Dislyte Patch 3.1.9 – New Espers Cang Ji, Daniel, Warm-Up Match Season 3, and more in Leading Researcher Update

New update, titled “Leading Researcher” is coming to Dislyte, the punk ‘em stylized turn-based RPG by LilithGames that was launched earlier in mid-2022. Dislyte is proven to be one of the biggest global releases in the genre and continues to amass a massive player base. Dislyte is available to be downloaded and installed as a free-to-play title on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
Table of Contents
- Cang Ji – New 5-Star Esper
- Daniel – New 4-Star Esper
- Echo Changes
- Bounty Optimizations
- Valentine’s Day – Passion and Ideals Event
- Ritual Miracle Changes and Fixes
- Warm-Up Match Season 3
- Cang Ji Limited-Time Echo Event
- Divine Support

The latest update for Dislyte is titled Patch 3.1.9 and can be seen in the live version of the game on 7th February 2023. Firstly, 2 new espers are being added to increase the diversity of espers in the game. These will be Cang Ji and Daniel, 2 of the most wanted espers according to Chinese Mythology. In the history of updates, for once, no new special event will be coming to the game with the Leading Researcher update. Dislyte is soon to complete its 1st anniversary and players are excited to see what’s going to come with the next version. New Championship event, Warm-Up Match Season 3, and Divine Support are just some of the new events mentioned to go live along with the update. A special Valentine’s Day event for the festival of love is also going to be starting soon. Let’s get right into the in-depth breakdown for Patch 3.1.9 which is scheduled to release on 7th February 2023.
Cang Ji – New 5-Star Esper
Cang Ji is a 5-Star Inferno elemental esper that is classified as a Support in-game. Cang Ji has the powers of the God Cang Jie from the Chinese mythology. Cang Ji’s introduction reads as follows – “Cang Ji is a wandering archaeologist. He may appear timid and nervous, but he has a keen judgment and a resolute heart. He is a close friend of Narmer’s, having helped him decipher the parchment scrolls of the Rhea legend in 2010. As he travels around exploring Miracles, his published surveys on the Miracles have become important reference materials for Miracle scholars.
Cang Ji has been engaged in scientific research in the wild all year round, but what he fears most is snakes.”

We recommend building Cang Ji with Wind Walker/ Apollo’s Bow Set with HP%, Critical Hit Damage/HP%, and Speed% as main stats and a focus on Critical Hit Rate%, HP%, Critical Hit Damage%, and Speed% as sub-stats. Players will be able to acquire Cang Ji through Wish Stones once the update goes live in-game on 7th February 2023.
Let’s take a look at Cang Ji’s abilities in detail:
World Launch (Active Skill) – Attacks 1 enemy. Damage: 20% ATK + 80% DEF.
80% chance of inflicting Diseased for 2 turns. Deals extra true damage. True Damage: 5% MAX HP of the non-Boss enemy with the highest MAX HP , up to 100% of Cang Ji’s Defense (does not work against bosses).
Lvl 2 DEF-damage conversion ratio increased to 70%
Lvl 3 Trigger chance increased to 70%
Lvl 4 DEF-damage conversion ratio increased to 80%
Lvl 5 Trigger chance increased to 80%
Definitive Form (Active Skill) – Attacks all enemies. Damage: 25% ATK + 55% DEF.
50% chance of inflicting Stun for 1 turn. If an enemy is not Stunned, dispels 1 buff, and has a 100% chance of inflicting AP – 20%. Each SPD grants extra damage. Extra Damage: 0.2% of Defense.
Cooldown: 3 turns
Lvl 2 Trigger chance increased to 80%
Lvl 3 DEF-damage conversion ratio increased to 55%
Lvl 4 Trigger chance increased to 100%
Lvl 5 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn

Cosmos Writing (Active Skill): Selects 1 Ally, and raises their HP percentage to the level of the non-Boss enemy with the highest HP percentage (only takes effect if the enemy’s HP percentage is above the ally’s; not regarded as healing). Then, attacks all enemies. Damage: 50% of Cang Ji’s Defense. Damage scales with the enemy’s MAX HP, up to 340%.
Cooldown: 5 turns
Lvl 2 Cap increased to 360%
Lvl 3 Cap increased to 380%
Lvl 4 Cap increased to 400%
Lvl 5 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn
Cosmos Writing (Ascended) (Active Skill) Selects 1 Ally, and raises their HP percentage to the level of the non-Boss enemy with the highest HP percentage (only takes effect if the enemy’s HP percentage is above the ally’s; not regarded as healing). Balances AP of the same ally to the level of the non-Boss enemy with the highest AP (only takes effect if the enemy’s AP is above the ally; not regarded as AP boost). Then, attacks all enemies. Damage: 50% of Cang Ji’s Defense. Damage scales with the enemy’s MAX HP, up to 340%.
Cooldown: 5 turns
Lvl 2 Cap increased to 360%
Lvl 3 Cap increased to 380%
Lvl 4 Cap increased to 400%
Lvl 5 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn
Captain Ability (Leader Skill) – Increases ally Defense by 30%.

Phase 1: Cosmos Writing: Final Damage increased.
Phase 2: Change – Cosmos Writing: Mirroring HP percentages changed to Swapping HP percentages (Swap doesn’t take effect on Bosses, and is not regarded as damage/healing).
Mirroring AP changed to Swapping AP (Swap doesn’t take effect on Bosses, and is not regarded as AP Boost/AP Reduction).
Phase 3: Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 15%.
Phase 4: When the target’s DEF is below Cang Ji’s, damage increases.
Phase 5: Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 20%.
Phase 6 New Effect – Cosmos Writing: Before Swapping AP, raises AP of all allies (other than the selected ally) to the level of the non-Boss enemy with the highest AP (only takes effect if the enemy’s AP is above the ally’s, requires completing Ascension Phase 3).
Daniel – New 4-Star Esper
Daniel is a 4-Star Inferno elemental esper that is classified as a Controller in-game. Daniel has the powers of the God Chiron. Daniel’s introduction reads as follows – “Daniel, who possesses the divine power of Chiron, is an introverted and cautious Miramon researcher from Woodville. He is also a teacher at the Esper Academy. He has overcome many obstacles during his time at the academy and discovered his own way of teaching. Now, Daniel is one of the most popular teachers at the Esper Academy.”

We recommend building Daniel with Wind Walker/ Adamantine/ Light Above Set with HP%, HP%, and Speed as main stats and a focus on Speed%, HP%, Defense%, and Accuracy% as sub-stats. Players will be able to acquire Daniel through the Championship event once the update goes live in-game on 7th February 2023.
Let’s take a look at Daniel’s abilities in detail:
Courage Shot (Active Skill) – Attacks 1 enemy. Damage: 5% of Daniel’s MAX HP. 60% chance of inflicting Silence for 2 turns. Upon successful infliction, gains a Recovery buff for 2 turns.
Lvl 2 HP-Damage conversion ratio increased to 5.5%
Lvl 3 Trigger chance increased to 70%
Lvl 4 HP-Damage conversion ratio increased to 6%
Lvl 5 Trigger chance increased to 80%
Centaur’s Blessing (Active Skill) – Current HP – 14%. Grants all allies an Attack up and Shield buff for 2 turns. Shield strength: 20% of Daniel’s MAX HP.
Cooldown: 3 turns
Lvl 2 Shield strength increased to 22.5% of his MAX HP
Lvl 3 Shield strength increased to 25% of his MAX HP
Lvl 4 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn

Meteor Flurry (Active Skill) Current HP – 10%. Attacks all enemies 2 limes. Damage per hit: 3% of Daniel’s Max HP.
Each hit has a 60% chance of inflicting AP – 20%.
Cooldown: 4 turns
Lvl 2 HP-Damage conversion ratio increased to 4%
Lvl 3 Trigger chance increased to 65%
Lvl 4 HP-Damage conversion ratio increased to 5%
Lvl 5 Trigger chance increased to 70%
Lvl 6 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn
Meteor Flurry (Ascended) (Active Skill) Current HP – 10%. Attacks all enemies 2 limes. Damage per hit: 3% of Daniel’s Max HP.
Each hit has a 60% chance of inflicting AP – 20%. If an enemy’s HP percentage is above Daniel’s, inflicts Stun for 1 turn.
Cooldown: 4 turns
Lvl 2 HP-Damage conversion ratio increased to 4%
Lvl 3 Trigger chance increased to 65%
Lvl 4 HP-Damage conversion ratio increased to 5%
Lvl 5 Trigger chance increased to 70%
Lvl 6 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn
Captain Ability (Leader Skill) – Increases ally HP in Point War by 30%

