VALHALLA SURVIVAL Guide to All Classes and their Abilities

VALHALLA SURVIVAL is a captivating new survival RPG that features a blend of both open-world exploration and roguelike game modes. The game features a classic class system wherein each character in the game is represented under a class. At the time of writing, the game is very new with multiple characters ready to be recruited and used. In this class guide, we will be shedding light on all the available characters and their class. We have also compiled a list of all their active abilities that can be used in real-time engaging battles. New players can gauge the pros and cons of each class, and check whether any of them resonate with their own playstyle. Let’s begin!
VALHALLA SURVIVAL is an open-world survival game that boasts multiple roguelike dungeon game modes to give players a sense of accomplishment. The very first choice any player gets to make would be choosing 1 out of 3 given characters, each from different classes. The game lets you make this important choice that is irreversible. Hence, your starting character cannot be changed once chosen. Do not worry, you can still play with them later on in the game if you manage to recruit them. However, that comes on quite late in the game. For the majority of the early game, you will be stuck with the character you have chosen in the start. The class choices are as follows:
- Lif (Sorceress) – This class can cast powerful magical spells on multiple enemies.
- Asherad (Warrior) – This class can control enemies through melee attacks with high HP and Defense.
- Roskva (Rogue) – This class can quickly destroy enemies with superior Attack.
Lif (Sorceress)
Lif is an arcane mage and classified as part of the Sorceress class. She has access to a wide range of magical spells that can effectively disarm enemies from a long range. She deals basic attacks from a long range with her magical staff as the primary weapon of choice. Being an arcane mage, she doesn’t deal physical damage but instead deals magical damage. This damage can be resisted by enemies who have higher magical resistance. Ensure to combine her abilities for even higher burst damage output.
Sorceresses have high mana pools and can continuously cast multiple abilities in a short period of time. Lif’s base stats are quite modest with low base Attack and Defense, but the highest movement speed in the game. Her difficulty rating is also quite low at 2-stars, making her an optimal choice to pick as a beginner who has no prior experience in playing action games. Check out her full set of abilities:
- Fireball – Launch a fireball at the closest enemy in range. Skill activated when equipping weapon hand.
- Lightning Bolt – Shoot a lightning bolt that keeps attacking the closest enemy within the attack radius. The lightning bolt deals more damage the longer it keeps attacking.
- Frost Storm – Creates an orb that flies to a nearby enemy while shooting frost shards. The orb shoots frost shards when it disappears. The frost shards decrease the movement speed of enemies when they are hit.
- Summon Spark Serpent – Summons a spark serpent that deals AOE damage to nearby enemies.
- Overwhelming Flame – Launch fireballs around yourself that deal damage to enemies in the nearby vicinity.
Asherad (Warrior)
Asherad is a battle-hardened veteran that is classified as part of the Warrior class. Warriors are all melee-ranged powerhouses that can deal a significant chunk of damage with their melee-ranged abilities. Since this class operates in melee-range, their attacks are more diversified but players need to get up and close with the enemies in order to execute them. A good sense of map awareness and combat positioning is required to play this class to the optimal efficiency.
Asherad has a decent Attack stat, low movement speed, but very high Defense stat. This makes him a bulky tank in all aspects. His abilities also help you crowd-control enemies for an elongated period of time. Warriors are generally considered to be tanky damage dealers whose main job is to protect the backline and carry in real-time fights. Check out his full set of abilities:
- Heavy Strike – Swing your sword forward and knock back enemies. Skill activated when equipping Weapon hand.
- Launch Blade Aura – Launches a blade aura in front. Skill activated when weapon greatsword equipped.
- Spinning Ax – Attack nearby enemies with rapidly spinning axe in hand. Enemy attacks do not stagger you while this skill is activated.
- Offense Ward – Creates an area that deals continuous damage to nearby enemies.
- Blade Aura Torrent – Launch several blade auras around yourself.
Roskva (Rogue)
Roskva is a stealthy assassin and classified as part of the Rogue class. Roskva has access to multiple daggers and arrows that she can use at her disposal to impale enemies in sight and cause multiple continuous damage effects. She is effective in exposing the weakness of a particular enemy and damaging them severely. She makes use of both Bows and Daggers as her primary and secondary choice of weapons.
The Rogue class is notorious for being too agile but frail in nature. Her difficulty rating is quite high, not making her an ideal choice for new players. However, her high Attack stat definitely makes her shine in terms of overall damage output. Players who like to be sneaky in their approach will love playing with the Rogue class. Check out her full set of abilities:
- Multi-Arrow – Launch 3 arrows forward, each damaging enemies when hitting them. Skill is activated when Bow is equipped.
- Throw Dagger – Throws a dagger forward that penetrates enemies. Skill is activated when a Dagger weapon is equipped.
- Elastic Arrow – Fires 2 magical arrows that penetrate the enemy and bounce off walls.
- Sticky Arrow – Fires an arrow that sticks to an enemy and explodes shortly.
- Bladestorm – Throw a knife that flies to a nearby enemy and returns to the player.
Players can enjoy VALHALLA SURVIVAL even more on a bigger screen of their PC or Laptop, complete with your keyboard and mouse via BlueStacks!