Residents of Teleria in RAID: Shadow Legends are very excited this month as Plarium have decided to release a brand-new pair of Valentine champions that are bound to shake up the game’s meta. Out of the couples, Esme the Dancer is being put forward as the February fusion champion, a free-to-play event that guarantees players a legendary champion for free if they complete a certain set of events and tournaments. This guide showcases all you need to know about the new fusion champion, including her abilities, mastery and artifact recommendations, and some tips to enrich your playstyle while using her. Let’s begin! Got questions about guilds, gaming, or our product? Join our Discord for discussions and support!

Esme the Dancer Skills and Abilities

Esme the Dancer is a legendary grade champion from the Barbarians faction that is classified as a Support type. Esme’s kit has a vast number of buffs and debuffs, which will be especially useful against the Hydra and Chimera monsters. Consider her a weaker version of Uugo, with a few additions on top.

Her ability to increase your highest ATK champion’s turn meter by 50% every turn is extremely powerful if you build around it: consider utilizing a Provoke set for waves to drive more assaults at her, or use her against enemies who employ frequent AOE strikes. One issue is that her buffs do not have the best uptime, thus consider running a Buff Extension champion alongside her to improve coverage.

RAID: Shadow Legends – Esme the Dancer Abilities, Masteries, Artifacts, and Tips to Play

Here is a list of Esme the Dancer’s skills: –

Blade Juggler (Active)

Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on all allies for 1 turn.

Level 1: Damage +5%

Level 2: Damage +5%

Level 3: Damage +10%

Earth Dancer (Active)

Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a 25% [Weaken] debuff and a [Block Buffs] debuff for 2 turns. Also decreases the Turn Meters of all enemies by 20%. If Modo of the Peal is on the same team, steals 20% of each enemy’s Turn Meter instead.

Level 1: Damage +10%

Level 2: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%

Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%

Level 4: Cooldown -1

RAID: Shadow Legends – Esme the Dancer Abilities, Masteries, Artifacts, and Tips to Play

Blessing of the Sands (Active)

Places a 50% [Increase ACC] buff and a 30% [Increase SPD] buff on all allies for 2 turns. Has a 75% chance of removing all buffs from all enemies. If Modo of the Peal is on the same team, has a 75% chance of stealing all buffs from all enemies instead.

Level 1: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%

Level 2: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%

Level 3: Cooldown -1

Beguiling Moves (Passive)

[Passive Effect] When hit, has a 15% chance of randomly changing the attacker’s critical hits to weak, normal, or strong hits. If Modo of the Peal is on the same team, the chance increases to 30%. [Active Effect] Whenever this Champion is hit, increases the Turn Meter of the ally with the highest ATK by 50%.


Increases Ally SPD in All Battles by 19%

Best Masteries for Esme the Dancer

Check out all the complete list of masteries suitable for Esme the Dancer:

RAID: Shadow Legends – Esme the Dancer Abilities, Masteries, Artifacts, and Tips to Play


  • Deadly Precision: Critical Rate +5%
  • Keen Strike: Critical Damage +10%
  • Heart of Glory: Increases damage inflicted by 5% when attacking with full HP
  • Single Out: Increases Damage to targets with less than 40% HP by 8%
  • Bring It Down: Increases damage by 6% when attacking targets having higher MAX HP
  • Methodical: Increases the damage inflicted by this champion’s default skill by 2% each time it is used in battle. Stacks across each round in a battle, up to 10%.
  • Warmaster: Has a 60% chance of inflicting bonus damage when attacking. Bonus damage is equal to 10% of the target Champion’s MAX HP or 4% of the target’s MAX HP when attacking Bosses. Bonus damage can only occur once per Skill and does not count as an extra hit.


  • Pinpoint Accuracy: Accuracy +10
  • Exalt in Death: Heals this Champion by 10% of their Max HP the first time an enemy is killed in each round.
  • Rapid Response: Has a 30% chance of increasing the Turn Meter by 10% when a buff cast by this Champion is removed or expires.
  • Arcane Celerity: Has a 30% chance of increasing the Turn Meter by 10% when a debuff cast by this Champion is removed or expires.
  • Lore of Steel: Increases the Set Bonuses of Basic Artifact Sets by 15%. This increase is multiplicative, not additive. The bonus is only applicable to Set effect that applies boost to your Champion’s stat.
  • Cycle of Magic: Has a 5% chance of decreasing the cooldown of a random skill by 1 turn at the start of every turn.
  • Lasting Gifts: Has a 30% chance to extend the duration of any buff cast by this Champion by 1 turn. It will not extend [Block Damage], [Unkillable] or [Revive on Death] buffs.
  • Master Hexer: This mastery gives a 30% chance to extend the duration of debuffs inflicted by this champion. Does not include Freeze debuff.

Best Gear and Artifact Sets for Esme the Dancer

Here are some recommended artifact sets for Esme the Dancer:

1) PvE Build

Primary Focus (Stats): Accuracy, HP%, DEF%, Speed, and Resistance.

Recommended Artifact Sets:

  • Impulse Set
  • Reflex Set
  • Relentless Set

RAID: Shadow Legends – Esme the Dancer Abilities, Masteries, Artifacts, and Tips to Play

2) PvP Build

Primary Focus (Stats): Accuracy, Speed, HP%, DEF%, and Resistance.

Recommended Artifact Sets:

  • Immunity Set
  • Protection Set
  • Stoneskin Set
  • Untouchable Set

Players can enjoy playing RAID: Shadow Legends on a bigger screen of their PC or Laptop via BlueStacks along with your keyboard and mouse.