RAID: Shadow Legends – New Awakening Mechanics, Iron Twins Fortress, and Champion Rebalancing in Patch 6.0

RAID: Shadow Legends is gearing up for its biggest update for the year 2022. Players are finally going to be getting some new and powerful changes to make their existing heroes stronger. The turn-based RPG by Plarium is consistently looking for ways to engage its community in fun-filled events and tournaments to keep players engaged and entertained. RAID: Shadow Legends is available as a free-to-play game on both Google Play Store and iOS App Store. One of the best features of the game is its mass collectability options in terms of champions. The game boasts over 350+ collectible champions with more being added every month.
The highlights of Patch 6.0 are going to be the Awakening mechanics and the Iron Twin Fortress dungeon that are scheduled to be released with the update. The Awakening is going to be one of the newest methods to upgrade your heroes by giving them new buffs called Blessings. These Blessings come in different types and can give them bonus stats + quirky abilities. All heroes can be awakened. The Iron Twin Fortress is going to be the newest dungeon coming to RAID: Shadow Legends. In this new dungeon, players will be able to farm the essential materials that are required for awakening their heroes. Hence, the new dungeon and mechanic go hand-in-hand. A small number of champion balance adjustments can also be seen with the new patch. Let’s see all the new things coming to the game with Patch 6.0.
Awakening – New Growth Mechanic
Yet another interesting mechanic to give players a chance at upgrading their heroes and providing them with powerful effects. Awakenings in RAID: Shadow Legends are going to act as additional bonus stats and abilities that have different effects on the battlefield. The Awakenings come in the form of Blessings and these Blessings come in different rarities, just like the champions in the game. Players need to collect and use the Souls of their champions in order to awaken them and open the routes for them to access the Blessings. Blessings come in 4 different factions:
- Divinity of War
- Divinity of Chaos
- Divinity of Light
- Divinity of Dark
Blessings are going to be limited to the rarity of the champions. For example, a Legendary champion will be freely able to choose between a legendary blessing or a rare blessing. However, a Rare champion can only choose among the Rare blessings. Players will be able to choose any blessing from any Divinity whenever they want. The first time they would like to change the Divinity, it will be free but the subsequent times will cost a small number of Gems as a fee.
Players will need to collect the Souls of their specific champions in order to awaken them. Players can collect either Perfect Souls or Split Souls from dismantling Soulstone or through the Soul Merchant present in Altar of Souls. The Altar of Souls will be a new permanent addition that can be accessed from the main menu of the game. Perfect Souls of the champion will directly improve the awakening level of your champion to the exact level. Split Souls will require the champion to be awakened a level below them to work. For example, if players want to use a Level 4 Split Soul on their Valkyrie, the Valkyrie will have to be awakened to Level 3 for the Split Soul to work. The champions that are eligible to be blessed need to be ascended completely.
Soulstones come in 3 different rarities – Mortal, Immortal, and Eternal. The higher the rarity, the better the quality of the Perfect Souls obtained from them. Players can also purchase these Soulstones from the Mystic Market using Soul Coins.
In this section, we will be taking a look at the different blessings available to be applied to your champions.
- Faultless Defense (Rare Blessing) – This Champion will receive less damage from each subsequent hit from multi-hit skills. The damage reduction increases with every additional hit.
- Hero’s Soul (Rare Blessing) – Increases the damage inflicted to Bosses and their minions according to the number of living enemies.
- Chainbreaker (Epic Blessing) – At the start of this Champion’s turn, has a chance of removing any Stun), Freeze], [Sleep], [Provoke), Fear), True Fear, or Petrification debuffs placed on this Champion. Only activates if this Champion is under any of these debuffs.
High Awakening Bonus: Whenever this Champion is hit by an enemy while under any of the debuffs mentioned above, has a chance of partially filling this Champion’s Turn Meter. Occurs once per hit.
- Commanding Presence (Epic Blessing) – Strengthens your team’s Aura. If multiple Champions on the same team have a commanding Presence, only one will work. If Champions on the same team have both the Intimidating Presence and Commanding Presence Blessings, only Intimidating Presence will work.
