Light of Ariel on PC - The Best Beginner Tips and Tricks for Getting Started on the Right Track

Light of Ariel is a recently-released mobile MMORPG by the folks at TurinGame, who have ample experience in developing similar titles for the mobile platform such as Land of Doran, among others. This time around, we’ll get to jump into a brand new expansive world filled with a plethora of different creatures and enemies, as well as countless challenges to explore, and four different classes with unique playstyles.
Luckily, Light of Ariel is pretty easy to understand, and the learning curve comes mostly from its many upgrade mechanics and systems through which you can upgrade your character. In this sense, we wanted to create a beginner’s guide with a few useful tips and tricks to help you get started in this game.
Let’s begin!
Choose the Right Class for Your Playstyle
While Light of Ariel is designed to be played mostly using the auto-combat and auto-navigation features, there will be times when you want to assume manual control and destroy some baddies yourself. In these cases, it’s important that you choose a class that’s suited to your preferred playstyle. Do you enjoy hacking and slashing your enemies with your mighty axe? Then the Temple Woman might be your favorite class. Or perhaps you like pelting foes with a variety of magical spells? Then the Bard might be more your style.
Here’s a quick rundown of the four classes in Light of Ariel:
- Demon Hunter: An agile class proficient with light weapons.
- Temple Woman: A brutal class that rushes into the field with her mighty axe.
- Bard: A spellcaster class the zips around the battlefield flinging spells left and right.
- Hymn Priest: A powerful female version of the bard whose destructive potential is unmatched.
Keep in mind that you can only choose one class per server. In this sense, choosing the right class for your playstyle can definitely help you to save some time down the line. Alternatively, you could also keep multiple different characters across several servers. If you do so, you’ll not only be able to play whatever you’re in the mood for, but you’ll also extend your play time considerably, if you’re in the spirit for having a long gaming session in Light of Ariel.
Alternatively, you could use our Instance Manager to create several instances of BlueStacks and play with all the different characters simultaneously. Check out our BlueStacks tools guide to learn all the cool things you can do by playing Light of Ariel on PC with our app player.
Use the Teleport Feature to Blaze Through Your Missions
While Light of Ariel is not unique in the way it presents its automation features, this game is the only one we’ve seen that provides a teleport function when questing. You can access this feature by clicking on the boot icon beside your quests, after which you’ll be immediately teleported to the quest giver, giving you a fantastic way of speeding through the missions as you won’t have to run around too much.
Find the boot; use the boot; learn to love the boot. You’ll thank us later.
Use the “Stronger” Function for All Your Upgrading Needs
As we mentioned above, one of the distinguishing features of Light of Ariel is the massive variety of upgrade options at your disposal when it comes to powering up your characters. It’s not that they’re deep or meaningful in any way, since most of them just require materials and a few clicks in order to purchase, but you will need to become intimate with all these systems in order to unleash the full potential of your character, regardless.
However, whenever you feel lost and don’t know which aspect to improve, simply click on the “Stronger” menu that appears above your skills whenever you have an upgrade pending. This button will show you every single upgrade currently available to your character, giving you easy access without having to manually sift through countless menus.
Complete All Your Daily Quests
And speaking of upgrading, you’ll need plenty of materials if you want to keep your character up to par with the challenges available for their level. Whether it’s gold, hero level up beads, wings advance beads, or spirit points, among many others, all these materials are necessary for upgrading virtually every aspect of your character. Luckily, you can get all of these, and much more, by completing your daily quests.
These tasks are unlocked early in the game by progressing through the story, and consist of many basic challenges, mostly centered around completing combat trials and running through dungeons. Though they might seem a bit monotonous, they’re absolutely necessary, and you should always complete the daily quests, even if it’s the only thing you do for the day.
Fortunately, there’s a way to streamline and optimize these tasks…
Play on BlueStacks and Automate Your Gameplay
Even though the game has plenty of automation features, if you’re playing Light of Ariel on your phone, you won’t be able to do anything else with it while the game is running. As such, if you get a phone call, you lose progress in the game. However, by playing this mobile game on PC with BlueStacks, you can enjoy it in all its glory, with the best graphics and performance, and while also leaving your phone free to do anything else.
Since Light of Ariel has tons of automation natively, you can even set your character to auto-farm, and minimize the emulator to the background, allowing you to do anything else on your PC while still blazing through the story missions. In fact, as we’re writing this guide, our character is tirelessly grinding—we’re already in our first awakening and we haven’t even sat down to play in earnest.
Aside from the multitasking potential, BlueStacks also has plenty of tools and features that will help to significantly streamline your experience with Light of Ariel. Whether it’s the Keymapping Tool to give you superior controls using your mouse and keyboard; the Instance Manager that allows you to have multiple characters in a single server, or the Macro Recorder that allows you to further automate the grind, playing on BlueStacks is definitely the way to go if you’re serious about this mobile MMORPG.
Check out our BlueStacks setup guide to learn how to install and play Light of Ariel on PC, and feel free to leave us a comment in the section below if you have any issues with getting this game running on your computer. Alternatively, feel free to share your own tips and tricks for this game to help your fellow gamers out!