How to Get More Resources for Upgrades in Ragnarok X: Rise of Taekwon

Resources are materials or points that you need in order to give upgrades to your character in Ragnarok X. Depending on what aspect of your character that you are trying to upgrade, you are going to need a different resource. For instance, upgrading core stats requires stat points which can only be earned with EXP.
There is plenty of incentive to invest time in farming resources for upgrades. The returns of investment that you will obtain is a stronger character that can survive any encounter with strong enemies in the world of Midgard.
AFK Mode with Odin’s Blessing
In most RPGs on mobile, a method known as idling is a popular way to earn EXP without ever having to manually control your character. Ragnarok X allows you to idle with its auto-battle system that contains multiple tweakable settings. The settings are as follows:
- Skills Settings – allows you to select the skills that will be used during auto-battle.
- AFK Range – determines the scope of the AFK mode.
- AFK in Place – your character will never move while in AFK. Your character will not attack an enemy unless that enemy directly approaches your character.
- Nearby Range – your character will attack nearby enemies but will never go too far.
- Current Screen – your character will attack any enemy regardless of their distance from one another as long as they are on-screen.
- Whole Map AFK – it does not matter if the enemy is not on-screen, your character can traverse the entire map to eliminate them.
- Auto counter – enables counter abilities in AFK mode.
- Protect Party – enables/disables the ability to protect teammates in a party from enemies.
- Auto normal attack – enables/disables use of normal attack in AFK mode.
- Casting priority – determines the order of skills to be used in AFK mode.
- Default: healing > team buff > individual buff > AoE damage > single-target damage
- Skill List Order: the order depends on the arrangement of Skill Settings.
- Auto Recover – allows you to set an HP or SP threshold that determines when your character should use a potion to refill either stat. The order of potions to be used can be arranged. Additionally, the feature itself can be disabled but it is best not to do so.
Doing Daily Quests
Doing quests is a quick way of earning EXP for both Base Level and Job Level as well as a good amount of Zeny. Out of all quests in the game, there is one type of quest that is the most efficient in terms of farming resources.
In central player hubs like Proneta and Izlude Island, you can find bulletin boards called Mission Boards that contain multiple side quests. These side quests are called Daily Quests (or dailies) and completing them can grant you the following rewards:
- Around 100,000 Base and Job EXP
- 140 Odin’s Blessing, which is required if you want to have the blessing turned on for a longer duration.
Daily quests can be admittedly boring at worst but slightly tedious at best. Dailies usually just involve simple missions that involve delivering a certain number of materials to an NPC, eliminating a set number of enemies, and other mundane tasks that should not take too long to accomplish.
Dailies is an efficient way to farm resources however you can only complete a maximum of 10 daily quests per day. The quests reset every 5:00 in server time.
Selling Unused Items
There can be no other faster way to make a quick buck than selling items that you no longer use.
Unwanted items can be sold in exchange for Zeny in the Sundries Store. You can sell any item in this store so you can dump all your unused items here.
Alternatively, you can also sell items to the Chamber of Commerce employee. What makes the selling to the employee better is that his selling price is 30% of the buying price. This means that you can get more Zeny if you sell to the COC employee. The only downside is that the employee only buys Materials, and not any other category.
Life Activities
Doing life activities is the primary way of acquiring materials that you need to craft items that will ultimately be used to upgrade gear (i.e., enchantment stones).
Fish can be a requirement for upgrades. There are multiple fishing spots all over the map. The one in Prontera South Gate will be the one that you will first encounter.
You need a cast and bait to fish. Fortunately, you will automatically receive a cast from Xavier, a master fisherman (or rather fishercat), who will teach you how to fish during the game’s tutorial.
Beginner Fishing Bait is the first one you will use and is infinite in amount. If you want better quality bait to gain more chances of catching better fish, you can purchase some from Alberta.
Mining is the primary method of obtaining Upgrading Materials which can ultimately be used by Holgreffen in Prontera to upgrade your equipment. The mines are located in Mjolnir Mountains region, more specifically the Mjolnir Dead Pit
There are multiple areas in the mine called Ore Veins with differing levels. At first, you can only access Ore Vein Level 1 but you can access the other Ore Veins once you reach the appropriate mining level. You need to level up to Mining Level 2 to access Ore Vein Level 2. Levelling up can be accomplished by mining repeatedly.
Do not forget that a pickaxe is required to mine, and you can buy this from the Sundries Store. There are two types of pickaxes: the normal and advanced. They differ in the amount of time it takes to complete one mining attempt. The advanced pickaxe is faster than the normal one but unfortunately more expensive.
Pickaxes have limited durability and will break when its health reaches 0% With that, make sure to buy enough pickaxes if you are planning a long mining session.
There is a diverse array of plants in the in-game map and these plants are often ingredients to materials that are needed to upgrade your character’s items.
Each plant has a different area and time of growth. Use the game’s Life menu to automatically pathfind your way to the nearest area where the plant that you are looking for commonly grows.
Unlike mining, you cannot gather the plant immediately as you need to wait until the plant’s maturity time dies down for you to finally claim it. This also means, however, that you may have to compete with other players who also want to gather the same plant.
The fruits of labor from mining and gardening is manifested through smelting.
Smelting is the act of creating the actual materials that are needed to further upgrade your equipment. For instance, the enchantment stones needed for weapon and armor enchantment.
The smelting encyclopedia contains information about the ingredients that you need to smelt an item. You can use this to automatically pathfind your way to the ingredients. Smelting can be done immediately from the smelting menu. There is no need to approach a specific NPC or go to a specific place.
You can cook certain dishes that can give your character a temporary buff to their stats.
For instance, Meat n’ Pumpkin I temporarily increases your Strength stat by 10 points for 30 minutes. Particular ingredients are needed to cook a meal. You can just refer to the cooking encyclopedia to gather information about the ingredients and where to gather them.