Epic Seven: Guardian Kazran is Now Available in the Game

Guardian Kazran, the protector of Reingar, can now be added to the guardian slot in your team party. There are a total of four guardians currently in the game right now and they consist of Arkasus who you can obtain for free first, Zeaon, Kromcruz, and the latest one Kazran. This new guardian was teased previously on their official youtube channel showcasing its epic animation, you can watch the video here if you are interested.
The previous update is only a minor one which added a new character, Thuggish Angel Roseria and puzzle missions.
Guardian Kazran
Guardian Kazran is a guardian who wanders through time. You can obtain Guardian Kazran when you clear the Mechanical Tower stage for the first time in Chapter 2 Reingar World of Episode 1 Epilogue. The mechanical tower is a new stage that you can unlock when you clear the stage 2.9 of Hailow Tower. The tutorial will instantly begin when you enter Reingar World if you already finished the 2.9 Hailow Tower stage.
- Time Leap – Attacks all enemies by distorting time. Dispels two debuffs from all allies and increases Attack for 2 turns, before increasing combat readiness by 30%. Damage dealt increases proportional to the total attack of the party and max health of the target. This ability consumes 40 souls.
Three New Exclusive Equipments
The 5 star heroes Tenebria and Melissa as well as a 4 star hero Great Chief Khwana are getting their own exclusive equipment that are going to be available in the Hall of Trials Exchange using 40 times Wisdom’s Gaze. These are their equipment and its abilities:
- Shadow King Plushie – An exclusive equipment for the 5 star hero Tenebria. This equipment has 8 – 16% effectiveness. A plush toy Tenebria got from a festival. She enjoys keeping it with her to see Kayron bothered by the way she treats the plushie that resembles him. These are the abilities of this equipment:
- Dark Explosion – has a 75% chance to dispel one buff from the target when using Dark Explosion. ( this effect is applied before sleep)
- Nightmare – increases sleep effect chance of Nightmare by 15% and decreases skill cooldown of Nightmare by 1 turn.
- Lord’s Coffin – An exclusive equipment for the 5 star hero Melissa. This equipment adds a 6 to 12% critical hit chance. A coffin infused with the condensed power of the Vampire Lord. the deep darkness will not allow even the faintest stream of light. These are the abilities of this equipment:
- Might – absorbs some of the damage dealt as Health when using Might.
- Manifestation – damage dealt is increased by 10% when using this ability and when an enemy is defeated by Manifestation, increases Attack of all allies except for the caster for 1 turn.
- Purest Flame – An exclusive equipment for the 4 star hero Great Chief Khawana. This equipment adds 7 to 14% attack. A weapon that takes the shape of a blue flame. It emits a light that sways like that of a candle’s flame. These are the abilities of this equipment:
- Vertical Cut – damage dealt is increased by 10% when using this ability.
- Motivation – when an ally is attacked by a Dual Attack, increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 15%. Can only be activated once per skill.
- Great Chief’s Devotion – Great Chief’s Devotion barrier strength is increased by 20%.
Rerun Banners
Cerise – is an ice elemental ranger that is capable of inflicting restrict to hinder enemy abilities that increase their combat readiness. These are Cerise’s abilities:
- Mystical Arrow – Summons a mystical bow to attack the enemy, before increasing the caster’s Combat Readiness by 10%. Triggers a Dual Attack from a random ally when Frost Storm is on cooldown. You can acquire 2 souls when using this ability and it has 4 turn cooldown.
- +1 Skill Enhancement +5% damage dealt
- +2 Skill Enhancement +2% combat readiness
- +3 Skill enhancement +10% damage dealt
- +4 Skill Enhancement +3% combat readiness
- +5 Skill Enhancement +15% damage dealt
- Luminous Explosion – Explodes a magical sphere, stunning for 1 turn and making them unable to be buffed for 2 turns. Increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 50%. You can acquire 3 souls when using this ability and it has 5 turn cooldown. Consume 20 souls to activate soulburn to ignore effect resistance.
- +1 Skill Enhancement + 5% damage dealt
- +2 Skill Enhancement +5% damage dealt
- +3 Skill Enhancement -1 turn cooldown
- +4 Skill Enhancement +10% damage dealt
- +5 Skill Enhancement +10% damage dealt
- Frost Storm – Before awakening attacks all enemies with a raging frost storm, decreasing buff durations by 1 turn, with a 75% chance each to decrease Speed and restrict for 2 turns. Attacks using an advantageous element. After awakening, attack all enemies with a raging frost storm, decreasing buff durations by 1 turn, with a 75% chance each to decrease Speed and restrict for 2 turns. Grants the caster invincibility for 1 turn.. Attacks using an advantageous element. You can acquire 3 souls when using this ability and it has 5 turn cooldown.
- +1 Skill Enhancement 5% damage dealt
- +2 Skill Enhancement +10% effect chance
- +3 Skill Enhancement -1 turn cooldown
- +4 Skill Enhancement +15% effect chance
- +5 Skill Enhancement +15% damage dealt
Guiding Light – is a ranger exclusive artifact that grants the caster stealth at the start of the battle and at the end or the caster’s turn.
- Level 1 skill stats – at the start of battle, grants stealth for 1 turn. At the end of the caster’s turn, has a 35% chance to grant stealth for 2 turns. Stealth granted at the end of the caster’s turn can be activated once every 2 turns.
- Max Level skill stats – at the start of battle, grants stealth for 1 turn. At the end of the caster’s turn, has a 75% chance to grant stealth for 2 turns. Stealth granted at the end of the caster’s turn can be activated once every 2 turns.
Charles – is an earth elemental knight who is able to grant buffs to his allies as well as powerfully attack the enemy with chained attacks. These are Charles’ abilities:
- Slash – Attacks with a giant sword, with a 50% chance to decrease Attack for 1 turn. After using this skill, has a 25% chance to activate Smash as an extra attack. Chance to activate Smash is doubled when the enemy is buffed. You can acquire 1 soul when using this ability and it has no turn cooldown.
- +1 Skill Enhancement +5% damage dealt
- +2 Skill Enhancement +5% damage dealt
- +3 Skill Enhancement +10% decrease attack chance
- +4 Skill Enhancement +10% damage dealt
- +5 Skill Enhancement +10% damage dealt
- Smash – Attacks the enemy repeatedly with a giant sword, with an 80% chance to dispel all buffs. Damage dealt increases proportional to the number of buffs granted to the caster. You can acquire 1 soul when using this ability and it has 3 turn cooldown.
- +1 Skill Enhancement +10% damage dealt
- +2 Skill Enhancement +10% effect chance
- +3 Skill Enhancement +10% damage dealt
- +4 Skill Enhancement +10% effect chance
- +5 Skill Enhancement +10% damage dealt
- Faithful Strike – before awakening, Attacks all enemies with a swordstorm, increases Attack of all allies for 2 turns. When there are three or fewer enemies, damage dealt increases as enemies become fewer. After awakening, Attacks all enemies with a swordstorm, increases Attack of all allies for 2 turns. Additionally increases Defense of the caster for 2 turns. When there are three or fewer enemies, damage dealt increases as enemies become fewer. You can extend the duration of buffs granted by this skill by 1 turn by activating soulburn using 10 souls. You can acquire 2 souls when using this ability and it has 5 turn cooldown.
- +1 Skill Enhancement +5% damage dealt
- +2 Skill Enhancement +5% damage dealt
- +3 Skill Enhancement -1 turn cooldown
- +4 Skill Enhancement +10% damage dealt
- +5 Skill Enhancement +10% damage dealt
Justice for all – is a knight exclusive artifact that is capable of granting the caster a random buff at the end of the turn.
- Level 1 skill stats – 50% chance to get the caster a random buff for 2 turns at the end of the turn. The buffs can be (increase attack, defense, speed, critical chance hit, barrier, immunity, continuous heal, or critical hit resistance). Barrier strength increases proportionally to the caster’s max health.
- Max Level skill stats – 100% chance to get the caster a random buff for 2 turns at the end of the turn. The buffs can be (increase attack, defense, speed, critical chance hit, barrier, immunity, continuous heal, or critical hit resistance). Barrier strength increases proportionally to the caster’s max health.
They have finally added a new guardian in Epic Seven after a very long time. Are you happy with the newest guardian that you can add to your team’s party? Let us know in the comments below!