Ragnarok: Rebirth is an exciting new entry in the beloved Ragnarok Online series, bringing back classic elements while introducing fresh features for a modern experience with this MMORPG. If you’re just getting started in this game, this beginner’s guide is here to show the best way to set out on your adventure. To this end, we’ll cover the basic concepts and essential tips you need to know to make the most of your adventure. Whether you’re a veteran of the series or stepping into Rune Midgard for the first time, these insights will help you navigate the game with confidence. 

Let’s begin!

Choosing Your Starter Class

Selecting the right starter class in Ragnarok: Rebirth is a crucial decision that can shape your entire gameplay experience. Each of the six classes offers a unique playstyle and set of abilities, catering to different preferences and strategies. Here’s a detailed look at each class to help you decide which one suits you best.

Beginner's Guide to Ragnarok: Rebirth - Essential BlueStacks Tips and Tricks


  • Playstyle: Frontline melee combatant with high durability.
  • Main Stats: Strength (STR) and Vitality (VIT).
  • Overview: Swordsmen excel in close combat, boasting high defense and strong melee attacks. They are straightforward to play and can withstand heavy damage, making them reliable in solo and group scenarios.
  • Recommended For: Players who prefer a simple, tanky character that can lead the charge in battles.
  • Not Recommended For: Players looking for any complexity or lots of nuance in their gameplay.


  • Playstyle: Supportive healer with buffing abilities.
  • Main Stats: Intelligence (INT) and Vitality (VIT).
  • Overview: Acolytes specialize in healing and enhancing their allies’ abilities. They can keep a party alive with their spells and buffs, providing essential support in both solo and group play.
  • Recommended For: Players who enjoy playing supportive roles and enhancing their team’s performance.
  • Not Recommended For: Players who want to focus on dealing damage or prefer solo play without much support.


  • Playstyle: Ranged spellcaster with powerful AoE attacks.
  • Main Stats: Intelligence (INT) and Dexterity (DEX).
  • Overview: Mages wield devastating magic from a distance, capable of dealing massive damage with their spells. Their AoE attacks make them excellent for farming mobs, though they need to be cautious due to their lower defense.
  • Recommended For: Players who love casting powerful spells and dealing high damage from afar.
  • Not Recommended For: Players who prefer close combat or high defense characters.


  • Playstyle: Agile melee fighter with high evasion and critical hits.
  • Main Stats: Agility (AGI) and Dexterity (DEX).
  • Overview: Thieves are quick and nimble, using their speed and evasion to outmaneuver enemies. They excel in dealing swift, critical strikes and avoiding damage, making them ideal for hit-and-run tactics.
  • Recommended For: Players who enjoy fast-paced, agile combat and strategic play.
  • Not Recommended For: Players who prefer tanky characters or straightforward playstyles.


  • Playstyle: Ranged attacker with precision and versatility.
  • Main Stats: Dexterity (DEX) and Agility (AGI).
  • Overview: Archers master ranged combat, hitting targets from a safe distance with accuracy. Their versatility allows them to control the battlefield and deal consistent damage without getting too close.
  • Recommended For: Players who prefer ranged combat and strategic positioning.
  • Not Recommended For: Players who enjoy melee combat or high-durability characters.


  • Playstyle: Economic strategist with unique combat skills.
  • Main Stats: Dexterity (DEX) and Luck (LUK).
  • Overview: Merchants blend combat prowess with economic strategies, setting up shops and trading items. They can also hold their own in battles with unique abilities that leverage their economic strength.
  • Recommended For: Players who like engaging in trade and economic gameplay, while still being capable in combat.
  • Not Recommended For: Players who prefer straightforward combat without the added layer of economic strategy.

Beginner's Guide to Ragnarok: Rebirth - Essential BlueStacks Tips and Tricks

Choosing the right starter class will greatly enhance your enjoyment of Ragnarok: Rebirth. Consider your playstyle preferences and the strengths of each class to find the perfect fit for your adventures in Rune Midgard. For more information on this topic, please read our Ragnarok: Rebirth class tier list.

Understanding Stats in Ragnarok: Rebirth

The stats system in Ragnarok: Rebirth is a core element that allows players to customize their characters’ strengths and abilities. As you level up, you’ll earn stat points that you can allocate to tailor your build. This flexibility offers a lot of customization, but it also means you need to be careful with your choices to avoid creating a subpar character. By focusing on the main stats for your chosen class, you can ensure your character develops effectively. Here’s a breakdown of each stat and its importance:

Beginner's Guide to Ragnarok: Rebirth - Essential BlueStacks Tips and Tricks

  • STR (Strength):

    • Effects: Increases physical attack power and load capacity.
    • Favored By: Swordsmen and Merchants, as it enhances their melee damage and allows them to carry more items, making them more effective in combat and resource management.
  • AGI (Agility):

    • Effects: Boosts evasion and attack speed.
    • Favored By: Thieves and Archers, since it allows them to strike faster and dodge enemy attacks, making them highly efficient in hit-and-run tactics and ranged combat.
  • VIT (Vitality):

    • Effects: Enhances maximum health and physical defense.
    • Favored By: Swordsmen and Acolytes, providing them with the durability to withstand heavy damage and maintain their frontline or supportive roles effectively.
  • INT (Intelligence):

    • Effects: Increases magic attack power, magic defense, and maximum mana.
    • Favored By: Mages and Acolytes, boosting their spell potency, magical defense, and mana pool, essential for casting powerful spells and healing abilities.
  • DEX (Dexterity):

    • Effects: Improves hit rate and haste.
    • Favored By: Archers and Merchants, ensuring their attacks hit more frequently and quickly, which is crucial for ranged attacks and managing trades effectively.
  • LUK (Luck):

    • Effects: Increases critical hit rate and critical resist.
    • Favored By: Thieves and Merchants, as it enhances their ability to land critical hits and resist enemy critical strikes, making them more formidable in combat and trade interactions.

By understanding these stats and focusing on the primary ones for your class, you can create a well-rounded and effective character. Remember, sticking to the main stats of your class ensures you develop your character in a way that complements their natural strengths and abilities.

The AFK Grinding System

Ragnarok: Rebirth features an AFK grinding system designed to keep your character progressing even when you’re not actively playing. This system is part of the Idle Exploration feature, which allows you to farm resources and experience while offline, making it perfect for a mobile MMORPG.

Beginner's Guide to Ragnarok: Rebirth - Essential BlueStacks Tips and Tricks

To use this system, you designate an exploration area for your character. The chosen area determines the types and amounts of resources you’ll gather over time. As you progress through the game, you’ll unlock additional areas and targets, providing more options for AFK farming and enhancing your resource earnings.

The beauty of the AFK grinding system is its simplicity. Once you’ve set your character to an exploration area, they will continuously gather resources, ensuring you make steady progress even when you’re not logged in. This feature is incredibly useful for maintaining your character’s growth without constant manual input.

Beginner's Guide to Ragnarok: Rebirth - Essential BlueStacks Tips and Tricks

In essence, your character in Ragnarok: Rebirth is always working for you, even while you’re offline. By choosing different areas in the Idle Exploration menu, you can optimize your resource gathering and ensure you’re always gaining valuable items and experience. This makes the AFK grinding system an essential aspect of efficient gameplay in this exciting MMORPG. Check out our Ragnarok: Rebirth tips and tricks to find more ways in which to optimize your gameplay!

The Main Quests

In Ragnarok: Rebirth, the main quests serve as your primary guide through the game, especially since there isn’t a significant tutorial. By clicking on the quest log in the lower left corner of the screen, you can easily follow the main storyline. This will take you across various areas and introduce you to numerous NPCs, progressively unveiling the game’s narrative.

Following the main quests is crucial not only for understanding the story but also for unlocking the game’s many features. As you advance through these quests, you’ll gain access to new areas, abilities, and gameplay mechanics that are essential for your character’s growth and success. This progression also provides valuable rewards and experience points, helping you level up and strengthen your character.

Beginner's Guide to Ragnarok: Rebirth - Essential BlueStacks Tips and Tricks

Because of the importance of the main quests, it’s recommended to prioritize them whenever possible. They are designed to guide you through the game’s content, ensuring you don’t miss out on any important aspects. By keeping up with the main quests, you’ll unlock new features and areas, making your journey through Rune Midgard more rewarding and enjoyable.

Pet Dispatching and Daily Commissions

Ragnarok: Rebirth offers several systems to help players maximize resource gains, two of which are Pet Dispatching and Daily Commissions.

Pet Dispatching is a feature that unlocks after progressing through the main story quests and gaining access to pets. This system allows you to send your pets to different locations for a set amount of time. Upon their return, they bring back valuable prizes, including resources and items. This is another AFK system that players should always utilize to ensure continuous resource accumulation.

Beginner's Guide to Ragnarok: Rebirth - Essential BlueStacks Tips and Tricks

To use Pet Dispatching, simply assign your pets to various dispatch missions. These missions vary in duration and rewards, so choose the ones that best suit your needs. Regularly dispatching your pets is a great way to gather resources without active gameplay, making it an essential part of your strategy.

Daily Commissions are quests that refresh every day at 5 AM. Players can access the Daily Commissions menu at any time to accept up to five quests for the day. Completing these quests provides a steady supply of resources and experience points, making them a vital part of your daily routine.

Make sure to complete these quests every day to maximize your resources. They are designed to be straightforward and manageable, offering rewards that significantly contribute to your character’s growth and progress. Additionally, remember that you can also play Ragnarok: Rebirth on your PC or laptop with BlueStacks to gain access to tools and features through which you can enhance your gameplay experience.