Star Wars: Hunters is set to launch globally on June 4, bringing an exciting new entry to the popular genre of hero shooters. This game takes place in the Star Wars universe, offering players the chance to engage in thrilling 4v4 MOBA battles with a diverse roster of characters, known as Hunters, and strive to become legends throughout the galaxy.

The appeal of Star Wars: Hunters lies in its combination of the beloved Star Wars franchise with the fast-paced, team-based gameplay reminiscent of popular games like Overwatch. With unique characters, dynamic game modes, and strategic team play, it promises to be a hit among fans of both Star Wars and hero shooters. To get the best experience, you can play Star Wars: Hunters on your computer with BlueStacks. This will give you better control, enhanced graphics, and smoother performance, ensuring you can dominate the arena right from the start.

For those who are interested in this game but might be worried of getting dominated from the outset, this guide is for you. From useful tips and tricks to sharing vital information about the game modes, currencies, and more, this Start Wars: Hunters beginner’s guide will have everything you need to get started on the right track.

Types of Hunters

In Star Wars: Hunters, there are three main roles for Hunters: Damage, Support, and Tank. Each role plays a critical part in team composition and strategy.

  • Damage Hunters: These Hunters are all about dealing high amounts of damage to enemies. They are crucial for eliminating opponents quickly but often have lower health, making them vulnerable if not supported properly.
  • Support Hunters: Support Hunters focus on healing and providing buffs to their teammates. While they don’t deal much damage themselves, their abilities can turn the tide of battle by keeping allies alive and enhancing their effectiveness.
  • Tank Hunters: Tanks are the frontline defenders with high health and defensive abilities. They soak up damage and protect their teammates, making them essential for holding control points and surviving prolonged engagements.

While there are only three types of Hunters, there are many of these in every category. Feel free to check out our Star Wars: Hunters tier list to learn more about the best and worst characters of the game ahead of its June 4 release date.

Basic Game Modes

Understanding the different game modes in Star Wars: Hunters is key to mastering the game. Here are the primary modes you can expect:

  • Control: In this mode, two teams fight to capture and hold a control point. The team that maintains control the longest wins the match.
  • Huttball: A unique mode where teams compete to grab a ball and score goals in the opponent’s base. It’s a mix of basketball and handball, with a Star Wars twist.
  • Escort: One of the teams needs to stand near a payload to make it move towards its destination, while the other must prevent them from doing so. Typically, both teams will have a chance at playing both roles in one match, with the roles being reversed after a set time limit (when the defenders mount a successful defense), or when the attacking team manages to escort the payload to its destination.
  • Squad Brawl: A straightforward team deathmatch mode where the goal is to reach a certain number of eliminations before the other team.

How to Unlock New Hunters

Unlocking new Hunters is essential for diversifying your gameplay and finding the character that suits your playstyle. Luckily, unlocking these characters is fairly straightforward, if a bit restrictive considering that there might be some grinding involved in this regard. Here’s how you can unlock them:

  • Earn Crystals and Hunter Tokens: These can be obtained by completing challenges and playing matches.
  • Purchase with In-Game Currency: Use the Crystals or Hunter Tokens you’ve earned to unlock new Hunters from the Hunters section in the game menu.

Types of Currency

There are two main types of currency in Star Wars: Hunters. You will likely have to get quite familiar with these since they are used for nearly every aspect of the game related to unlocking or upgrading the various aspects of your account:

  • Credits: Earned by completing challenges and matches, credits can be used to buy various items like weapon wraps, victory poses, and costumes.
  • Crystals: These can be purchased with real money or earned through challenges. Crystals are used for unlocking new Hunters and purchasing premium items in the store.

Gameplay Tips and Tricks

To excel in Star Wars: Hunters, follow these gameplay tips and tricks. These pointers will help you understand the game’s mechanics and improve your performance, whether you’re a newbie or looking to up your game.

Master Your Hunter’s Abilities

Each Hunter in Star Wars: Hunters has unique abilities, including weapons, passive skills, and ultimate abilities. To get the most out of your Hunter, spend time in training mode to familiarize yourself with these abilities.

  • Weapons: Each Hunter has a primary weapon that defines their combat style. Practice using this weapon to learn its range, damage output, and reload times.
  • Passive Skills: These are abilities that provide ongoing benefits without needing to be activated. Understanding these can help you make strategic decisions during battles.
  • Ultimate Abilities: These powerful abilities can turn the tide of a match. They usually have a long cooldown, so use them strategically for maximum impact.

Mastering your Hunter’s abilities will give you a significant advantage in battles, allowing you to outplay your opponents and support your team effectively.

Coordinate with Your Team

Communication and teamwork are crucial in Star Wars: Hunters. Use voice chat platforms like Discord or in-game communication tools to coordinate with your teammates: 

  • Assign Roles: Make sure everyone on your team knows their role, whether it’s dealing damage, providing support, or tanking damage.
  • Share Information: Keep your team informed about enemy positions, control points, and objectives.
  • Strategize Together: Plan your attacks and defenses as a team to maximize your effectiveness.
  • Play on PC with BlueStacks: By playing on PC with BlueStacks you can coordinate better since you can have Discord running in the background seamlessly while gaming with your team, allowing you to keep constant communication in real-time.

Effective communication and coordination can make the difference between victory and defeat, so always work closely with your team.

Control the Map

Knowing the layout of each map and controlling key areas can give your team a strategic advantage.

  • Learn the Maps: Spend time exploring each map to learn the best vantage points, chokepoints, and hiding spots.
  • Use the Environment: Take advantage of environmental features like cover, high ground, and obstacles to gain an edge over your opponents.
  • Hold Key Areas: Control points and strategic locations are crucial in many game modes. Focus on holding these areas to dominate the match.

Mastering map control will help you anticipate enemy movements and secure important objectives more effectively.

Complete Challenges

Regularly check and complete daily, weekly, and seasonal challenges to earn rewards and progress faster in the game.

  • Daily Challenges: These reset every day and offer rewards for completing simple tasks.
  • Weekly Challenges: These provide more substantial rewards for completing more difficult tasks.
  • Seasonal Challenges: These are tied to the game’s seasonal events and offer exclusive rewards. Make sure to participate in these to get the most out of the game.

Completing challenges consistently will boost your progress and help you unlock valuable rewards.

Adapt to the Meta

The game’s meta will evolve over time as new Hunters and balance changes are introduced. Stay updated with the latest strategies and adjust your playstyle accordingly.

  • Stay Informed: Follow game updates, patch notes, and community discussions to stay informed about changes in the meta.
  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to try out new Hunters and strategies as the game evolves.
  • Be Flexible: Adapt your playstyle to counter popular strategies and take advantage of new opportunities.

Adapting to the meta will keep your gameplay fresh and competitive, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Star Wars: Hunters and achieving victory in the arena. Remember, the best experience comes from playing on your PC or laptop with BlueStacks, providing better control and performance. Get ready to dominate the arena and become a legend in the galaxy!