Realm of Mystery, a captivating strategy game by Puzala, presents an enchanting world that plunges you into the heart of medieval adventure and conflict. With stunning landscapes, from lush forests to towering mountains, and a storyline brimming with epic battles and mystical quests, Realm of Mystery offers a unique blend of strategic gameplay and immersive storytelling. 

In this beginner’s guide, we will equip you with the knowledge you need to succeed, whether you’re leading armies into epic battles or uncovering secrets in hidden corners of the realm. You will learn about the game’s mechanics and other essentials to help you rise to glory.

Understanding the Gameplay Mechanics of Realm of Mystery

Realm of Mystery offers gameplay experience related to strategic decision-making and resource management. Imagine yourself as a brave or seasoned knight, leading your army through lush forests, towering mountains, and roaring rivers. Or perhaps you’re more of an adventurer, eager to explore hidden corners, undertake dangerous quests, and face mythical beasts. In this thrilling strategy game, the choice is yours.

Realm of Mystery Beginner’s Guide: Tips to Kickstart Your Epic Journey

Creating Your Account

In Realm of Mystery, your adventure begins with choosing a character that suits your playstyle. You can be a valiant knight, a seasoned soldier, or an adventurous explorer. Each character type offers unique strengths and gameplay experiences. Knights and soldiers excel in leading armies and engaging in grand battles, while adventurers thrive on exploration and discovery. This initial setup is crucial as it impacts your gameplay style, especially if you prefer direct combat or strategic oversight. 

Core Gameplay Mechanics

The core gameplay involves managing your kingdom, gathering resources, and expanding your territory. You’ll build and upgrade structures such as barracks, resource farms, and defensive walls. Imagine you’re focusing on expanding your kingdom. You start by building a resource farm to ensure a steady food

 supply. As your food stockpile grows, you can train more troops in your barracks, strengthening your army for upcoming battles. You might also upgrade your defensive walls to protect your kingdom from enemy attacks.

Combat Mechanics

The game seamlessly blends exploration and combat, allowing you to engage in epic battles, complete quests, and establish alliances with other players. Combat in Realm of Mystery is dynamic and requires tactical acumen. Real-time battles feature various units and forces, where positioning and timing are crucial in determining the outcome.

During a battle, you might deploy archers on higher ground to take advantage of their range while positioning your knights in front to absorb enemy attacks. Timing your unique abilities, such as a powerful spell from your mage, can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Therefore, it’s essential you master the nuances of managing troops and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each unit.

Game Modes Integration

Realm of Mystery offers a variety of game modes to suit different playstyles. You can focus on expanding your kingdom and conquering territories or engage in intense PvP battles to prove your mettle against other players. Each mode provides unique challenges and rewards, keeping the gameplay fresh and engaging.

Here’s a brief overview of each:

Campaign Mode

Dive right into the heart of Realm of Mystery with Campaign Mode, where you’ll embark on a series of challenging quests and battles. This mode is all about expanding your kingdom and conquering rival territories. Each quest provides an immersive storyline that guides your journey, allowing you to experience the rich lore and epic conflicts of the realm.

Adventure Mode

If you enjoy exploration and discovery, Adventure Mode is perfect for you. Wander through hidden corners of the realm, undertake dangerous quests, and encounter mystical creatures. This mode emphasizes exploration and lore, allowing you to uncover secrets and treasures while facing formidable foes in diverse environments.

PvP Mode

For those who crave competition, PvP Mode offers thrilling player-vs-player combat. Test your tactics against other players in intense battles where only the best tactics prevail. This mode allows you to prove your prowess in battle, earn rewards, and climb the ranks to become a legendary warrior within the community.

Guild Mode

Team up with other players in Guild Mode to form powerful alliances. Join or create a guild to collaborate in large-scale battles and kingdom-building efforts. Working with your guildmates, you can strengthen your position, share resources, and dominate the realm through coordinated strategies and collective strength.

Epic Adventures and Heroic Quests

Realm of Mystery Beginner’s Guide: Tips to Kickstart Your Epic Journey

In Realm of Mystery, quests and missions play a crucial role in your journey, offering various challenges and rewards that help you progress through the game. Here’s a breakdown of the different types of quests you might encounter:

Story Quests

These quests drive the main storyline forward, immersing you in the rich lore of the realm. Completing story quests unlocks new areas and features, advancing your overall progress in the game.

Daily Quests

These routine tasks refresh daily, providing you with opportunities to earn rewards consistently. Daily quests might include objectives like gathering resources, defeating a specific number of enemies, or participating in battles.

Special Event Quests

During special events, unique quests become available for a limited time. These quests often have themed objectives and offer exclusive rewards, making them a great way to earn rare items and experience new content.

Guild Quests

You’ll have access to guild-specific quests if you’re part of a guild. These tasks encourage cooperation among guild members and often involve collective goals like building structures, participating in guild battles, or completing group challenges.

Navigating Game Currencies

In Realm of Mystery, you can use various currencies to enhance your gameplay experience. Each currency has its unique purpose and value. In this section, we will talk about the different game currencies and their uses. 


Gold is the major currency in the game and is used for a wide range of activities, including upgrading buildings, training troops, and purchasing basic resources. Accumulating gold is essential for maintaining and expanding your kingdom.


Gems are a premium currency that can speed up processes, purchase special items, or unlock premium features. They are typically more challenging to obtain and may require actual money transactions or the completion of special quests. 


Wood, stone, and food are critical for building and upgrading structures and maintaining an army. Gathering and managing resources efficiently is vital to sustaining growth and readiness for battle.


Energy is used to undertake various actions in the game, such as participating in battles or completing quests. Energy regenerates over time, but you can also replenish using specific items or currencies like gems.

Your Path to Glory Awaits

Embarking on your journey in Realm of Mystery is an exciting adventure filled with epic battles and strategic planning. Whether you’re a seasoned strategist or a newcomer, this guide will help you confidently navigate the game’s core mechanics and modes.

For an even more immersive experience, consider playing Realm of Mystery on PC with BlueStacks. You’ll get to enjoy enhanced graphics and smoother gameplay on your PC. Dive in, explore the mysteries, and may your path be paved with glory!