport Flower

One of the unique features in Honor of Kings is the Teleport Flower. This element is located on the top lane and can be destroyed by champions. Upon its destruction, the player will be instantly teleported to the Tyrant’s location, giving easy access to take it or to ambush enemies while they’re taking it. This feature adds a strategic element to the game, enabling quick responses to skirmishes and objectives. 

The Base

In Honor of Kings, the ultimate objective is to destroy the enemy base while protecting your own. Each base is guarded by three towers per lane and a final stronghold. Destroying all the towers in a lane spawns super creeps, which provide additional pressure against the enemy base defenses. Coordinating attacks on the enemy base while maintaining a strong defense of your own is crucial for securing victory.

Honor of Kings Map Guide - King’s Gorge Key Features, Objectives, and Strategies

Successful base attacks often involve securing key objectives like the Overlord or Tempest Dragon to gain the necessary buffs for a decisive push. Teams must work together, timing their efforts to maximize the impact of these powerful buffs and break through enemy defenses.

General Map Strategies

To master the map in Honor of Kings, players need to focus on several key strategies:

  • Vision Control: Maintaining vision in key areas such as jungle entrances, objectives, and choke points is crucial. Wards provide valuable information about enemy movements, helping your team avoid ganks and set up ambushes.
  • Objective Timing: Prioritizing objectives based on their spawn timers is essential. Controlling the Tyrants, Overlords, and Tempest Dragon can snowball your team’s lead and provide significant advantages.
  • Map Awareness: Constantly monitoring the mini-map for enemy positions and movements helps you make informed decisions about when to push, retreat, or engage in fights.
  • Communication: Effective communication with your team is the backbone of strategic gameplay. Calling out enemy positions, coordinating ganks, and planning objective takes are critical for staying ahead in the game.

By mastering these aspects of the map in Honor of Kings, players can gain a strategic advantage that can lead their team to victory. Understanding the lanes, jungle camps, key objectives, and unique features will enhance your gameplay and teamwork, making you a formidable player in every match.

Final Thoughts

Mastering the map in Honor of Kings is key to gaining a strategic advantage and leading your team to victory. Understanding each lane, the jungle camps, and crucial objectives will enhance your gameplay. For an even greater edge, consider playing on PC with BlueStacks. BlueStacks offers a superior gaming experience with better controls, enhanced graphics, and smoother performance. Download BlueStacks today and dominate the battlefield like never before!