- Life Harvest (Legendary Blessing) – Destroys a portion of revived enemies’ MAX HP whenever they are revived.
Mid Awakening Bonus: Whenever enemies are revived, partially fill this Champion’s Turn Meter for each enemy revived.
- Soul Reap (Legendary Blessing) – When this Champion hits an enemy target and decreases their HP to a certain threshold, a Reaper will appear and deal extra damage equal to the target’s remaining HP.
For AoE attacks, each target that has its HP reduced to the threshold in the attack will be visited by a Reaper.
The Reaper will ignore DEF, as well as all damage reduction skills, effects, and buffs.
High Awakening Bonus: If the target survives, has a chance of placing a True Fear) debuff for 1 turn.
- Carapace (Rare Blessing) – This Champion will receive less damage when under (Stun, Freeze, [Sleep], [Fear], [True Fear], and [Petrification debuffs.
- Survival Instinct (Rare Blessing) – Partially fills this Champion’s Turn Meter whenever a debuff is placed, spread, or transferred onto them. Occurs once per enemy turn.
- Crushing Rend (Epic Blessing) – Each Round, a number of this Champion’s hits will ignore a percentage of the target’s DEF. The percentage of ignored DEF depends on the Level of the target.
High Awakening Bonus: Every hit this Champion inflicts will ignore a percentage of the target’s DEF.
- Incinerate (Epic Blessing) – Increases the damage inflicted by HP Burn debuffs placed by this Champion in the Arena.
High Awakening Bonus: Whenever an HP Burn debuff placed by this Champion inflicts damage on an enemy, their MAX HP will also be destroyed by the same amount. Only works in Arena battles.
- Brimstone (Legendary Blessing) – Whenever this Champion attacks, each hit has a chance to place a Smite debuff for 2 turns.
Champions under the Smite debuff will be hit by a meteorite when they use an Active Skill. The meteorite inflicts damage equal to 25% of the affected Champion’s MAX HP, and will also inflict damage to all other enemy Champions equal to 5% of their MAX HP.
Only one Smite debuff can be active per team at any point. It cannot be removed, blocked, resisted, or transferred.
- Polymorph (Legendary Blessing) – Has a chance of placing a Sheep debuff on enemy Champions for 2 turns whenever they place debuffs on this Champion or remove or steal buffs from them. This debuff cannot be blocked or resisted, as well as placed on a Boss.
Whenever a [Sheep debuff expires or the Sheep is defeated, the affected Champion will return to battle with 50% HP.
- Miracle Heal (Rare Blessing) – Has a chance of restoring a portion of any destroyed HP whenever this Champion heals themselves or an ally. The amount of HP restored is equal to a percentage of the heal.
- Indomitable Spirit (Rare Blessing) – Has a chance of blocking any Stum, Sleep, and Fear debuffs whenever an enemy tries to place them on this Champion.
- Heavencast (Epic Blessing) – Debuffs placed by this Champion’s default skill will ignore a percentage of the target’s RES.
- Iron Will (Epic Blessing) – Decreases the damage this Champion receives from enemy skills activated by other skills or when enemies inflict damage when it is not their turn.
- Intimidating Presence (Legendary Blessing) – Strengthens your team’s Aura and weakens the enemy team’s Aura.
If multiple Champions on the same team have an intimidating Presence, only one will work. If Champions on the same team have both the Intimidating Presence and Commanding Presence Blessings, only Intimidating Presence will work.
- Lightning Cage (Legendary Blessing) – Whenever an enemy receives a buff or has their Turn Meter filled, places one Lightning Orb stack on this Champion.
When activated, a Lightning Orb stack randomly protects one other active buff from being removed, stolen, or transferred. After activation, the Lightning Orb stack disappears. A Champion can have a maximum of 3 Lightning Orb stacks at one time.
Whenever a Champion with 3 Lightning Orb stacks hits enemy targets, inflicts Bonus Damage to them based on their MAX HP. Bonus Damage can occur on each hit of a Skill, but does not count as an extra hit. After the Bonus Damage is applied, all active, Lightning Orb stacks are removed from this Champion.
