Marvel Strike Force: A Complete Guide to the Early-Game

MARVEL Strike Force features a thrilling turn-based combat system on top of a thematic aura paving way forth for menacing superheroes and supervillains from the MARVEL universe. The game has captivated millions of players globally, and it continues to release new events with every update. Despite being one of the oldest mobile gacha games, MARVEL Strike Force does have a lot of complications that a new player might face on their adventure, particularly when deciding how to spend currencies in the early game. Don’t worry, you will find all your answers in this guide as we aim to elevate every new players’ gameplay experience!
Early Game Spending Guide
If you’re in the boat of spending in MARVEL Strike Force, this section will be extremely helpful for you. As a new player, you are shown some of the best in-game packs with the lowest prices and highest value. This is done intentionally to entice you into spending and start a trend. While we love the free-to-play friendliness aspects of a game, it’s important for some players to spend just to keep the game afloat. Of course, the final choice rests upon your shoulders.
The Newcomer packs are some of the best value-added deals. With many games, these packs are simply annoying pop-ups with no value, but this is not the case with MARVEL Strike Force. There is no pack that you may get later in the game that will be more valuable to your growth than these Newcomer Packs. Heroes, XP chips, gold, and orbs are among the most lucrative of these offers. If you’re fortunate enough to receive an offer for a villain, this is a must-have, as your first task will be to assemble a team of at least three villains for their various campaigns.
Hero Farming Guide
The name of the game in MARVEL Strike Force is to complete the campaign missions and progress through the storyline. Ideally, you should try to clear all the campaign stages with 3 stars for extra rewards and resources. Naturally, you will also unlock many new heroes and their fragments. New game modes will gradually unlock as you level up and complete the campaign missions. Keep in mind these core tips:
- You can get new characters via mining campaign nodes. You should repeat this every day to decrease your energy reserves.
- New heroes are also available in the Blitz, Arena, and Raid markets. These game modes allow you to put your PvP abilities to the test while also building a stronger squad.
- Completing Blitz challenges is especially crucial because this game mode rewards new heroes via milestones.
- Timed events provide special hero orbs for completing campaign missions and successfully facing raids with your alliance. Participate in them anytime you have the opportunity!
Farming Campaign Nodes
Energy is the name of the game when it comes to playing any game mode in MARVEL Strike Force. It’s the source of life and battles in this game. A judicious usage of energy is demanded as an early game player since you want to focus on getting the best heroes from the campaign nodes. Do not farm all nodes each day, as you will run out of energy way sooner than you imagine. Instead, focus on certain useful characters that will add importance to your account. Here are some of our top picks:
Jessica Jones (Villains 2-9 and Nexus 4-9): Jessica Jones is an excellent support character and should be on every F2P player’s team. She can dispel taunts, create energy, and remove debuffs from allies.
Punisher (Heroes 1-6): Punisher is an early-game hero who deals respectable damage and works well with a squad of Defenders.
Merc LT (Villains 3-3): This hero is essential for the Villains campaign and can even be a valuable addition to your late-game roster.
Yondu (Heroes 1-9): Yondu is a well-rounded character with high AoE potential and the ability to negate opposing buffs.
Iron Fist (Nexus 1-9): Iron Fist is another popular hero for F2P gamers because he deals a lot of damage and heals well when he synergizes with Defenders.
Blitz and Arena Store Guide for Early Game Players
The Arena Store contains three outstanding characters: Drax, Mordo, and Daredevil. Drax is an excellent tank in the early game thanks to his auto-taunt, but he loses some value later on due to frequent dispels. Mordo, on the other hand, can be used late in the game due to his incredible control ability. Finally, Daredevil is a must-have hero because of his blind immunity, making him the ultimate DPS for Blitz missions.
On the other hand, the Blitz Store offers a wide variety of useful heroes as well. Players can get extra fragments of the free hero Luke Cage, and improve upon its stats by ranking him up. Similarly, you are free to get more copies of the free Spider-Man that every new player gets. This helps them get increased HP and Attack, making your life easier in multiple PvE content. Some other notable character to get from the Blitz Store is Crossbones, a tank that can Taunt and deal huge damage. Gamora is one of the highest DPS characters for the campaign mode. Merc Riot Guard is also a decent carry tank in some situations.
Raid Store and Gear Management
The Raid Store also has a lot of appealing-looking deals, but once you’ve purchased Hand Sentry and Rocket, we recommend that you prioritize gear over extra heroes. The first of these characters is a unique tank that grants Stealth to all teammates and increases evasion against AoE strikes. Currently, he is regarded as one of the greatest tanks for Arena Defense. The second is an excellent DPS character who can propel you even further in Raids, particularly if you can have Star-Lord on his team.
In terms of gear, you should prioritize Advanced Phosphates, Basic and Advanced Catalysts, and Advanced Unstable Molecules, in that order. You’ll discover that some of your finest heroes frequently require these reagents, so you’ll end up spending the majority of your Raid currency buying them. If you don’t have enough resources for either of these key stores, feel free to refer to our in-depth currency guide that showcases some ways to get them.
Players can enjoy MARVEL Strike Force even more on a bigger screen of their PC or Laptop, complete with your keyboard and mouse via BlueStacks!