Have you finished playing Shadow of Naught? Check your progress from the initial run-through, and maybe you’ll notice that some of the chapters aren’t marked as 100% completed. This means that you missed some things that you needed to do before completing the chapter. Worry not! Redoing the chapter will give you another chance to unlock all the hidden secrets of the chapter. It’s not difficult to do; you just need to have a system in place to figure out the parts you may have missed.
Completion is mainly for the purpose of as much information from the story as possible before the next chapter arrives. Your story completion doesn’t reach 100% when you haven’t unlocked all the available dialogue texts. Unlike other visual novels, you don’t have to start all over to get the story’s alternate ending. All you need to do is read everything all characters need to say. Besides, if you do, you’ll be able to grasp better the story’s point and gain a more in-depth perspective.
Importance of Chapter Completion
As mentioned before, the most critical factor of chapter completion is unlocking all the dialogue lines in the game that explain each character’s backstory in depth. Since the game hints heavily that there will be a sequel to the story surrounding Shadow of Naught, you might want to complete each chapter at 100% so that the story makes more sense moving forward. Chapter completion also gives a sense of satisfaction after learning all the factors surrounding the character’s backstory.
How to Get 100% Completion
Getting 100% completion is really simple. It’s impossible to point out where exactly you went wrong in every chapter you missed out on completion points, though. The methods in this guide should help you discover all the game’s secrets in at least one of three ways. Once you try these out, you’ll be able to unlock secret texts that casual players wouldn’t be able to access so easily.
1. Try Different Dialogue Replies
Shadow of Naught lets you choose how the conversation will proceed by allowing you to choose between different dialogue texts. There are “right” texts – you need to select these to ensure that conversation will continue to the next line. There are also supportive texts – these add more information to the story and almost always loop you back to the correct reply anyway. Though it’s set up this way so that the story will proceed, supportive texts are still necessary for you to gain 100% completion.
The best thing to do is redo the chapter. Play through it again, but choose different options the second time around. If you don’t remember the choices you picked the first time, you can choose from top to bottom until you hit an option that doesn’t look familiar to you. If you messed up on the selection and chose the right text on the first try, simply go back using the arrow keys on the top screen to go back and forth between acts in the chapter; it will still count.
2. Perfectly Finish the Minigames
There isn’t exactly a way to lose the minigames in Shadow of Naught. How well you play through them, however, impacts your completion. This is especially true for the musical notes minigames. Minigames in Shadow of Naught aren’t particularly difficult to complete anyway. If you use something like the BlueStacks Controls Editor Function to emulate mobile game controls, completing all of these minigames should be a breeze for you.
3. Drag the Camera Around More
By dragging the camera around, we mean trying to pan your screen in different directions to check if there are hidden triggers that you may have missed. This is especially common when trying to check messages in scenes that include smartphones. Try to read backlogs in messages to reveal past conversations between the characters. Most hidden texts are revealed this way; this can be incredibly frustrating for the genre’s non-experienced players since they usually skip doing this in the game.
Aside from understanding the story on a deeper level, you will also be able to unlock conversations that you can frame on your Snapshot Gallery [Shadow of Naught: Snapshot Completion]. Other than that, it’s mostly personal gain and bragging rights; the game doesn’t give you any kind of usable reward after you complete all chapters at 100%. But that shouldn’t dissuade you from the fact that you did a good job and enjoyed the game in the short moments that you could play it and enjoy the story.
What To Do Next?
After you finished playing Shadow of Naught, there’s nothing else left to do except wait for the next game where the stories of Anna, Martin, and Andrew expand; this is sure to include characters that showed up in the game and were only featured for a short time. Try exploring similar games you can find on the Android Playstore using the BlueStacks client. There’s always a wide selection of games from every game genre made available just for you.
What are your thoughts on Shadow of Naught?
Tell us if you loved Shadow of Naught just as much as we did! The game featured quite a few scenes that really touched our hearts and reminded us of the realities of life. Quite a few people may agree that this game deserves all the awards it won; some disagree and think otherwise. Regardless of anyone else’s opinion, the game has undoubtedly created something that everyone can talk about. Shadow of Naught is far from being just a mere game one can play.
For only $2.99, you can expect that your money will be well-spent with so much incorporated into such a small game. It might not be the most popular game out there, but it deserves all the praise it received in its reviews. Show additional support of the game by leaving a review so that everyone knows how much of a masterpiece it is. Look forward to more of the story as the plot continues in the next chapter!
Play Shadow of Naught on your PC or Mac by following these simple steps.
Click on 'Play Shadow of Naught on PC’ to download BlueStacks
Install it and log-in to Google Play Store
Launch and play the game.
Why is BlueStacks the fastest and safest platform to play games on PC?
BlueStacks respects your privacy and is always safe and secure to use. It does not carry any malware, spyware, or any sort of additional software that could harm your PC.
It is engineered to optimize speed and performance for a seamless gaming experience.
What are Shadow of Naught PC requirements?
Minimum requirement to run Shadow of Naught on your PC
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 and above
Processor: Intel or AMD Processor
RAM: Your PC must have at least 2GB of RAM. (Note that having 2GB or more disk space is not a substitute for RAM)