Rise of Kingdoms Update 1.0.58 – Glory of Egypt

Rise of Kingdoms is the SRPG (Strategic Role-Playing Game) title by LilithGames combines aspects of traditional MMO and City-building aspects. The game is blessed with large-scale updates every month and smaller updates take place on a bi-weekly basis to stabilize the servers. Players can already pre-download the patch data to get their hands on some juicy rewards. Patch 1.0.58, titled “Glory of Egypt” is already live in-game as it was released on 13th June 2022. In the new update, players will be greeted with a totally new civilization – Egypt. A plethora of new commanders, a series of events featuring the new Egyptian civilization, and tons of gameplay optimizations can also be observed with the new update. Let’s take a brief look at all the new things coming to Rise of Kingdoms with Patch 1.0.58.
Egypt – New Civilization
A brand-new civilization of Egypt is ready to be included in Rise of Kingdoms as a playable civilization after massive community requests. Egypt civilization is live in-game as it was released with update 1.0.58 on 13th June 2022. Along with the new civilizations, 2 new commanders – Imhotep and Thutmose 3 will be available as well to lead your army to victory. After the update, players will be able to choose the Egyptian civilization at any time and experience breath-taking Egyptian-themed visuals, Egyptian units, and new features specific to the Egyptian civilization.
As per the tradition of Rise of Kingdoms, any new update is accompanied by huge events that keep the players engaged and entertained for a long time. For update 1.0.58, players are treated with more events than usual due to the release of Egyptian civilization. Here is the list of some amazing events coming with the Glory of Egypt:
1. Alliance Quiz: This is going to be a new stylized event where players will be able to team up with their friends and participate in a quiz featuring questions related to the new Egyptian civilization.
2. Sign-In Spoils: One of the best events ever in the game as players can obtain legendary commanders, architectural styles, and much more by just logging in to the game for 7 consecutive days.
3. Ark through the Ages: This is going to be an event that is not happening in-game, but rather on the community tab on Rise of Kingdom’s official forum. Players will be able to win merchandise for RoK if they are able to win.
4. Words of Eternity: A story-based battle event where players travel with Gilgamesh to explore the mysteries of olden Egypt and wonder at the marvelous scenery of the region. Players will be rewarded as well, however, the rewards are undisclosed at the moment.
5. Esmeralda’s Treasure: Participate in this event to get hands-on juicy rewards.
6. Esmeralda’s Prayer: This is a returning event that is made even better with better rewards. Players can spin the wheel to get their hands on exclusive city themes and decorations related to the Egyptian civilizations.
7. Arms Training: A bloodbath of a battle with Armsmaster Lohar to get some quality loot. The only catch is that Armsmaster Lohar gets stronger after every battle.
8. Sharp Eyes and Quick Hands: A fun-filled jigsaw stylized puzzle event where players fight against other Governors to get rewards.
Imhotep – New Egyptian Commander
Imhotep, the first commander of the newly released Egyptian civilization is an Epic rarity Commander that is classified as an Archer in-game. He is also a Garrison and Supporter type commander. Imhotep’s in-game description reads the following – “Imhotep was an adviser to Pharaoh Djoser during the Third Dynasty of Ancient Egypt and the high priest of the sun god Ra at Heliopolis. He received this status, not by birthright – he was a commoner – but for wisdom and perseverance. Thanks to them, he rose and became the right hand of the pharaoh.
Djoser appreciated the talents of Imhotep, and he responded to the pharaoh with devotion. One day Djoser had a dream about climbing a ladder to heaven. Therefore, Imhotep built a stepped pyramid so that the soul of the pharaoh after his death could ascend to the god Ra. The pyramid is considered the first building in history made entirely of stone.”
Here is the list of active and passive abilities of Imhotep:
The High Priest (Active Skill) – Inflicts a debuff in an area of effect (up to 5 targets for 3 seconds), targets take 30% more damage.
Talented Vizier (Passive Skill) – Troops led by this commander gain +15% attack and +15% defense.
God of Medicine (Passive Skill) – Increases the health of troops in a garrison by 7% while led by this commander.
