Dislyte Patch 3.1.7 – New Esper Yun Chuan, Calamity Island, Solstice City Night, Blitz, and More in Truth Unveiled Event

One of the biggest updates for the turn-based RPG Dislyte by LilithGames is here! Titled as patch “3.1.7”, a better title would be “Dislyte 2.0” as many in the community are referring to the update. This is because of the massive changes coming to the futuristic punk’em stylized RPG that will completely change many of the game’s existing core systems. Dislyte is available to be downloaded and installed as a free-to-play title on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store. Players can create a new account and take it to Level 5 before the update goes live on 27th December 2022 to get 50 free Gold Records after the update.
The latest update for Dislyte is titled Patch 3.1.7 and can be seen in the live version of the game on 27th December 2022. The new update is said to be one of the biggest updates to come for the game since its inception. Apart from the new events that reward the players generously, many of the game’s core systems such as Resonance, Experimons, Super Sound Matrices, and more are getting completely overhauled or removed. A new dungeon called Sonic Rift will be added with the update while Practice stages will be removed. New content in the form of Calamity Islands and Power system will be in place. Yun Chuan, the righteous master of Li Ling is also being added as a playable esper to the ever-growing roster of Dislyte. A set of new events are also going to be available with the Truth Unveiled version which features Yun Chuan as the lead esper. Let’s get right into the in-depth breakdown for Patch 3.1.7 which is scheduled to release on 27th December 2022.
Yun Chuan – New 5-Star Esper
Yun Chuan is a 5-Star Wind elemental esper that is classified as a DPS in-game. Yun Chuan has the powers of the God Yang Jian. Yun Chuan’s introduction reads as follows – “Yunchuan is a member of the Li family’s security team and the family’s most famous warrior. It’s been said that he’s worth a thousand men. After being falsely accused and imprisoned in the Nether Gaol, Yun Chuan transformed into an Esper and acquired the powers of Yang Jian. He then broke out of prison when the Chaos Miracle became active. The Esper Union recognized his abilities, and he recognized the Union’s vision and chose to join in the end.”
We recommend building Yun Chuan with Wind Walker/ Apollo’s Bow Set with HP%, HP%/ Accuracy%, and Speed as main stats and a focus on Speed, Accuracy%, HP%, and Defense% as sub-stats. Players will be able to acquire Yun Chuan through Wish Stones once the update goes live in-game on 27th December 2022.
Let’s take a look at Yun Chuan’s abilities in detail:
Roaring Heart (Active Skill) – Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Damage per hit: 40% ATK. 60% chance of inflicting Miss Rate Up for 2 turns.
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 115%
Lvl 3 Damage increased to 120%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 125%
Lvl 5 Damage increased to 130%
Whistling Stance (Passive Skill) – If Yun Chuan can take action when attacked, 15% chance of blocking the attack
If the attacker is afflicted with Third-Eye Seal, doubles the blocking chance.
Upon a Crit, inflicts Third-Eye Seal on the target for 1 turn(s).
When enemies with Third-Eye Seal are attacked, summons Screamer to launch an assist attack (triggered 1 time per turn).
Screamer’s Damage: 25% ATK. Ignores DEF. Steals 1 buff from the target. Inflicts Sear for 2 turns. Final Damage +10%.
This-Eye Seal: Miss Rate +15%
Cooldown: 4 turns
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 115%
Lvl 3 Damage increased to 120%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 125%
Lvl 5 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn
Whistling Stance (Ascended) (Passive Skill) – If Yun Chuan can take action when attacked, 15% chance of blocking the attack
Upon a Crit, inflicts Third-Eye Seal on the target for 1 turn(s).
When enemies with Third-Eye Seal are attacked, summons Screamer to launch an assist attack (triggered 1 time per turn).
Screamer’s Damage: 25% ATK. Ignores DEF. Steals 1 buff from the target. Inflicts Sear for 2 turns. Final Damage +10%.
This-Eye Seal: Miss Rate +15%
Cooldown: 4 turns
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 115%
Lvl 3 Damage increased to 120%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 125%
Lvl 5 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn
Guardian Lord (Active Skill) – Attacks all enemies 2 times. Damage per hit: 60% ATK.
Inflicts on all enemies SPD Down for 2 turns.
Grants Immunity to Yun Chuan for 2 turns. Grants SPD Up to all allies for 2 turns.
