In Last War:Survival Game, assembling the right team of heroes is crucial for success. With a wide variety of heroes to choose from, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and unique abilities, knowing which ones are the best can be challenging. Whether you’re building an army of Tanks, Aircraft, or Missile Vehicles, understanding how these heroes fit into your squad in this strategy game is key to winning battles and making good progress.

In this guide, we’ve compiled a comprehensive tier list that ranks the best and worst heroes in Last War:Survival Game. This list will help you decide which heroes are worth investing in and which ones you can safely skip. By following this tier list, you’ll be able to build a powerful team that can conquer your enemies and lead you to victory in the harsh world of the apocalypse. 

Without further delay, let’s get started with the tier list!

The Best Last War:Survival Game Tier List

Building a powerful team in Last War is all about choosing the right heroes. With so many characters to unlock and upgrade, knowing which ones are the best can save you time and resources. Whether you’re forming a Tank, Aircraft, or Missile Vehicle team, understanding which heroes perform well in different roles is key to dominating in battle.

This tier list was created to help you easily navigate the game’s many heroes, giving you a quick overview of the strongest characters and the ones you should avoid. By using this list, you can quickly see which heroes are worth investing in to maximize your power in every battle.


Name Type Role Rarity
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Kimberly Tank Attack UR
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
DVA Aircraft Attack UR
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Tesla Missile Vehicle Attack UR
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Fiona Missile Vehicle Attack UR


Name Type Role Rarity
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Mason Tank Attack UR (Originally SSR)
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Schuyler Aircraft Attack UR
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Stetmann Tank Attack UR
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Marshall Tank Support UR


Name Type Role Rarity
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Lucius Aircraft Defense UR
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Swift Missile Vehicle Attack UR
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Richard Tank Attack SSR
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Cage Aircraft Defense SSR


Name Type Role Rarity
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Farhad Tank Attack SSR
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Gump Tank Defense SR
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Braz Missile Vehicle Attack SSR
Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2
Ambolt Aircraft Attack SR

The heroes in this tier list represent the best and worst of what Last War:Survival Game has to offer, at least now that season 2 is underway. While aiming for the top-tier heroes will often lead to the best results, understanding why these characters shine is just as important as unlocking them. As new heroes and updates are added, the game’s meta will shift, making it essential to stay informed and update your team accordingly.

In the following sections, we’ll break down each tier and explain why these heroes rank where they do, so you can better understand how to build the strongest formations and stay competitive.

S Tier Heroes

S-tier heroes are the top-performing characters in Last War:Survival Game. These heroes are versatile, powerful, and can carry entire teams with their abilities. Whether you’re focusing on offense, defense, or support, the heroes in this tier will always provide you with strong results, making them invaluable to any squad.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

Kimberly is a powerhouse when it comes to dealing devastating area damage. Her 3rd skill, which becomes especially potent after upgrades, can clear waves of enemies with ease, making her one of the best damage dealers in the game. While her early game performance is already impressive, her real strength comes once players unlock her 4th skill, which enhances her stats and shortens skill cooldowns, boosting both her overall damage output and sustainability in battle. If you manage to obtain her Exclusive Weapon, Kimberly’s power skyrockets even further, giving her a 10% base stat boost per level that scales beautifully with her full kit. She is the backbone of any high-level offensive strategy and will carry you far, especially during Season 1.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

Arguably the strongest aircraft hero in the game, and her massive damage potential makes her a must-have for any top-tier team. Her first skill alone deals significantly more damage than most other legendary heroes, and her ultimate unleashes a high-damage attack on all enemies, making her the ultimate crowd control unit. Her 3rd skill boosts her critical rate, making her consistent in delivering heavy hits. Building DVA early in the game is a smart investment, as she can carry teams through many stages. Furthermore, unlocking her Exclusive Weapon significantly boosts her already incredible stats, making her a long-term asset for aircraft teams.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

Tesla’s ability to target multiple enemies at once with his energy-based attacks makes him a standout in missile vehicle formations. His skill set is built around dealing widespread damage to both front and backline enemies, making him lethal in any formation. With impressive base stats and high skill multipliers, Tesla’s damage output ranks as one of the best in the game. What makes him even more valuable is his versatility; while he shines in missile vehicle teams, he can also be a strong swap-in for other formations. Like Kimberly and DVA, Tesla benefits immensely from his Exclusive Weapon, gaining major boosts to HP, attack, and defense, as well as a shorter skill cooldown.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

Fiona is the nuke of missile vehicle formations, bringing heavy-hitting attacks that can wipe out entire enemy teams. While you won’t build a missile vehicle team early in the game, Fiona becomes a critical damage dealer once this formation is viable. Her 2nd skill fires a rocket that hits all enemies, dealing significant physical damage, making her perfect for endgame scenarios. Her physical damage is further boosted by her 3rd skill, ensuring she stays relevant even in long battles. Like other S-tier heroes, Fiona benefits from a stat-boosting 4th skill, which improves her HP, attack, and defense while also reducing skill cooldowns.

A Tier Heroes

A-tier heroes are still very strong but may require some synergies or upgrades to reach their full potential. These heroes can perform excellently in the right setups and, with a little investment, they can become just as effective as some of the S-tier characters. These are the backbone of many successful teams and are worth building if you can’t yet access the top-tier heroes.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

Mason begins as an SSR hero but can be upgraded to UR in Season 1, making him a solid option for tank-based formations. His stats see a significant boost upon being upgraded, and he can become quite durable and strong, particularly when paired with other top-tier heroes like Murphy and Kimberly. However, upgrading him requires starting from scratch, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. While Mason won’t outperform some of the other UR heroes like DVA or Tesla, he is still a valuable asset, especially in the early game when you need solid damage from your tank team. If you’re struggling for damage in your tank formation, Mason can hold his own until you’re ready to swap him out for better options.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

Schuyler excels at targeting backline enemies, making her an excellent option for disrupting enemy formations. Her 2nd skill, which prioritizes attacking back-row units with a chance to stun, adds a layer of crowd control that can be game-changing in certain battles. Her 3rd skill boosts her attack, allowing her to deal significant damage over time, though the cooldowns on her abilities can sometimes feel restrictive. Despite this, her ability to take down key enemy units from the backline makes her an important hero to have, especially in more defensive formations where her stuns can block the enemy DPS from making a move.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

Stetmann is a reliable choice for tank-based formations, consistently offering value with his crit-focused build. His electric ball attacks hit multiple enemies, making him a great fit for clearing waves of enemies while dealing decent single-target damage. His 3rd skill boosts his critical rate, ensuring that he can land powerful hits throughout a fight. Though Stetmann may not carry your team the way some S-tier heroes can, he remains an essential part of many tank meta formations, contributing solid damage output and reliable performance. With proper investment, Stetmann can be a key component of your mid-game team.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

Marshall is a versatile support hero who excels at boosting the damage output of the entire team. His penetrating attacks provide decent damage, but his real value lies in his ability to increase the attack power of his teammates for short durations. This makes him an excellent support option in both aircraft and missile vehicle formations, where damage amplification can make all the difference. While Marshall might not be the top pick for endgame formations, his role as a damage booster and support hero is crucial for players still building out their squads. He is a great hero to have on your team, particularly if you’re struggling to keep up in damage output during difficult battles.

B Tier Heroes

B-tier heroes are average and will likely serve as temporary units until you unlock stronger heroes. They are decent enough for early and mid-game content but tend to fall off later as you get access to better characters. You’ll likely find yourself replacing these heroes as you progress, but they can still hold their own for a while.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

Lucius is a solid defender and a mandatory frontline option for aircraft teams, particularly when you’re building out your air-based formations. His skill set is focused on reducing damage taken by both himself and his allies, making him valuable for tanking enemy hits. His ability to boost damage reduction for front-row units and further reduce energy damage helps keep your frontline alive longer. While he’s not quite at the top of the meta, he is a dependable defender and will serve you well until better options become available. Once your aircraft team is fully developed, Lucius will likely remain a solid option for defense, but you’ll eventually replace him with stronger legendary heroes.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

Swift, also known as “Thunder,” specializes in dealing direct damage and is particularly good at targeting weakened enemies. His missile attacks focus on finishing off enemies with low HP, and his high crit rate ensures consistent damage output. While his abilities are useful for picking off low-health enemies, Swift doesn’t bring much else to the table compared to higher-tier heroes. His limited utility means you’ll likely move on to stronger options as you progress, but he can still be a valuable member of your team early on, especially in missile vehicle setups.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

A decent filler hero for the early game, but his usefulness quickly diminishes as you unlock stronger heroes. His rocket-based attacks deal solid physical damage, and his ability to boost his own attack makes him somewhat reliable early on. However, Richard doesn’t scale well into the mid or late game, and you’ll find yourself replacing him with more powerful characters as soon as you have the opportunity. He’s useful as a temporary solution but should not be a long-term investment.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

A front-row hero designed for aircraft teams, but his utility is limited. He can boost front-row defense and reduce damage taken from zombies, making him a somewhat reliable tank in the early stages of the game. However, Cage’s abilities fall short when compared to other frontline heroes, especially legendary ones like Lucius or Carlie. Investing heavily in Cage doesn’t pay off in the long run, so it’s best to only level him up minimally to fill in your team until you can swap him out for a better frontline option.

C Tier Heroes

C-tier heroes are the ones you don’t want to invest too much time or resources into. While they might be useful very early in the game, they quickly become obsolete as you unlock stronger characters. It’s best to avoid upgrading these heroes unless you have no other options.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

A hero with a lot of potential in terms of design, but sadly, he falls short in every meaningful way. His missile-based attacks, while dealing moderate damage, are not enough to make him relevant in the meta. Even his skills, which focus on boosting his own attack, don’t scale well, leaving him outclassed by almost every other hero. You might find some use for him very early on as a filler, but he quickly becomes obsolete as you unlock stronger options. Unfortunately, investing resources into Farhad is not recommended.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

Gump is a defender hero that unfortunately lacks both damage output and defensive capabilities, making him ineffective in nearly every scenario. His flamethrower attacks are underwhelming, and his skills don’t offer much utility in battle. As a result, Gump struggles to perform his role effectively, and it’s best to avoid investing in him altogether. While he might be useful for a very short period early on, you’ll want to replace him as soon as you can.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

While he may seem like he has potential at first glance, with his rocket attacks and monster damage boost, in practice he fails to deliver. His 3rd skill, which increases damage to monsters, is underwhelming compared to the abilities of other missile vehicle heroes, and his overall damage output is disappointing. Like many C-tier heroes, Braz is better suited as a temporary option until you unlock stronger characters. If you’re working on building a missile vehicle team, it’s best to look elsewhere.


Tier List for Last War:Survival Game – The Best Characters in Season 2

Ambolt is another hero who doesn’t live up to expectations. His damage output is extremely low, and even after just a few hours of playing, you’ll find that base epic heroes outperform him. His skill set doesn’t offer anything significant, making him a poor choice for long-term investment. Whether you’re just starting out or more advanced in the game, Ambolt is simply not worth using, and your resources are better spent elsewhere.

With this tier list, you’ll be able to better navigate which heroes to focus on in Last War:Survival Game. Make sure to aim for those in the S and A tiers, as they offer the best performance and potential in the game. And don’t forget that while this tier list can guide your hero selections, building a well-balanced team with the right synergies is just as important as having the strongest individual characters. Enjoy playing Last War:Survival Game on PC or laptop with BlueStacks!