Sage of Peace (Passive Skill) – When this commander’s troops are hit, there is a 10% chance to apply a debuff to the target for 3 seconds, reducing their skill damage by 15%. Skill triggers every 5 seconds.
Stairway to Heaven (Expertise Skill) – Inflicts a debuff in an area of effect (up to 5 targets for 3 seconds), targets take 30% more damage. When Imhotep is chosen as Secondary Commander, the target also gains 50 less Rage per second for 3 seconds.
Thutmose 3 – New Egyptian Commander
Thutmose, the second commander of the newly released Egyptian civilization is a Legendary rarity Commander that is classified as an Archer in-game. He is also a Versatility and Support type commander. Thutmose 3’s in-game description reads the following – “Thutmose III was a military leader and pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt. He gained fame for his success on the battlefield. Having reigned in 1458 BC. BC, he gradually expanded the boundaries of his empire to include Syria and Palestine. In 1445 BC. e. Thutmose defeated the army of the king of the state of Mitanni and subjugated the western bank of the Euphrates.
Under his leadership, Egypt became a real empire. For military merit, he is now called the “Napoleon of Ancient Egypt. In all his life, Thutmose was never defeated in battle. Of all the Egyptian dynasties, the Eighteenth ruled over the largest area, had the strongest army, and ruled the longest..”
Here is the list of active and passive abilities of Thutmose 3:
The Brave Ruler (Active Skill) – Deals direct damage to up to 3 targets in a forward-facing fan-shaped area (Damage Factor 1000). Damage dealt with each target is reduced by 15% for each additional target. The target also suffers 30% reduced healing for 5 seconds.
Empire Builder (Passive Skill) – All archer units led by this commander gain 15% increased Attack and 10% March Speed. Troops deal 15% increased damage outside of alliance territory.
Conquest of Mittani (Passive Skill) – Troops archer led by this commander increase defense by 10% on the map, each troop’s attack has a 10% chance to buff the target, increasing the target’s skill damage by 15% for 3 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 8 seconds.
Vast Territory (Passive Skill) – Troops led by this commander take 10% fewer counterattacks. When hit has a 10% chance to deal skill damage to the target (Damage Factor 700). This effect can trigger once every 8 seconds.
Might of Thebes (Expertise Skill) – When using an active skill, units deal 30% more damage than normal attacks for 3 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 8 seconds
Lost Kingdom Optimizations
Some optimizations coming for Lost Kingdom Desert Conquest:
- The map in this gameplay mode will be undergoing some changes with semi-protect camp passes being added to different locations on the map.
- Opening times of certain Passes and Holy sites have been proposed for the Lost Kingdom chronicle.
- The difficulty and rewards for some Crusader Achievements have been changed.
Some basic optimizations and adjustments for all Lost Kingdom seasons:
- The times when different difficulty levels for the Trial of Kau Kaurak event are available have been adjusted.
- Players will now receive a notification when they use Troop return scrolls during Relentless Warriors.
- The notification message when Season of Conquest ends has been improved to provide an in-depth explanation of which Lost Kingdom items are eligible to be recycled and the compensation given along with it.
Immigration Improvements
With the release of a new civilization, many players will be excited to try it out and switch between civilizations. Well, RoK developers have made things easier with the new improvements coming to the Immigration system with Patch 1.0.58. Starting from this patch, Immigration will be divided into 2 types:
- Same-Season Immigration: The earlier known concept of same-region immigration has been merged with Same-season immigration. No other particular rules have been changed and players can change kingdoms when the current kingdom and the destination kingdom are located in the same seasons.
- Cross-Season Immigration: This type of immigration allows the players to transfer to the destination kingdom when the current kingdom is on a different season and the current kingdom’s server age is older than the destination kingdom.
When performing Same-Season immigration, certain conditions will apply:
- The current kingdom cannot be 10 days or older than the destination kingdom if the destination kingdom is in a Preparation Season.
- The player’s current kingdom should be in the same region as the destination kingdom if the destination kingdom is in Lost Kingdom Season 1.
That concludes the coverage of Update 1.0.58 Glory of Egypt in Rise of Kingdoms. Players can feel free to read the official patch notes to get a better understanding of the new civilization and adjustments coming. We highly recommend playing Rise of Kingdoms on a PC with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse.