De:Lithe Last Memories Tips and Tricks to Beat the Competition

De:Lithe Last Memories is a brand-new upcoming roguelike RPG that boasts a thematic storyline on top of enchanting gameplay. Loaded with multiple PvE and PvP game modes, players can also summon and collect multiple new characters, amicably called as “Dolls”. Set in the late Tokyo background, you will also see many references to Japanese culture as you venture through the different landscapes. Regardless of your status, we have curated a set of tips and tricks to aid you in this tireless journey! Implement them in your account to make efficient progression!
Tip #1. Progress through the Story Missions
When you look at the game solely from a progression point of view, completing the story missions are the important task at hand. In De:Lithe Last Memories, players are tasked with completing the re-construction of Tokyo with the help of their trusted Dolls as partners. The story mode often features many exciting adventures with the Dolls, while providing insights on the actual storyline. These missions also come loaded with generous rewards for the players to reap advantage of. Naturally, their difficulty is low at the beginning but only increases as you move forward.
Tip #2. Know About the Different Doll Roles
For those unaware, De:Lithe Last Memories is a next-generational game that infuses gameplay with NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens). These tokens play a vital role in how you acquire new Dolls. Dolls are essentially the main playable characters that you can add to your team and fight alongside with. Each Doll has a base rarity assigned to them that plays a pivotal role in deciding how strong they are. The higher the base rarity, the stronger the dolls generally are due to higher base stats and better skill sets. Vice versa, the lower the rarity, the worse the Doll.
Tip #3. Form a Synergized Team Composition
The key to victory in De:Lithe Last Memories is to have a proper team composition. Having characters that synergize with each other is a great way to advance through the tough PvE content. Keep in mind, the squad needs to be balanced as well in nature. This means that you should have a good mix of damage dealers, tanks, and supports/healers. There are 7 classes in total – Striker, Mystic, Alchemist, Enchanter, Booster, Medic, and Guardian. Each class boasts a unique playstyle that many players should read up and have knowledge about.
Tip #4. Power Up your Dolls
Much like any other RPG in the market, De:Lithe Last Memories also has many systems set in place to help you get stronger over time. One such avenue of growth is by simply increasing the strength of your owned Dolls. Dolls can be powered up in a variety of ways such as levelling up, awakening, and skill enhancement. Let’s take a brief look at each of the processes:
Levelling Up: In this method, players can directly increase the base stats of their Dolls by giving them more levels. You can give them experience either directly taking them to battles or by providing EXP potions. This is the best method to increase power in terms of absolute power.
Awakening: In this method, players can increase the level cap of their Dolls as well as increase their star value. Each doll can go up to 6 stars at maximum but they can start anywhere from 1-star to 5-star. With the help of awakening, players can make even Dolls a bit stronger.
Skill Enhancement: Dolls can gain a variety of abilities as they move through the game’s dungeons and stages. These skills can be active, passive, or unique, and their acquisition is determined by the doll’s stage of development inside the mode. Skills having a zero probability of manifestation cannot be learned. Acquiring the same talent many times will raise the skill level.
Tip #5. Choosing the Right Type of Skills
One of the biggest choices that you will be making in your journey would be selecting the type of skills for your Dolls. Skills come in different types and each Doll boasts a unique variety of abilities. Skill selection is another strategic addition that the developers have made to make you feel more in control. In general, there are 3 distinct types of skills:
- Attack: These skills are all about doing the maximum amount of damage in the shortest period of time. They are highly potent for all types of heroes, but specifically those who have a higher base Attack stat.
- Recovery Skills: Such skills are greatly beneficial for your survival in the long run. Players should be having at least 1 recovery skill in their inventory to save them from dire situations. Although these skills consume a lot of mana, they are available on a short cooldown.
- Buffing Skills: These types of skills are important to help you increase damage and sustain your health over time. Buffs play a vital role in helping you gain advantage over your enemies. Some of these abilities can also apply debuffs on enemies to further help you win.
Players can enjoy De:Lithe Last Memories even more on a bigger screen of their PC or Laptop, complete with your keyboard and mouse via BlueStacks!