- Phantom Touch (Rare Blessing) – Has a chance of inflicting Bonus Damage to one enemy whenever this Champion hits enemy targets. When hitting multiple targets at once, only one Champion will receive Bonus Damage. 04
The Bonus Damage is proportional to this Champion’s ATK.
High Awakening Bonus: Has a chance of inflicting a second instance of Bonus Damage.
- Dark Resolve (Rare Blessing) – Has a chance of blocking any (Freeze, Provoke, and True Fear) debuffs whenever an enemy tries to place them on this Champion.
- Cruelty (Epic Blessing) – Whenever this Champion hits an enemy, decreases their DEF until the end of the Round. Occurs once per hit.
If multiple Champions have this Blessing, still cannot decrease, a single Champion’s DEF by more than 40%, or decrease a Boss’ DEF by more than 20%.
- Lethal Dose (Epic Blessing) – Increases the damage enemies receive from Poison debuffs placed by this Champion in the Arena.
High Awakening Bonus: Will ignore 35% of each target’s RES when placing Poison debuffs on enemy Champions in the Arena.
- Temporal Chains (Legendary Blessing) – Decreases each enemy’s SPD for each active buff they are under.
High Awakening Bonus: Whenever an enemy receives a third active buff, instantly decreases the Turn Meters of all enemies by a certain amount.
- Ward of the Fallen (Legendary Blessing) – Starts each Round with a number of Bone Armor stacks. Each (Bone Armor stack decreases the damage the recipient receives from a single hit, then disappears. A Champion can have a maximum of 3 Bone Armor stacks at one time.
High Awakening Bonus: Deals Bonus Damage to each enemy hit by this Champion. The number of times Bonus Damage is inflicted on each enemy target is equal to the number of dead allies. Bonus Damage is proportional to this Champion’s ATK. Adds one Bone Armor stack for each instance of Bonus Damage inflicted.
Bonus Damage will not be inflicted when damaging enemies through Masteries, Passive skills, reflected damage, Poison, or [HP Burn] debuffs.
Iron Twin Fortress – New Dungeon
The Iron Twin Fortress is the newest dungeon coming to the game. Players will be able to fight the Iron Fortress Dungeon after Patch 6.0 and collect Soul Coins and Soul Essence as rewards. It is going to play an important part in Awakening your champions.
Take a look at the skills and passive abilities of the Iron Twin Fortress as mentioned in the patch notes:
Voltaic Pendulums (1st Active Skill) – Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 30% Decrease C. RATE) debuff for 4 turns. Also places a 25% Weaken) debuff for 4 turns if the target is already under a [Decrease C. RATE) debuff. After attacking the initial target, attacks all other enemies. Places a 50% Decrease ATK debuff for 4 turns. Also places a 60% Decrease DEF debuff for 4 turns on enemies under Decrease ATK debuffs.
Fires of Insanity (2nd Active Skill) – Attacks all enemies. Places or extends [Ironbrand) debuffs on all enemies. The duration of each Ironbrand debuff given depends on each enemy’s DEF. The enemy with the highest DEF will receive 10 turns of Ironbrand). The enemy with the next highest DEF will receive 9 turns of Ironbrand, while the enemy with the next highest DEF will receive 8 turns of Ironbrand), and so on. If an enemy already has an Ironbrand debuff, the duration of their current Ironbrand debuff will be extended by this number of turns.
Fires of Insanity
Ironbrand debuffs cannot be blocked or removed.
[Growth Effect]
Every time this skill is used, the Iron Twins’ DEF will be increased by 2.5%, plus an additional 1% for every enemy whose Affinity does not match the Iron Twins’.
The Iron Twins will not use this skill when their HP is below 40%.
Ruinous Swath (3rd Active Skill) – Attacks all enemies. Places or extends Ironbrand debuffs on all enemies. The duration of each Ironbrand debuff given depends on each enemy’s ATK. The enemy with the highest ATK will receive 10 turns of Ironbrand. The enemy with the next highest ATK will receive 9 turns of Ironbrand), while the enemy with the next highest ATK will receive 8 turns of [Ironbrand), and so on. If an enemy already has an Ironbrand debuff, the duration of their current Ironbrand debuff will be extended by this number of turns. (Ironbrand) debuffs cannot be blocked or removed.
[Growth Effect]
Every time this skill is used, the Iron Twins’ ATK will be increased by 2.5%, plus an additional 1% for every enemy whose Affinity does not match the Iron Twins’.
The Iron Twins will not use this skill when their HP is below 40%.
Doomsday Machine (4th Active Skill) – Attacks all enemies 2 times. Each hit places or extends a [Ironbrand] debuff.
The first hit places an (Ironbrand] debuff whose duration depends on each enemy’s DEF. The enemy with the highest DEF will receive 5 turns of Ironbrand. The enemy with the next highest DEF will receive 4 turns of Ironbrand, while the enemy with the next highest DEF will receive 3 turns of Ironbrand, and so on. If an enemy already has an Ironbrand debuff, the duration of their current Ironbrand) debuff will be extended by this number of turns.
The second hit does the same, but the duration of the [Ironbrand, debuffs placed depends on each enemy’s ATK instead.
After the first two hits, attacks all enemies again. The damage inflicted to each enemy increases according to the number of turns remaining, on each enemy’s Ironbrand debuffs. This hit will ignore 30% of each target’s DEF.
[Growth Effect]
Every time this skill is used, the Iron Twins’ ATK and DEF will be increased by 4%, plus an additional 1% for every enemy whose Affinity does not match the Iron Twins’.
Retaliatory Launch (Passive Skill) – Whenever the Iron Twins’ HP drops below 85%, 70%, 55%, and 40%, instantly attacks all enemies, then removes all debuffs from the Iron Twins.
Fills the Iron Twins’ Turn Meter by 10% whenever an enemy receives a buff. Will not fill their Turn Meter if the Iron Twins are under Decrease SPDJ debuffs.
The Iron Twins receive 50% less damage from each subsequent hit from multi-hit skills. The damage reduction increases with every additional hit.
The Iron Twins are immune to Turn Meter reduction effects.
Champion Balance Changes
Patch 6.0 is also introducing some balance changes for some of our beloved champions in RAID: Shadow Legends. This time the roster is quite huge. Let’s see the new skills of the champions after rebalancing:
- Venom Arrow – Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 5% [Poisondebuff for 2 turns if the attack is critical. Has a 25% chance of granting an Extra Turn.
- Impressive Shot – Attacks 1 enemy. Fills the Turn Meter of all allies by 20%. Has an extra 25% chance of inflicting a critical hit
- Thorns – Attacks 4 times at random. Each hit has a 35% chance to ignore DEF.
- Aura – Increases Ally SPD in Arena battles by 20%
- Base Speed – 98
- Stalwart Guardian – Places a 50% [Ally Protection] buff and a 60% [Increase DEF] buff on the target for 2 turns. Also places a 15% Continuous Heal) buff on all allies for 2 turns.
- Base Speed – 98
- Final Blow – Attacks 1 enemy. If the target has less than 50% HP, this attack is always critical.
- Decimate (Ascended) – Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff and a 50% Decrease ACC) debuff on all enemies for 2 turns if this attack is critical.
- AURA – Increases Ally ATK in Faction Crypts by 30%
- Mark of Death (Ascended) – Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 25% [Weakendebuff on the target for 3 turns if the target has a Decrease DEF] debuff. This debuff cannot be resisted.
- Finisher – Attacks all enemies. Places a 50% Increase ATK] buff on this Champion for 2 turns before attacking. Also has a 50% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff on the target for 2 turns before attacking.
- Lvl. 2 Damage +15%
- Lvl. 3 Debuff chance +10%
- Lvl. 4 Debuff chance +15%
- Lvl. 5 Cooldown-1
- Base Speed – 98
- Bloodstained Swords (Ascended) – Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 50% chance of placing a 5% [Poison] debuff for 2 turns.
- Fit of Rage – Attacks 1 enemy. Has an extra 15% chance of inflicting a critical hit. Damage increases by 50% if this Champion has more than 50% HP.
That covers everything new coming to RAID: Shadow Legends with their latest Patch 6.0. Refer to the official patch notes to get an in-depth look at the update. We highly recommend playing RAID: Shadow Legends on PC with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse for lag-free and efficient gameplay.