Phase 1: Centaur’s Blessing: Final Shield Strength increased.
Phase 2: Each surviving enemy increases Daniel’s ACC.
Phase 3: Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 15%.
Phase 4: If there is an ability on cooldown, SPD increases.
Phase 5: Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 20%.
Phase 6: New Effect – Centaur’s Blessing: Gains 1 turn.
Echo Changes
Here are the main key takeaways to note from the new optimizations coming to Echo after the update:

- The previous pool of Wish heroes is now being renamed to Resonance pool as it did not provide players with an opportunity to summon new espers. Only wished duplicate espers are able to be drawn using the Resonance Pool.
- A new “Wish Pool” is being added to the game which allows players to have a chance of obtaining 1 of their desired espers out of 5. Players can spend 100 Wish Stones to be able to summon an unowned Espers from a variety of range of espers.
- After a wish esper has been drawn from the Wish Pool, players will not be able to draw another unowned esper till the spin time has reset. The spin time reset is currently decided at once every 60 days.
- There are going to be 2 Stages to the Wish Pool. The 1st Stage will be open to all players when they have accumulated 70 Wish Stones while the 2nd Stage will open to all players when they have accumulated over 10 Legendary espers.
- For now, only a limited range of selected legendary espers from the Wind/Inferno/Flow element will be available to be summoned. Epic Espers of Shimmer element are also available to be summoned.
Bounty Optimizations
Here are the main key takeaways to note from the new optimizations coming to Bounties after the update:

- The entire Bounty system is getting revamped to give players a better experience while progressing and clearing the bounties.
- A new Bounty Access level is going to be added that can be increased when players clear Bounties over time. A higher access level will provide players with better quality bounty by increasing the probability and drop rate.
- A new weekly chest reward system is going to be added where players will be getting a particular set of rewards depending on the number of bounties they complete each week. The chest rewards contains – Nexus Crystals, Records, Gold, and more.
- Bounty missions are getting reworked as in they are similar to dispatch missions now in the expedition mode. Players will be required to send espers that fulfil the requirements of the bounty after accepting it. If they meet the basic requirements, they will be given the reward as advertised. A special reward will also be given if the dispatched espers meet the additional requirements.
- Bounty Missions also allow a Quick Dispatch system 1 Esper can only be sent repeatedly in 1 day and not in multiple bounties. Players can also now refresh bounties using their Gold instead of the previous Nexus Crystals.
- Lastly, for new players, the bounty system will now unlock after completing Chapter 5 Stage 7.
Valentine’s Day – Passion and Ideals Event
Here are some key takeaways mentioned regarding the Valentine’s Day event in the patch notes:

- The Valentine’s Day – Passion and Ideals event will start on 10th February 2023 and end on 24th February 2023, over a time period of 2 weeks.
- The event will be available to all players who are above Level 25 in terms of player rank. The event description reads as follows – “Chloe prepared a chocolate design contest for Valentine’s Day, but the chocolates to be distributed to the audience were messed up. Help Chloe find the wrapped chocolates from the packaging materials. To thank you for your help, she will invite everyone to taste the winning chocolates!”
- Players are required to spend stamina to clear Sonic Miracle, Ritual Miracle, Desolate Lands, Story stages, Sonic Rift to get the event currency called “Date Invites”.
- The Passion and Ideals is going to be a bingo stylized event where players need to use the Date Invites to pop heart shaped balloons. The ballons will either contain a chocolate or nothing. Players will need to make a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line full of chocolates using their Date Invites. Upon doing so, the current round will be cleared. Players can clear multiple rounds and get tons of rewards such as Nexus Crystals, Gold Records, Abilimons, Gold, and more.
- Upon clearing a certain number of floors, players can send designated messages for Valentine’s Day to espers and receive handmade chocolates from them in return. Collecting a certain number of chocolates will reward players with a limited-edition Namecard, Chloe – The Heartthrob (Chloe’s skin), and more.
Ritual Miracle Changes and Fixes
The community was very unhappy with the recent changes made to Sonic Rift and Ritual Miracle that made the loot significantly lower while the difficulty was increased. To fix the issues, the developers made a special Q & A session to answer the questions raised by the community. Among the answers, the developers said that changes will be made to both the Sonic Rift and Ritual Miracle in Patch 3.1.9. Take a look at all the changes mentioned in the patch notes:

- Reduced the difficulty of some floors in the Ritual Miracle.
- Reduced the difficulty of all Ritual Miracle stages in 7-14F.
- Reduced the probability of stunning Miramon and Bosses in the Kronos stage.
- Reduced the percentage of AP increased at the end of enemy turns in 12-15F of the Kronos stages.
- Reduced Boss’ RESIST and HP in Kronos, Apep, and Fafnir stages.
- Reduced Stamina required to clear the Sonic Rift.
- Sonic Rift XP gain efficiency will be improved.
- Slightly reduced enemies’ HP and Damage in the Sonic Rift on Difficulty 7-12.
Warm-Up Match Season 3
Take a look at the new season of Warm-Up match:

- The new season 3 of the Warm-Up Match will start from 11th February 2023 and end on 25th February 2023, lasting for just under 2 weeks.
- For those unfamiliar with the functioning of the event, it’s more of a PvP based event where players fight each other in real-time. Players start matchmaking according to the tier that they have been assigned. This tier assignment is based on their past tier rankings in the previous seasons of the Warm-Up Matches.
- Consider Warm-Up matches as RTA (real-time Arena) in other turn-based games where players select their espers in a orderly basis and fight in real-time.
- There are 7 tiers in the Warm-Up Match rankings: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Legend. Matches that take place in the Platinum or above rank require the players to choose 5 different espers and players can ban 1 esper each from their enemies teams.
- The event currency for the event is called “Supply Coins”. Supply Coins can be earned by winning games in the Warm-Up match, getting a certain number of victories, as well as climbing to different tiers for the first time.
- Players can exchange their collected Supply Coins in the Exchange Shop to get Gold Records, Shimmer Record Fragments, Inferno Records, Flow Records, Wind Records, Surprise Relic Boxes, Elite Experimons, Gold, and more.
- All players who finish the event in Masters or above tier will be given an exclusive skin for Mimir called Enlightened Seeker.
Cang Ji Limited-Time Echo Event
Here are the main takeaways from the upcoming limited-time event:

- The event starts on 7th February 2023 and ends on 27th February 2023. Players can get Cang Ji from Gold Records but she will not be at a rate-up, which means the probability of getting Cang Ji will remain the same as the rest of the espers. The pity for obtaining Legendary esper remains at 100 summons while the pity for Epic espers remains at 20 summons.
- During the event, players will be able to exchange their collected Wish Stones for Cang Ji directly as part of a pity. The pity is set at 100 Wish stones.
Divine Support
Take a look at the new Divine Support event:
- The Divine Support event is returning again! During this event, players can select 1 out of the 2 espers given as an option to support. The esper with the highest votes and support will be coming to the game as the next Esper with the next update. The options for the espers are – Legendary Inferno Elemental Esper Embla and Legendary Flow Elemental Esper Ethan.
- Players can Support Sticks by spending a certain amount of Stamina every day. Support Sticks are the event currency for the event. Players can give them to their selected espers to show support and increase their likeliness of winning. The more support shown, the more rewards you will get in the progress bar located below.

That concludes everything major coming to the World of Gyrate with Dislyte’s Patch 3.1.9. To get a thorough look at what’s coming, players can feel free to check out the official patch notes. Dislyte is best enjoyed on your PC with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse.