RAID: Shadow Legends – Bad El Kazar Champion Guide

RAID: Shadow Legends, the popular turn-based RPG game developed by Plarium that recently had a collaboration with popular streamer/content creator Tyler “Ninja” Blevins for 3 months. Plarium is continuously pushing out new champions and fusions at its players which add to the roster of over 600 champions now. However, today we are going to be looking at one of the old school most wanted champions in RAID: Shadow Legends – Bad El Kazar, the legendary Force affinity champion from the Undead Hordes faction.
Bad El Kazar is a Support based legendary grade Force affinity champion from the Undead Hordes faction. He is one of the few old champions that has stood the test of times and still proves to be deadly for almost every PvE area. He is a menace to be dealt with his continuous heals and poisons as well as heals. He also enables allies to deal more damage to enemies who are under poison debuffs. He is also one of the few legendary grade champions that require very few legendary books to completely skill up his skills. As well all know how scarce these resources are, all these reasons make him a menace to deal with as well as a desire for many players who have not yet summoned him. Bad El Kazar’s aura provides all allies with a 25% Critical Hit Rate in all battles. This aura is extremely useful for DPS units. Bad El Kazar, even though he is classified in the game as a Support type unit, can dish out massive damage if he is built with more damage and speed. He can solo out most of the content in terms of bosses like Dragons, Ice Golem Dungeon, and Minotaurs Labyrinth. Let’s take a more in-depth look at his skill set.
Bad El Kazar Champion Skills
Bad El Kazar, the legendary grade champion is definitely one of the most wanted units for almost every player who understands meta in the game. The champion is consistently ranked high in tier lists from as far back as 2019. How does he do this? The magic lies in the synergy of his skills. His skill set is so highly synchronized that he feels like a complete package and does not rely on other champions to enable him. On the other hand, he has the ability to enable other champions. Bad El Kazar boasts legendary tier base stats like 20,000 HP, 1079 Attack, 1156 Defense, and 102 Speed at level 60 max awakened. He also takes a very low amount of the already scarce legendary books so he can easily max skilled.
His 1st ability Dark Sphere is an AOE damaging skill that also heals all allies and himself by 20% of the damage dealt by this skill. This is a great spell as it is on his basic attacks. This skill’s damage scales according to his Attack so we recommend building some amount of attack on Bad El Kazar as he is more of offensive support. His 2nd skill Malice is an AOE cleanse and damaging skill that is a total menace. He cleanses all debuffs from all allies, places 2 stacks of continuous heals for 2 turns on all allies as well as 2 turns of poison debuffs on all enemies for 2 turns. This skill can be skilled up to reduce the cooldown to only 3 turns. He can effectively cycle between this skill to have so much healing and damage through his poison debuffs. His passive is his 3rd skill Prey Upon which states that all allies deal 20% more damage to targets who are under Poison debuffs. This passive synergizes so well with his skills as he can deal Poison debuffs himself to all enemies using his 2nd skill Malice. His Aura is also giving a 25% critical hit to all allies in all battles.
Here is a list of his skills:-
Dark Sphere (Active)
Attacks all enemies. Heals this champion and all allies by 20% of the damage inflicted.
Malice (Active)
Removes all debuffs from all allies. Places two 15% Continuous Heal buffs on all allies for 2 turns. Places two 5% Poison debuffs on all enemies for 2 turns.
Prey Upon (Passive)
All allies inflict 20% more damage against targets under Poison debuffs.
Increases Ally Critical Hit Rate in all battles by 25%
Bad El Kazar Mastery Guide
Bad El Kazar is a great support-type champion, but due to his skill kits, he has to be built a bit more offensive to truly do justice to his kit. His skills scale with his attack power and the more he does damage the more he can heal his allies. He is a great source of healing and damage combined and we can see this with his skill 2 Malice. Players are free to choose the builds and masteries they prefer depending on the type of content they are planning to use this champion in. For example, if you are planning to use Bad El Kazar in PVP content, then you would like to go for more damage-oriented masteries like Helmsmasher. If you are planning to use Bad El Kazar for dungeons or PvE content like Doom Tower and Clan boss, then we recommend going for masteries like Warmaster. However, in this guide, we will also the masteries used for Bad El Kazar solo dragon which is one of the most popular tactics associated with Bad El Kazar.
Deadly Precision: Critical Rate +5%
Keen Strike: Critical Damage +10%
Heart of Glory: Increases damage inflicted by 5% when attacking with full HP
Single Out: Increases Damage to targets with less than 40% HP by 8%
Life Drinker: Heals by 5% damage inflicted when attacking with 50% HP or less
Bring It Down: Increases damage by 6% when attacking targets having higher MAX HP
Methodical: Increases the damage inflicted by this champion’s default skill by 2% each time it is used in battle. Stacks across each round in a battle, up to 10%.
Warmaster: Has a 60% chance of inflicting bonus damage when attacking. Bonus damage is equal to 10% of the target Champion’s MAX HP or 4% of the target’s MAX HP when attacking Bosses. Bonus damage can only occur once per Skill and does not count as an extra hit.
Pinpoint Accuracy: Accuracy +10
Charged Focus: Increases Accuracy by 20 when this champion has no skills on cooldown
Swarm Smiter: Accuracy increased by 4 for each enemy alive, up to 16 Maximum.
Lore of Steel: Increase base stat bonuses provided by Artifact sets that offer base stats by 15%.
Evil Eye: Decreases enemies turn-meter when hit by this champion. 20% turn meter reduction if single target and 5% turn meter reduction if AOE skill. Occurs only once per battle
Spirit Haste: Increases SPD by 8 for each dead ally. Stacks up to 24 speed.
Master Hexer: This mastery gives a 30% chance to extend the duration of debuffs inflicted by this champion. Does not include Freeze debuff.
Offensive Tree
Deadly Precision: Critical Rate +5%
Grim Resolve: +5% damage when attacking with 50% HP or less.
Life Drinker: Heals by 5% damage inflicted when attacking with 50% HP or less
A whirlwind of Death: Increases speed by 6 for each enemy you have killed, stacks across rounds in a battle, to a maximum of 18 speeds.
Wrath of the Slain: Increases damage dealt by 5% for each dead ally, up to 10%.
Kill Streak: Increases damage inflicted by 6% in the arena and 3% in all other locations for each enemy killed by this Champion in Battle. This stacks across each round, up to 12%.
Support Tree
Pinpoint Accuracy: Accuracy +10
Exalt in Death: Heals this Champion by 10% of their Max HP the first time an enemy is killed in each round.
Charged Focus: Increases Accuracy by 20 when this champion has no skills on cooldown.
Arcane Celerity: Has a 30% chance of increasing the Turn Meter by 10% when a debuff cast by this Champion is removed or expires.
The cycle of Magic: Has a 5% chance of decreasing the cooldown of a random skill by 1 turn at the start of every turn.
Lore of Steel: Increase base stat bonuses provided by Artifact sets that offer base stats by 15%.
Spirit Haste: Increases SPD by 8 for each dead ally. Stacks up to 24 speed.
Master Hexer: This mastery gives a 30% chance to extend the duration of debuffs inflicted by this champion. Does not include Freeze debuff.
Oppressor: Increases the Turn Meter fill rate by 2.5% for each active debuff cast by the Champion. Stacks up to 10%.
Bad El Kazar Artifact and Stat Recommendations
Bad El Kazar is a great addition to any PvE team in need of support. He is not your traditional support though, he can crazily rack up the amount of damage he can do and also amplify the amount of damage done by your team in general with his passive Prey Upon. We recommend building Bad El Kazar for PvE first and if you have a stable PvE team for most of the content like dungeons and affinity keeps then we recommend moving on to focus on PvP. However, there are just our preferences and in no way or form, these are absolute or must. Feel free to take pleasure in testing out different builds and masteries to get the feel of your champion.
Keep in mind that we do not include stats as they are variable according to your artifacts. We just provide the Set values and stats the players should be aiming for. With that in mind, let’s explore Bad El Kazar’s Artifact and Stat preferences:
PvE Artifact Sets Lifesteal Set, Speed Set, Perception Set, Divine Speed Set, Cruel Set, and Immortal Set.
PvP Artifact Sets: Speed Set, Accuracy Set, Perception Set, and Immortal Set
Stats to Focus On (PvE): Accuracy, Speed, Critical Hit Rate%, Critical Hit Damage%
Bad El Kazar Team Building and Synergies
The most beautiful thing about Bad El Kazar is that he can fit into any team very easily due to his buffs and debuffs. His skills do not rely on other champions to work for him to enable him. He, in turn, enables other champions by amplifying their damage dealt by 20% to enemies under Poison debuffs. However, this does not mean he needs to have champions who bring Poison debuffs as he can inflict those debuffs by himself, that too for 2 turns. The highest testimony to his solo potential is that he can clear out Dragons Den Dungeon at the highest difficulty without any help just by himself. Of course, this feat does require some good gear along with it but this is a great feat nonetheless. Hence, we won’t be giving any recommendations here simply because there are none. Players use him with their strongest heroes, especially 2 DPS since he can easily keep them alive with his continuous heals and healing on 1st skill as well.
That is it from our site for everything you need to know about the legendary champion Bad El Kazar Leave your thoughts below regarding this champion. To read more such guides, check out our blog section where we cover the latest happenings at RSL for our lovely community.
To Enjoy Raid Shadow Legends on PC, download it from BlueStacks for a smooth experience.