Play Marvel Strike Force on PC: Beat Every Game Mode for Awesome Rewards

In a previous guide, we talked about the dozen different currencies in Marvel Strike Force, as well as why you need them. We also mentioned that each of these resources is usually associated with a specific shop (with awesome rewards) and a unique game mode, which should encourage players to try everything!
In this article, we’d like to focus on the most important game modes in Marvel Strike Force. We’ll look at what you need to do to unlock them, how each of them works, as well as a few tips and tricks that will make your life easier as you progress through the game.
Heroes and Villains Campaigns
The first thing you’ll be able to do when you start a new game in Marvel Strike Force is to play the Heroes Campaign, also known as the “Heroes Assembly”. During the first chapter, you’ll get a couple of new characters and your first bearings in terms of simple PvE combat. You’ll also gain access to a bunch of gear items and upgrade materials, which will come in handy later in the game. Ideally, you should unlock as many Heroes Campaign levels as possible because you will soon want to farm them for certain key Heroes and items.
The Villains Campaign or “Villains United” serves a very similar function. It is also distributed across multiple chapters and levels and will yield both hero parts and items. However, you need a minimum of 3 villains to unlock this campaign. These will usually be Elektra and Crossbones, whom you can unlock from starter events, together with Bullseye, who can be farmed in Heroes 2-6. The Villains Campaign is just as essential as the Heroes Assembly for your early-game progression, so you should unlock as many levels as you can with your team of villains.
Like the two campaign modes, Challenges are unlocked fairly early into a new game. These are basically a way to acquire a number of essential resources, from gold to Training Modules, Blitz Charges, Ability Materials, Premium and Regular Orb Fragments, as well as Catalysts. Two of these challenges are available each day and you have 3 shots at each per day.
Many of them also have special team requirements, however. For example, you can only use Controllers and Protectors in the Ability Materials challenge, so it might take some time before you have enough characters (at least 3) to tackle it successfully.
Blitz PvP
One of the most important game modes in Marvel Strike Force, Blitz PvP is unlocked at player level 16. When you first enter a Blitz, you will be asked to select a team that can include both heroes and villains. Once your first battle is completed, however, you will notice that the heroes who have participated in it are now on a 2-hour cooldown. To keep playing, you can either replace them with other suitable characters or you can use Blitz Charges (5 per character, at first; then 10, 15, 20, etc).
Play MARVEL Strike Force on BlueStacks
The goal is to get as high up in your bracket as possible before the timer resets. Your rewards include Blitz Credits, which you can then use in the Shop to purchase a number of key heroes. This is also the way that many new heroes are introduced, which is why getting better at Blitz PvP is one of the best things you can do to speed up your progression.
For 30 days from your first Blitz, you will find yourself in the Beginner’s Bracket. This will make fights significantly easier and should be taken advantage of! Once you hit the Normal Bracket, you’ll notice that most of your opponents have a significant lead, so it will take some time before you are able to achieve good scores again.
Alliance Raids
You’ll be able to join an alliance at player level 20, but you have to wait until level 25 to unlock Alliance Raids. Two essential characters – Hand Sentry and Rocket – can be obtained using Raid Credits, but the real reason why you want to get good at this game mode is the fact that it can help you obtain better gear for your heroes.
For this to happen, though, you’ll need a good, active alliance, so you should pop into the game’s Discord to find a nice group of people, rather than join a random one for unknown results. Then, you’ll want to do your best to contribute to your Alliance’s raid score and, to do this, you’ll need some specific teams of characters.
At present, the best Raid team is considered to comprise of Rocket, Groot, Minn-Erva, Star-Lord, and Thanos. However, some of these heroes are incredibly difficult (and expensive) to obtain and upgrade. As a beginner, you’ll want to focus on a team of Defenders, instead, including Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Punisher, Jessica Jones, and Daredevil.
The Arena
This form of PvP is where you can farm Arena Credits and buy extraordinary heroes such as Drax and Quake. To get more credits per day, you basically have to climb a score ladder by winning against other players on both offense and defense. Each day, you can use five free attacks, although you have to wait out a short pause between them.
At first, you will likely use the same team for both Defense and Offense in the Arena. This should consist of Luke Cage, Spider Man, Punisher, Jessica Jones, and Crossbones, to begin with, but can be improved by replacing Crossbones with Daredevil and Spider Man with Iron Fist. Eventually, you’ll need to branch into two different teams for Defense and Offense in order to have a better chance at consistent victories.
If you can believe it, these are actually just the most important game modes in Marvel Strike Force. Additional other challenges await you in the form of the Nexus Campaign, Alliance Wars, the very late-game Dark Dimension, and more. It will take some time before you can compete in all of these, especially as an F2P player, but if you stick to the priorities we’ve mentioned here and if you’re playing Marvel Strike Force on PC with BlueStacks , you should have a much easier time.