BlueStacks' Beginners Guide to Playing Epic Age

People who start to play Epic Age may encounter the problem of not knowing anything at all about how to start playing it. This is a fairly reasonable problem and don’t think you’re alone in thinking like this because there are thousands of other players who might not be familiar with the genre as well. This is why we’ve prepared this Epic Age beginners’ guide to help new players get a better idea on how the game is meant to be played and how they should proceed when trying to beat it.
The goal of real-time strategy games like Epic Age is to survive until the server’s lifespan ends and one alliance ultimately conquers the ultimate hurdle. Players are merely a means to an end as the world is filled with conflict where the strongest people often dictate the terms and those who are at the bottom become food to fuel their ambitions. Luckily, we are here to give you the best advice that you’ll need to keep up with your opponents and give you the advantage you deserve when you Install Epic Age on BlueStacks.
Building the Economy
The Economy is the first thing that players need to learn when playing games like Epic Age. The game features a lot of resources that players need to manage so that they can keep progressing in the game and fund all of the projects that they plan to accomplish. The key to doing all of these different tasks is having a stable economy that will allow the player to do everything they need in this game. This means that the first thing that you need to prioritize is stabilizing your economy to the point that you can produce more than you spend.
Building your economy is very easy in Epic Age. We’ll be talking about this topic more on a future article since it requires a great level of detail for players to understand each sector that makes their economy work. The primary lesson in this guide is that players need to start thinking about their economy as soon as possible by understanding the costs of each action and how each of their decisions affects the stability of their economy. By doing that, they can start improving the way they play the game.
Military Might
Once you’ve built a good economy, it’s in your best interest that you have the ability to protect your assets from outside forces. In this regard, it’s a good idea to start training soldiers and troops that can protect your kingdom from invasion and keep you safe for future battles as well. Drafting your citizens as soldiers will allow you to prosper even more despite it costing a lot of resources just to acquire more troops. That’s why you should have a stable economy that can afford to be spent on your army.
The military isn’t only for defending your kingdom. It’s also very useful as a weapon to take resources on the map by mobilizing them to claim land and attack nearby enemies to loot their bases. This game is heavily PvP-based so it’s normal for stronger players to forcibly take resources that they want by mobilizing their armies to do so. However, players should exercise caution in attacking other players because they might retaliate hard and cause your entire kingdom to fall.
Territory Expansion
Territory expansion is unique in Epic Age as it is a primary part of the gameplay that plays an important role in your economy and military. The overworld is made up of tiles of varying levels that players can claim by sending their armies to attack it. If the attack is successful, the player will be able to add that tile to their territory, which is limited by the level of their stronghold. The tiles also produce a certain amount of resources, so having a lot of territories is the best way to improve your economy.
As the player gets stronger in the game, the territories they control should also increase in quality. Players shouldn’t be contented with just the level 1 tiles that they acquired when they were still a beginner because they don’t provide as many resources as you might want. Advanced players will start branching out, trying to secure high-level tiles in the world to expand their kingdom and be able to produce more resources. Another way to do this is by contesting tiles that other players already own.
The Heroes
In relation to building your army, it’s also a good idea to collect heroes. Players can’t mobilize soldiers by themselves. Instead, they are included in a hero’s army and the number of soldiers included in their command depends on that unit’s level. Up to three heroes can be added to an army and they give bonuses depending on the troop’s type and their innate skills. Essentially, it’s a good idea for players to add heroes that have a similar bonus so that they can benefit the soldiers efficiently.
Just like most mobile games, players can acquire heroes by rolling for them in a loot box system. Each hero is classified according to their rarity, with the strongest units being S-tier units that have extremely low drop rates. Players will spend most of their time trying to collect these powerful heroes using Gold that can be acquired by playing the game or spending real money to get them. It’s also a good idea to upgrade these heroes so that they can lead your armies more efficiently.
Missions & Quests
Missions and quests are a central part of any game with the player being asked to complete primary tasks that are necessary for their progression. The main story quest allows the player to understand the basics of playing the game, so we highly recommend trying to understand all of the missions that you’re being given here so that you’ll have a better idea of what you need to do to improve your kingdom. There are also daily quests that players can do to receive helpful rewards.
The player should focus on doing their daily quests because it’s a good source of resources. As a beginner, your economy will be very low and it can be hard to acquire resources without waiting for a very long time. The best way to get these is to focus on completing missions, especially in the early game where they are easy to accomplish.