How to Buy the Perfect Car in Real Racing 3

The most satisfying experience when you play Real Racing 3 is when your first vehicle. From there on out, it can be an expensive endeavor to purchase multiple high-spec race cars so it’s a good idea to understand your needs when purchasing products. There are different types of cars in this game and if you’re not familiar with racing simulators or cars in general, you might not know how to buy the perfect car for competitive play. All racing simulator beginners base their purchases on aesthetics so there’s nothing to be ashamed of when you start out.
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We talked about the Advanced Racing Strategies in our last guide but even proper racing techniques can be insufficient if you don’t have a good car to race with. It’s extremely important to find a car that matches your driving style while keeping up with the rest of the competition. A good car is always expensive so if you don’t have easy access to the game’s different currencies, you might end up being broke and unable to easily farm the resources needed to get a decent vehicle.
Types of Race Cars in the Game
There are many types of cars in Real Racing 3 with even more subcategories under the major classifications. For now, we’ll take a look at the two major categories in the game which are the Formula series and the Grand Tourer (GT) series. These are the primary vehicles used for racing in the game so you always want to consider them when purchasing your first car because there are a lot of races that include these. Make sure to take a look at the game’s current tournament season and check which vehicle type is being featured.
There are other cars in the game that can also be used for racing but the two mentioned are the only ones that are specifically designed for racing in the major leagues. If you are tight on a budget, you always want to spend your resources on items that you would actually use in the game so purchasing some of the other vehicle types would simply be the sake of having vanity items because they look cool. It’s a good idea to study the different types of cars in the game before buying them.
Formula Cars
There are two types of formula cars in Real Racing 3 which are the Formula 1 and Formula E cars. The major difference is that Formula E uses electric cars. In terms of specifications, Formula cars are the ones designed for the sake of racing on a proper track. Their overall design is meant to improve the racing qualities of the vehicle on a proper racing track. That’s why it’s no surprise for these types of vehicles to have way higher specifications as compared to the other vehicles available in the game.
Formula cars were designed for specific race courses in mind so they don’t perform well on off-road tracks. Formula cars are also exclusive to Formula races because of the unfair advantage they have over other types of vehicles. The biggest issue that players have about Formula cars is that it’s extremely hard to make really cool designs on these cars because of the low amount of surface area that Formula vehicles have due to the fact that these vehicles need to be as aerodynamic as possible.
Grand Tourer (GT)
The Grand Tourer (GT) series is another high-performance vehicle designed for racing. These cars have a lot of racing specifications but their aesthetic means that they can be purchased without them being tied to a race track. People can have GT cars and take them to the streets to flex their cool-looking vehicles since these cars often have two or more seats. They are less powerful than your standard Formula car but they are still relatively good for competing in non-Formula races.
There are different GT cars which range from GT1 to GT4. The difference between these cars is the modernity of the model and their overall ability to race. Curiously enough, the GT3 series is often considered the most powerful series since GT4 cars are often designed for amateurs. If you plan on purchasing a great-quality Grand Tourer vehicle then you might want to limit your choices between GT3 and GT4 cars since they have the best stats when it comes to competitive racing.
Car Specifications
The primary specifications you see when buying a car from left to right are Top Speed, Acceleration, Braking, Corning, and Performance Rating. You can also see whether a car is a Front Engine or Middle-Engine (FR/MR). You always want to buy the car with the highest possible stats but you’ll soon notice that some high-performance cars have the same performance rating but the stat distribution is different. This is because certain statistics are more important in specific tracks.
In tracks with long straights and few curves and corners, top speed is the most important stat with acceleration being a close second. Tracks with a lot of curves and light corners will be perfect for cars with heavier cornering. Finally, tracks with a lot of sharp turns will be perfect for cars with a shorter braking distance stat to allow easier drifting. Performance rating is a general stat that simply shows how good a car actually is. If you reach advanced races, you should have multiple cars with varying stats to cover different types of races.
Car Prices
Car prices are affected by many things which include performance rating, manufacturer, and car model. Just because it’s expensive doesn’t mean the car is a powerful vehicle that’ll win you all of the races that you participate in. However, it is true that all of the best cars in the game are relatively expensive so make sure to save up all three types of currencies for the future.
Your goal is to purchase 1-2 cheap vehicles that have relatively high stats which you’ll be using temporarily to farm your first top vehicle. You’ll use those cheap models to complete daily races and farm gold and other resources. Once you get your first high-performance car, it’ll be easier to purchase your next high-performance vehicle.