Cooldown: 4 turns
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 70%
Lvl 3 Damage increased to 80%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 90%
Lvl 5 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn(s)
Captain Ability (Leader Skill) – Increases ally ATK in Ritual Miracle, Sonic Miracle, Desolate Lands, and Sentinel Hunt by 40%
Calamity Island
Calamity Island is mentioned as one of the biggest highlights for this update. It is a completely new game mode on its own as it provides players with a permanent way of getting more resources. If you are familiar with Temporal Tower and Spatial Tower, then you will be able to recognize the style of Calamity Island quite easily. Here are some key takeaways mentioned regarding Calamity Island game mode in the patch notes:
- The Calamity Islands will be open to all players who have cleared the main story Chapter 11 Stage 16 on Normal difficulty. It does not matter what the level of the player currently is.
- The Calamity Islands will feature different elemental towers for the 3 main elements that counter each other – Inferno, Flow, and Wind elements. Each element will have it’s own tower that will open only on specific days of the week. Naturally, players can only explore and challenge the floors of the open elemental tower. Each elemental tower will have 200 unique and different challenging floors. The boss floors will be different from the regular floors as their difficulty will be higher, just like we see in Temporal Tower.
- Players can only deploy espers of the same element as the tower that they will be exploring. The higher the floor they climb to, the better the rewards will get.
- Here’s a short description of the days of the week when different towers will be open on Calamity Island:
Burning Pillar (Inferno elemental tower) – Monday, Thursday, and Sunday
Howling Pillar (Wind elemental tower) – Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday
Surging Pillar (Flow elemental tower) – Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday
- There’s a limit set to the number of expeditions players can do each day in the Calamity Islands. Players can only clear 10 floors each day. These limits will be resetted after the day is over and the server resets.
- A strict time limit is also put in place for all battles that take place in Calamity Island. This time limit will be in the form of a number of turns that your allies can take. Once the turn limit is over, after a certain number of turns have been passed, the battle will be declared as a loss.
Blitz System
Here are the main key takeaways to note from the new Blitz system added to the game after the update:
- Blitz is a new feature that unlocks in the game for all players once they clear the main story Chapter 2 Stage 4 on Normal difficulty. A new currency called “MemoChips” will be used in this Blitz system.
- Players can use these MemoChips to view Union battle information and massively speed up their battles. By massively speeding up, we mean skipping the entire battles. Yes, consider them like skip tickets in other games.
- One thing to note is that the Blitz mode for Ritual Miracle, Sonic Miracle, and Sonic Rift will be available for all players once they clear the main story Chapter 2 Stage 4 on Easy difficulty.
- Players can use the Blitz mode from the battle preparation menu. The amount of MemoChips used for skipping the battles depends on the number of turns taken for the player to previously complete the battle. The lower the time taken, the lesser number of MemoChips taken to explore them.
- MemoChips will be available only from the Daily tasks, and events, and by purchasing through Nexus Crystals.
Power System
Here are the main key takeaways to note from the new Power system added to the game after the update:
- The Power System is a set of criteria to measure the entire power of each individual esper. A higher battle power for the esper or the enemy team would generally mean that they have stronger espers.
- This power of the esper can be seen on the Esper Info screen. Some of the criteria mentioned to measure the power are – Esper levels, ascension, attribute, relics, resonance enhancements, skill ups, and more. After each Power up, the overall power of the Esper will be increased.
Solstice City Night Event
Here are some key takeaways mentioned regarding the Solstice City Night event in the patch notes:
- The Solstice City Night event will start on 27th December 2022 and ends on 7th January 2023, lasting for just under 1 week. The event description reads as follows – “At the beginning of a new year, use beautiful lanterns to ignite your wishes for the future and get your Solstice gifts!
- The event will be available to all players who are above Level 25 in terms of Player rank. During the event, players will need to log in to the game on a daily basis and complete certain tasks to light up lanterns. The more the number of lanterns lit up during the event, the more the rewards. The highlights in terms of the rewards are Gold Records, Epic Abilimon, and more.
Echo System Overhaul (Removal of Super Sound Matrices)
A lot of changes are coming to the gacha system of the game, better known as “Echo”. Take a look at all the changes mentioned in the patch notes:
- The Gold Record banner will be the only summoning banner remaining after the update with Gold Records being the major summoning currency to obtain new espers. Super Sound Matrices will be completely removed from the game after the update.
- Players will be given compensation for the existing Super Sound Matrices in players’ account in the ratio of 6:1. Hence, 1 Super Sound Matrice will result in 6 Nexus Crystals. The Gold records banner will still give Legendary Esper after 100 summons and an Epic esper after 20 summons. Hence, the pity remains the same.
- For new espers, a new “Wish Stone” system is being implemented in the game. Each legendary esper will provide players with 20 Wish Stones. Each Epic esper will provide players with 1 Wish Stone. Players can spend 100 Wish Stones to either directly summon the new esper that is available or to randomly summon a new esper from a designated list of 5 espers. Players can set these 5 espers manually, provided that they are non-Shimmer and non-fusion espers.
- Wish Stones can only be acquired through gold record summons and not from any other summons.
Yun Chuan Limited-Time Echo Event
Here are the main takeaways from the upcoming limited-time event:
- The event starts on 27th December 2022 and ends on 16th January 2023. Players can get Yun Chuan from Gold Records but he will not be at a rate-up, which means the probability of getting Yun Chuan will remain the same as the rest of the espers. The pity for obtaining Legendary esper remains at 100 summons while the pity for Epic espers remains at 20 summons.
- During the event, players will be able to exchange their collected Wish Stones for Yun Chuan directly as part of a pity. The pity is set at 100 Wish stones.
Truth Unveiled Event
The Truth Unveiled event starts on 27th December 2022 and ends on 13th January 2023. Players who have cleared the main story Chapter 4 Stage 16 on Normal difficulty will be allowed to take part in this event. Players can access the event by clicking on the banner on the main screen highlighted by the Yun Chuan icon. Much like the past events in Dislyte, the Truth Unveiled event will also be a grindy one that makes use of different event currencies that the players can farm. The event contains different sub-events inside of it such as a redeem shop where players can get the majority of the lucrative rewards by exchanging their collected event currency. The event currency for the Truth Unveiled event is going to be – Info Disks.
The different types of gameplay modes that come under the Truth Unveiled event are as follows:
Event Map – The map is going to be the most grinded location in the entire event as it provides players with 3 different chapters. Players can grind the event stages in each of the chapters of the event map to be able to earn the event currencies we mentioned before. The chapters will also contain different story stages that do not require you to fight but simply view them and earn Nexus Crystals. Players can only earn the event currencies through the battle stages of these chapters. Players can obtain tons of event currency, nexus crystals, stamina, and gold from these stages. Players can only move on to the next chapter once they complete the previous one. The levels of your espers will be matched according to the level of your enemies. Among the 3 chapters of the event map are – Infiltration, Reality or Dream, and Greivances. Among these, Infiltration will unlock on 27th December, at 00:00 (UTC+0).
Search for the Secret Journey – This is a mission event where players have to complete certain missions in order to get more rewards. Every day, players will get 1 new daily mission and 4 normal missions.
Notes and Clues – Notes and Clues is another sub-event included in Truth Unveiled. Players can collect Notes and Clues during the duration of the story to unlock the story for the esper Yun Chuan.
Boss Trials – The Boss Trial is a challenge sub-event where players need to do their own personal best damage to a boss. The highest damage dealt to the boss will only count toward your total score. Players will be given rewards based on their total score and their ranking on the leaderboard. Each seasonal boss has their own special mechanics that will require an in-depth formation strategy to conquer it. The top players will be rewarded with Gold Records, Shimmer Records, Legendary Abilimons, and more.
Event Shop – Players can redeem their collected Info Disks to claim juicy rewards among the likes of Shimmer Records, Gold Records, Nexus Crystals, Elemental Records, Relics, and more.
Adjustments and Optimizations for Different Areas of the Game
Tons of optimizations are taking place for different areas of the game after Patch 3.1.7. Here is the list of changes being made:
- The main story stages are getting changed as a Star system is added for each chapter. Players need to earn Stars for each stage and they will be rewarded upon completing a particular number of Stars in each chapter for each difficulty. The conditions for earning Stars are as follows:
1-Star: Clear the stage with more than 1 Esper death
2-Star: Clear the stage with only 1 Esper death
3-Star: Clear the stage with 0 Esper deaths
- Practice Stages are being removed from the game while the Experience gained from Story stages has been significantly reduced.
That concludes everything major coming to the World of Gyrate with Dislyte’s Patch 3.1.7. To get a thorough look at what’s coming, players can feel free to check out the official patch notes. Dislyte is best enjoyed on your PC with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse.